
I Scores or il»es,lJ« 6y AralamiW Irate Senrtce PrayScaHyfanlyzef te tbe Hofthvest^Statei^
i'hciiorthwcst is 'now ik'th^ g^p tfic wrst flood la it^» bistort^ ; hnndreds of lives have been lost bi drowniags and avalanche. The jrailroad aituatiotfia hi bad shape, No trains[have bfCT wnn eithci^mto or * Momfeiy if nbihing fd^er happened to the road bed. The CIcrrMstHer ditieU blockaded arid no trains have psyised over the road dnce Tuesday. The condition of the roadb^ be-.! tween Lenorc and Orofino is very bad; betf% a sttcccssipn of slides rihH Iwashonts. The line above Qrofino Is in bad shape, bht trattla .can
Canyon creek, el of the creek
arrivii)g Daily
Drop in and take a looK
The line above Qrofino Is in bad shape, bht tratria cah be run as far np the line as the bridge trassing Xawye . where two piers have been washed"out and the chai ;changed one hundred and fifty yards distant. This bridge will have to be rebuilt entirely before traflSc cart be resutned above to Stit«i;The towns in the Palouse conntry suffered se*crely. Colfax reporting a ;ft3oo,ooo loss to property. Pullman was also severely damaged (the flood. *The great bss of life occured near Wellington, on the Great Northern; two entire trains with passengers and crews were swept down One hundred and] where two entire trains with passengers andI the mountain side and lost in the canyon below. . v/uc: tiuuui«:u uuu I four dead bodies are reported to have been taken from the wreckage so far.- A tnird Great Northern train, the Oriental, wtis wr^ked 23 miles I east of Spokane and a number of liveil lost.
Ute«t Flood Newt.
this morning was to 1 would be transferred at JuHaetta ob the Palouse branch and brought to I/ewistoti 1 Saturday afternoon. U i» c;; the first train from i will arrive Sinday afternoon. U i» expected that
_____Tst train from Spokane to Lewis-I ton will arrive Sunday.
Orofino Trading Company
Ea«tabllsh»cl April 1st, 1909
Bank; of OrofinoCapital, $I«,000.00Officers^ X Directors*dOfclJS l-lUlVfBlRD, F>TMiaentJEROME J.OAV, Vies Rros. Thoo. PohiW. J. WHITE, Coshler" ’ – ~ ^rorneJ.OayTran^aots « Oeneral 3iirffclnsr BustneM* Interest Raid on Time Depoalta
to rise Otofino
received from Red’a Prairie and closely interior points state that the snow is much deeper than at this of the year at any other time in U
and that it is thoroughly aa with water and likely to begin rapidly about SmuUy. The creek is at present about Uirce feet below high water mark.
effect that a new slide came in lost night near Ircnore which will take four days of hard shovelling before the track can be cleared, olherwi.se a train would have rcacheti Orofino Sunday. It is thought now that mail and express will be trans­ferred Suudar at Lenore and that a train will be run to this point and per­haps Greer.^ The prairie country, across the ^' river reports severe loss by water. ♦ i Nez Perce had several inches of i j water in the stores in tlie main 1 [streets, while Mohler was practic- ! all}" out of business for several hours, Peck was also severely damaged the flouring mill company being the principal loosers.
CXrr store has been thoroughly remodeled, re-painted and made ready to receive our mam­moth stock of Spring Mcrch^dtse, which now occupies our shrives. Everything you want in this line. Shoes of every description. Come in and see us whedier you want to tuy or not.
Free delivery to all parts of the city. ,
a Remember we arc Selling CHEAP for Cash
Orofino Mercantile Co. Ltd
:V:x,,o. -a- '.s.f-
night, prohibi date, March lorable
Paul Clagstone will ad-
citizeus of Orofino Sunday Odd Fellows’ Hall, on the
lo l wj Only say God of this universe issues of each nation to the wellfare and • sanation of the worldi Every honestipcight American citizen should declare war against the accursed liquor traffic, which has destroyed more victims than famine or pestilence combined. Harriet Beeclier StoweIsJ asked whv she did not write a book I against the liquor traffic, her reply wms, “that ^^'ould l>c too horrible, too- shpek* j ing, I cannot”. Who can picture that ‘ horrible business of our cxjuntiy sending
country and South. ‘ We aomes are rising in the ? coming.
Thomas Lawsox Pastor »I. B. Church.The DeCourcey SpecUi:. The first train out of Lewiston on the Clehrwatcr Short Line since the wash- oulsof Tuesday, left the metropolis of the Clearwattt- promptly at 12:30 Thurs* day in charge of Judge DeCourcey, of Orofino, wIjosc nint years experience in railroading entitled him to take charge of the traiu. Tlie train was a special bound for Orofino and the crew consist­ed of Harry Walrath and W. C. Fores- man. Nothing of an unu.sual nature happened until tha. big. slide’ was en­countered five miles above I^enore,' when in negotiating the swift current breaking from the mountain side, nead Breakemon Wulrath, suddenly • conceiv­ed tlie idea of taking a bath and before his companions could prevent him, had dived head foremost into the foamy waters and'only was persuatled to come out after he liad tied a knot around his neck with a pine tree, which was play- fully frolicking in the silvery waters. . Meanu^bile Conductor DeCourcey, not to be outdone by his companion, and to itempt for mountain tor- middle of the feet, succeeded speeder bfit in loose boulders % were skipping lightly down the mountain side. After some persuasion by Rear Brakemau Foresman, both Walrath and DeCourcey >^-cre induced to Quit tbetr playfullness and come out of the waters dragging the locomotiTC with them. From this point to Ahsah- ka it. was as the Spokkne preacher said aboul life just one damn thing after an­other. When Peck was reached cilof war was held that iu the al
wo in the and bracing his f y in holding the ig several tons of
rents sat stream not onlri^n«.cver,,
its 100,000 eVery-ycar to a drunkard’s grave besides Uie untold misery^ anddes Uie untold misery 1 poverty following its proceedings.. Chief Justice Noah Davis said in the ! Hamletie Review: ’‘Eighty per ceol of all crimes is due to intoxicants.”; The principle of the business is wrong. Its
i selves and be willing to se^ the way this j foe is slaughtering our fellow citizens • and young men; Remember some of the little baby boys sleeping as sweet in the I cities and silting at the Ublca m onr own homes will take the p poor staggering, drunkards.
ping as sweet in It the tablca m the place of now The Mil- tcMed) WBVUC.ee wuwu jccepcx vahvjcco, vv mm. ujand enticed the little boys into hie. w* loon and when remocstrated fpr it,^ said ”0h it is ' beezness beeznesa-the old drinkers will soou die and where will ^r toilless be if I don’t get the hoyfl” Young men of this community abstain from the first glass Gentlemen the sa
Peck was reached a coun- beldand it was derided in the absence of railroad right*of r way it trould be better to leave the “speeder” and prepare for mountain climbing then looming in the distance. Judge DeCourcey and his partner Wab rath were perfectly at home on tnis trip and pulled off several big real estate deals, while the hillsides resounded with the crashing of rocks and the roar­ing of itie. moontain torrents. Mr. Walrath sto^M the entire party on one occa.sion while the entire hillside was slowly cozing forward to show the beauties of a mountain of water that was tearing the hillside and which he de­clared he would. kodak if he had bis machine along. Conductor DeCourcey was equally enthusiastic about tlie picture and the moving hillside which he ?aia ^ould niakc an excellent picture for a realestc.te pamphlet, showing how rapidly land moved in the Clearwater' country. Meanwhile Foresman had be­come. sJigbtly nervous owin# to the dropping of aeveml five ton boulders in the vicinity of the partf and urged that ft mov^^head to a point where the fall- ere not so* large and less oken on the heads of the realeatote agenta. After some persuasion, the party again advanced and by alternately wading and swim­ming reached Ahsahka seven hours be­hind its schedule. Here the party care­fully reconoitered the North Fork bridge and the ice cakes rearing up to a point as high as the floor of the bridge and falling back with a sounding crash into the black and muddy 'waterrs. Tbia inspiring prompted headbrakeman ■ ■ * ' th in song and Con-
saloons areVom Washingthn show that'^ldiere"!^ 12.000 fewer saloons hi the United SUtes than there were twelve months ago. Thi* meant the age pf 1000 saloons day. This violation breeder of lust and murder, is largely chased away from the south. AllhaxVto the south. But the lovers, of God and
twelve montns the closing Of an aver-
iTalrath to break forth in song « doctor DcConrcey to
stop and suggest that there poght to bs soais way stop the ice and store it for the summer’s Ws.stopped these, to ua, paiu-harvest.D^Cou*?«y 'with the center of the fooUng of the south bridge to the solid h bank of the North Fork, where after a tame but painful jourkey of three miles the party arrived safe but weary just eight hours bebtud
^ 7?

>1^1^ !j i
OROFINO%MS»AV, Edi w iitd Fublithtr. Official PAtKn PgR^g CotfNTVPaWfahSK^rridigr. ^ ;SUBSCRIPTION:
What the attitude of the leaders Of the republican and deraocratic
it impossible for the candiktes for •state offices to enter tb<' campaign with either Mrt]^ pride or any as- Smi5ihcfc“ofvlO|6!hr. these candi­dates can no lonl^ go before the people of otir sol^ and ^int to the} achievements of their party, bnt they ore forced to tttlwnn independ­ent position and make the race up-, i their own individual ^mehrit.' it indeed to be hoped that platform rcpudiatioa will soon cease to be the■: j>/:j-Before'.another issue of The Tribune ^ez Perce coun
parties in^the comigg^iDf^ will iie«ise;o^i|o’}itert:» by be on naiioual isshes is to the
irce county sbaU qde^foh Of
man indeed problematical last five years has been oj>e' of
hare decided the.iie«ise:oiriI(y|Ja*se by the work- lay- ings of the Local Option law. The ^he selHng hdff fcspensing of iotoxicat- the: ing liquor and ita reflation %last nve years Has Deen one' or me: ,ngmost disgraceful.epochs the po-1 law always been a question 6i Utical history of the Unit^i States,.’ gret'great moment to the American na-and,the party leaders Save: cau^jtion as it hashcen to; ail civilized to be ^nned at the outspoken ,de-: ! governments |^st aftd'-.^ nnneiatipn of them by the Y^ers, The ejftremists^preSenWf^ ______________ in * the ; United
of this country. Since the days of, States^avor prohihitiod/^nr a total CalhOhp, Jeflferson,. H^ry and < exclusion of liquor in any form front 1 Adams, mid the vouthfn) days of a given territory, nnd ere active>id j Washington, this has been a nation! the hxral option movement. These
in which the will of the people, by ; men and women are no doubt hon- every fundamental law of the land, j est in their convictions, but so far was paramount to the selfish inter- ^ have been unable-to foist the doc- ests of any class or faction; but by ; trines of prohibition onto any polit-1 intrigue, deception. and shrewd; icaj-party of any consequence, and wanipulation on the part of the i perhaps never will. The next step party leaders and financiers, TrO'] to prohibition is local option or pro-1 tected and encouraged b,' court I bibitioa on a small scale, within a judges of their own choice,, the i prescribed territory, whose units people have? beconie a secondary-^re so small as to admit of the in- consideration and the constitution i troduction of Irquor at almost any a farce. S091C of the leaders have point, witliout the knowledge of recently so far forgotten themselvesas to openly charge Ihe voter^ with
being ignorant and incapable of 1 made dry, as Jong. as the human casting his ballot intelligently, family craves drinks and the wily Such is not the case, The average bootlegger is always ready to take voter is not ignorant, but is gener- .chances. A system is soon bred ally so . deeply engrossed in his of defiance of law and authority private business and home.life; so Those opposing prohibition hold- interested in the building np and that prohibition is an infringement development of the section of on personal liberty and is contra country wherein h(?^ lives, so im biied
point, without the knowledge the authorities. No given territory of small extent can possibly be the hui
try vwith the spirit of progress and acheivement, that he is willing to
on personal liberty and is contrary to the spirit of the constitution of the United States, which practically vouchsafes every citizen the right:veryintrust the politicians and party | to eat and drink whatever, when leaders with, the affairs *of . state, j ever and wherever he pleases. Lo- But for years the voter has been cal Option has been adopted by repeatedly deceived by these men (many states as a panacea for this in whom he has placed hi.s confi-(sickness to the body politic. Local deuce. At the beginning of the | opUen is but a form of prohibition, campaign in 1908 it looked very (the units being county and precinct ch like a change in the political j instead of state. . la our humble aplexion of the natiou was im-1 opinion the smaller the unit, the minent. The party leaders saw, more absurd the workings of the' ■ sale: t«b, r^clMs. W this and .realized that .something I Jaw, aud the less likely to gain the | V'"'“had to be done to again re.storej resulu aimed at. AVe are not a be-1 *,,i; (vith b^rulg ^or° Wl/ai;i g™l nfidence. Consequently a nation-.Ueyer,in the beauties of Local op- airings on both. For Information id-
very ;i change in the political | complexion of the natiou was im-
■■Hill a
-%l JM^CpflElN And fiXAM. ' INE THECOLUMglA
Patent Deyice for Toasting and Brtyltng,
l^ge detachable res­
;jL^g«oveh, .
t '^ AB parts we t^Tii^- el plated.
warming closet
and a very durable and
attractive looking
Wellman-McRoberts Co.
Sec DeCOurccy ifyoa triuil a? cA on improveti forms; ' ^ ^ – • -Mrs. M. J. Mcl.<»n. of Russel, has a carpet wt^aying I901U and is j>rcparcd to serve the people along -this-lm«. If weaving te-be done, ^ndyou have a your orderReal E.tale For Sale.
con'ai platform suitable to a majority of the peoble was adopted and pub­lished in almost every paper in thetion or prohibition, as long as the |MT
central government of both .state! A ! and nation allow the manufacture,. I i
Union;, the best. orators in tfiejin unlimited quantities' of. .i^riu' country were seat to every stale, upus liquors'. The Nez Perce res-.. with all tlw eloqueuce at their ervation has prohibition aud thoi^..ands of dollars arc spent every jebar
by the government in attempting to enforce the law. We believe the g:overnment is honest in its , efforts to suppress the traffic, but the traf­fic goe.s-st^diJy 00 and the boot- vvaiLc.kx oci uit Mwii- legger tUriveslisofj'ore.- -Whetherestfulfillmeiitof the promises made. | rirailar conditions will prevail in Bnt the pledges have not been car- the ^^wet'» portion of the county ried out and oir recent sessions of should it be voted "dry,” remains Congress have resulted only in dis-; to be seen, but it is not at all likely quieting the people and disgracing j that the state jitithorities will be ^-The tiation.—iPlic average–^*trter– Mattynmore-suGci^nUiii the suppres- loyal to hi> party and it is with xe– Uion of this traffic than the national gret that'be gives it up. He also Uoveriiment. We have no desire wants to abide by the laws of his | to interfere with any man’s beliefs country and ^ them ‘enforced.! along the lines of temperance Aud No where on earth can be found a ■ sobriety and think all should vote better cHssof citizens. uor.a fhore I according to the dictates of their fairminded, considerate, generous j^oascienee; we do not think ^otes and unsuspicious people, 'than in,should be cast with malice alone as the United States, but so long as, the foundation for the resut of the
our fepresentativea in Congress; ballot." Let every ,vot^r approach ntinue to violate party pledges,the polls and cast bis-oplier ballot and so long as the United States after a careful consideration of the , Supretne^ Court is' permitted td 1 question that moraHsis and think- thwart the will of the;;pebpldaiiajefsb^^^^^make ||i« constitution simply an*knowledgcd to posses two, sideai excuse r»r exercising-an arbirtary|„„d ^lioose the lesser evil. – power iii the interests of capital anfl .; . —■ -to the injury; of ^ t^^^
people^ both singly and coUccti 1 the
l>oiFt forgot to gCt'^rlncfH.'^ Klt^ir Coupons Wlio evjery 8!ick of Princ-
' When yon visit tewfston bier sure nnd : the-BOLLINGER
Notice of Radempklon of County . Wormnu.Notice is hereby given that I will re- devni the Mlovviiig . Warrants of Nez Peice Cduiuy, if prc«u*nted at niy ofticc /or ^ytncnl w^tiiin siijty days^rom, Warrants numbered 1635S to 16399 iij- clu^v^e drawtt otf Shoshone Redi:iiJptioa Fund.
Lewiston. Idaho.. FeLER, Ofofino. Ida
W. M. Chandler
llE^L ESTATE Loans and AbstractsmsunjfJvcE J^OTARY PUBLIC
people irown hnd hold oiiP
e in K boijust so dong will upon bur legislatures ^ jud^s. Jn* ^^ntempty ar^only, mmii and as a rule no brighter.. _ ……. _ ..than other men, but the law as i' Sherm Mix wrs .a^.Lewistc^^^^<»nMrned^git^ them an ;oppprtuh- i^S^^?yv " .r ’v..n; - / ' -> i. . •ity >b as^traeianydrrog^u | t Ask your groo^^ for PrincessPlourand.exercise an uuthit,. nnjusi J' 'A’'
mis’ governinent,:;.BeCovnio/.
this a'onditioh «?»’•
How About That New Suit
0! ffWe are agents fOr one of the' best Taifori cerns in the country and every st
are agents fOr one of the' best l*aifonng Coh: cerns in the country and every stitch of their work is ^erowp ^
White Pine Trading Co.,Orofino, jldaho G|npemen: – .. rFoHqwi9g;qpr usuafccast ^ .Wc beg to advi'^e both our old and uew*^■^rOie
WiAi-ri5.sm -UJO ^tiansabat if apj-o£,thejet)at'£rooa.^0.1
Edt Yrt Raj??!®!
X'i/3 A3HO ^niibS yiL sw isdrmfm?’
Nellie Hat { Hi Ison D ; i Tbos M Ti I Kdsou D U f C T Stram
J^ S Tylei
The WTO^P^r^eTMaingCo.
; J V Will
. Chas Fr
He Calvin i
G W Me John P John T S
Everybody's Store

tio. ^
Commisilon«n' Proceedings.,JAN. TERM 1910.
,, Comraiflsloner SeconJ strict; J. C. Bullock, Commffi- “ 1 District, and W. L.
THIRD DAY JANUARY 12. j AudM. ; thence cast on half section line to the center of section 30. township 34 N.,[ ro«d fund R- * R- B- M-* licence south 2 miles to
ms conira«,^^^j^^ south onthe Boise Meridian to intersection with Lawyers canyon; thence west along the meander line of the said Lawyers canyon to the center of section 15 township 2^N. , R. I W. B. M.; thence west on half sccUou line to the center of sectio
At this time the .
H. Dew as part payment on the I. S. Splawn et a1Following reports of roi arc examined and approved:L. J. Lockridge, overseer district
RC Wilkerson…………Geo W McKern…………District Road No. 3.62 SO^vised in the premises, find the follow 1 35 mg. _ _ DecernI duly an
road overseers
Mur Pete . lowedJ^K^nen daim ‘^6 00* ‘al­ly and regnlarly the County Auditor of the County of Nez Perce, Idaho, a petit' he B< north on 1r.f». I) V Garner, overseer district No. 22.Frank Reed, overecer district No. 25.H. I. Lvnn, overseer district No. 38. eputy. . i C. H. Pippinger, overseer district No.Now at this time there is prauld claim f4 5®allowed …………………………….Ferd Sherfiicr………………………A Herman Blum claim $3 50allowed…………………………….Dill Bros………………………………Lewiston Electric Supply Co □n Co……….
c Reed claim $^2 50 al-
120 00 ; Frank Harrison claim 5100 5042 75 I allowed……………………………..185 70 'James Mock…………………………FOURTH DAY JANUARY 14 . The resignation of J. W. Blue as rnJ 7K. o^ *'oad district No. 7 is exan
___^pp roved:overseer district No. 2I P L Lauby, overseer district No. 54 B. 1-4, and E 1-2 j Peter J Konen, c .township 36 N., R. r c Wilkerson, that part of road 1 19.59 lying and being Following claim:GeireVal Road FiC L O’Kelley……..O A Morumore Matt Schmiddle John H Mustocannexed to road district No. 4, lo-wit;' Herman L Smit
W. 1-2 N. E. 1-4 section 6 township 37 j b Cassell….N..R. 2W. B. M.. and the E. 1-2 of r Kennedy…4500 section 31 and th^W.^L2 of section 32 : S S Lin
deUched therefrom Carlisle-Schcnck Hdw. Claim68 50
: P. M., . .Board, fixed as the time1 writing of P.
mine The Underwood Typev
6 50
N.. R. 2 W. B. M.. and all j b
road district No. 9 lying and p 098 00 * being 12 651 set out is here and declared to I
Mbckle? M^l^er & Moiler
R J Hoskins………………………
Erb Bros……………………………Erb Bros……………………………Zeimann Bros & Hochn… North Fork Trading Co.. -of the petition of C. W. ‘ Peter H Peters………………..create a new roail district Orofino Trading Co. out of apart of road districts Nos. 43 and 53, after due consideration, ia not^n^the matter of the petition of F. W.I Hfgh el al., reuionslrntiug against di- >,'o! ' vhiing road district No. 43 examined
per a^re-. gate vote cast in said county for ! tary of SUte at the last preceeding gen- Icral election, was duly and regularly e 11 with the said petition in the office^ ^ * of the said Auditor. That said affidavit^ is sufficient in form and contente.the said petition is signed by f the qualified electors of the4»’s;- s.
" "(OT ^reta’ry'orStete at ding general election: the
6 00 3 30
Byram el al.. J Murphy et alpiiomteil overseer of road ^ .oad district No. 23 is; Contract wiih Booth S: Sheehy is exe-1 '^"'hypetition of S. W, Marshall et
A S Winters, overseer district No. 5.J. W. Blue, ouerseer district No. 7.W. H. Gage, overseer district No. 8.J S Tavlor. overseer district No S W Marshall, overseer district N
L W Robinson, overseer district
( Midland
Idaho Fuel Co……….J U C Thiessen … Thatcher & Kling.
Fu •
*3 25 ;
H P Hanson, ov.J W Weller, ove T B Hendcr.son,J M Sanders. ovcrs« C E Long, oversee M V Snyder,
rtz, overseer districtoverseer district No overseer district No. verseer district No. erseer district
John Daw. ov Herman Wilken overse Following claims are allowed:40 35 Current Fxpen
district No. listrict
and granted.No. I !• olio wing official bonds arc[ and approvctl:: James Mock, overseer districri, ! Robert Heutiger, overseer
Ninncman Hdv Current Expciu Scott Wilkinson.AJ Walker……..A E Forward…. David M Wilson. Jesse Tallant.F E Rislcy &• Clearwater F Clyde E Clo
in forty per wit 496 Ff' «>“ o' gatevoU cast In said County of Nex Ferce for Secretary of State at the last u 00 preceeding general elecUon: the number 64 W Pf said sign^s said to be 364s: «»d the 2 90 number of such votes so cast for Score-7 6o'j‘“Z°'TlMSorari«centof said 5 001 petitioners each of said signers has 45 70 I signed hU own name, or made his mark!«!S.Tt‘T2fc=''?2.S.Sa.SS4 50 : of each of said signers is sUted in the 2 00 : petition, following his name, according^ said petition and Ihc affidavit9 25 filed therewith arc sufficient and in ac- 14 75 I corciance with the law.5 25 I Now therefore, by virtue of the fore- d the authoritysaid Board1 going findings vested in them by law, theimissionera of U , State of Idaho, '
Sawyer, overseer district No.trict oad < Rislc Fuel Co.. :iovis Fcrd Shrcfflcr.W A Stevens.. 15 75 i of County Con.tSi;;:*.:-''”"-I 5o!thlc^*y'ofl 40 00 Jon Wednesday, . ^*6 5O 191O, al the usual places for holding elections in said Cou special election be held in X 5O ! the County of Nez Perce, State of Idaho, 40 00 i on Wednesday, the 9th day of March; LewistLewiston Furniture Co..........SECOND DAY JAN. 11 Following bid# &rc opened completion of certain excavation work j District Road No. i,under the southwest corner of the court ■ C F Brown..................called for in advertisement, to General Road Fund t? Fund.C J Johnsonciaim ^13 75 allowed 5 man Weinma F R Sch Booth ' id for in i this dateultz........................... 5 99XSheehy.................. 988:& Collins.................... 115000: lowed.The bid of Boalh & Sheehy being the | W. H. Ga^ lowest and best bid offered, the contract , J S Taylor, is hereby awarded to the said Booth 8: Antone ScSheehy for the sum of $^.00 Following claims are allowed:Current Expense Fund.O P Branson........................I^ewiston Fuel & Trans C t Ziemann Bros& Hocho..* iVa-.'.v...;.;;;:;;::::t DeWinter & Goudzard.,.N C Donaldson..................Orofino Trading Co..........J Alexander Co..................AJ Erickson......................F L Brown........................... V. V. Crabtree, c; 34.j Following claim alloweii:G. W. St'hctzle...; Geo W McKern . . i V V Crabtree : R neral Road FundW N Rogers........................U G Holmes........................T M Davis............................ Teller C 10 00' the last preceeding general election; and 4 90 i the polls shall be open at eight o'clock xo 00 j in the forenoon and remain open until I seven o’clock in the afternoon of the hich election, the follow- shall be voted■ii' district W L Schwartz, claim ^29 00 alL W Robimsou, claim 597 50 dlow V Si Corporation....................Burroughs Ad , held, and
i>ank J Tuckey,*^Albert J Schultz, overseer diatrict
,nd ihi 00 granted, and it QO road district !OQ boundaries as follows, to- QQ ! meucing at a point on Snak<00 j the same is intersected by - QQ ! boundary line of section 12 in township | _i w 35 north, range 6 wbstof Boise Meridian. ! E J Ro 5 ij»,aa the southern Kmiu of H H PHi H I Ly authorized to beEIGHTH DAY JANUARY i8th. northeast come nship 35 north ^ Meridian; themFMtawing Claim, arc examined Sc%^SarMon«"accUo7‘ti Pimd westerly boundary of Nez Pc i i Xr-Jt”itant' 4z"said line lo the northeast comer of sec- j A north, range 5, thence south to Com-"r/7ort^h I^T B HendersonRowe, oversee;KmiU of; 'Vm H Young, overseer lisuict ;erseer districttrict No. 52proved., Following public and suiUhic 5. The said elccUon shall b given notice of and held in allsaid elecUon shall be called, respects he Stateclaim U examined «d | «>« DAY JANUARY ,9th.pZei^M Taylor, claim #.,8.40 allowed j
te^ned to dShie the tale of m- D«vid Heckman, oversecr district No.
General Road Fund Albert J Sc Current-
Perce Indian; 47g. I CeasE Long, overseer district No he I Amos J Snyder.
►verseer district ►verseer dintrict No.
iting liquors in Nez Perce . On morion of Coi? .Si.TtS'P'.'ir'iS'y: glion petitioners heretofore filed with the ^4;
Chas Freestone……………….George Holliday…………….
Mrs ^rge Holliday………Pearl Holliday………………..Calvin Elevens……………….GWMcDongal…………..John P Linciby……….JohnTSannes………………..A L Harper…………………….C P Coburn…………………….
M B Erb………………………….K B Bartlett…………………..
A FHirbke..David E Frink…………………Jos F Edwards………………The report of A. J. Sch of road district No. 9 is approved.
__ _ eof section 20, in township 35
45 001 Snake river; thence northe:00 meanders of said 1
ilsia15 25 within the boundaries as abo
reby detached :d to be road di further ordered that D, H. Sipes be he is hereby appointed overseer ofhe is hereby appointed overseer road district No. 60.' The petition of J. Kline et al.
1 petitioners heretofore niea wun iqe my auditor of Nez Perce county, and____eked file No. 21647 ia granted, andj the following resolution adopted unanl-^d^ci7,c?‘li;fSi:“iawre„cc Wil^n. ovetaccr diatrict (-“'r.
r ,o'the‘p”a«‘of‘that_ port of road Hawkins, overseer district^%hn Dsu, overseer district No. 3S.WUliam Plank, overseer disLict No.36^
i set out herefrom and de- be road district No. 6o. It is L Sipes be an«1
‘‘a°new^oa^'msi,7feff«tinK Th fc’o°^d1!Si^Nl:
60 it is hereby ordered that road district Orofino precinct.61 be created with boundaries as Following claims wit: Beginning at the center i allowed.
Whereas, the Board of County Com­missioners of the County of Nez Perce, State of Idaho, met in regular session on the loth day of January, loio; and WTiereas, there presented to the said Board at that time a ^tion pray­ing the Board of County Commisaioners of said ofcnty for the privUege of de­termining bv ballot whether the sale or
Ivin Smathers.district No.
the Board instructs the st the rcsignatioo of J. M. justice of the Peace forNO. follows, to-v of section 29 to, R. I W. B. 1 General Road Fund.
r said County of Nez
f said Board for actingWhereas, this is the time heretofore fixed by order of i on said petition; .Now, at this time, the said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Nez Perce. SUte of Idaho, being fully
The bond of Calvin Smathers, over­seer of district No. 24 is examined and*^pSl^ing order is pUced with Beall &Co.. of Portland Ore.;48 pieces of 12 inch iron culvert pipe. 22 pieces of 18 inch iron culvert pipe. X2 pieces of 8 inch culvert pipe.1 Austin Grader.10 Twentieth Century graders.11 No. 5 Railroad plows.jack..Collector, erroneqsAssessor and TaxUxes on the 19O9 Assessment. rolls are ordered cancelled in the sum of $2813.50 Following claims are examined and allowed.
General Road Fund.L J Rowe…………………………………$ 100 oOOscar Bennett cUim $84.50 al- .lowed…………………………………. 8150David Heckman……………………… 17 5o(Continued on next page)

in which.to complete his contract on the section i8 same townshi]Geo. V. McKern road. i range; thence i 1-2 miles
Ragan, 'R. H. ,Thomp.so‘n et al.,. for the . creation of a new road district, affcctine ’ that
by ordered tl^t VixiiT district No'.' 62 i trict No. 63. be create*! with bound.orics as follows: ' John Dresher be and 1 Beginning at the intersection of Big : poi"Canvon creek with the center line of20, Tp. 35 N., R. 1 E. B. M.rlCaft
Lum iber _ hcBaron…Arnold Stewart Lumber Co.Forest Lumber Co………….1,has A Graham……___.j M R Rnwson Lumber Co——
Potlatch Lumber Co. Potlatch Lumber Co,Fox
A BaChas A Or ders.
follows: the norUi-centeriF ip and!Cge; thence i 1-2 miles east to 17 same township and rth I 1-2 miles; tliencc east} A H Ics. to southwest corner of sec- Potlatch Lu; same township and range; thence Potlatch Lum osownty line; thence west on the Fox Bros boundary line of Ne/. Perce county ! A Bak„ . _________________, ___ , to place of* beginning, and all [ Chacreation of a new road district, affecting' part of roari districts Nos. 8 and 34 i R Jroad districts Nos. I7 and 18 is dulv •‘.vmg and being within the boundaries Ramev Lumber Co…………………. !considered and die prayer of the peti- al>ovc set out i.s hereby dciached Dre.sscr Bros…………………………….tioners i.s grantetl in part, and it is J ‘^^.-clarcd to be road dis-; Dietrich Riggers…………….. A Wright
miles; thence west to intersection with 1 Wilbert Waiie…………………………. 21 00 : et
Iringand being in the territon- above IT B Ree.1 & Co…………………..l 25set out is hereby ' an order pc
. i:I the poll lists of the sever-
s of Ne/. Perce countv. hlaho, 1 to the Clerk of thi.s Board, a hundre.l and fifty names of■ neces.saries
'. Hill,
r detadted
overseer of road district granted.Follownng reporU of justices peace are examined and appro ed ' lei .Dunibauld/justice Lelam
et al for Davns as 7 is notR. W. Hill, granted $8.00 per month for the qpartcr by an order for iicces-
tices of the Iarie.q.Mrs.■ month 1J. Rour.cn, granted $15.0^Onef ,Dumbau.d. iusd«-Wand pre-X/"/r"*“w.' w. Wright, jusiicc Gifford pro-po?V.fonfh anct. ' for ncn Charles Hoffstettcr *
C S Brocke Peter Fox J W BovflGec»rge F Rineh.irdt John Mockler Frank Johnson I.eland Precin Ho wart! Tapper Ross HoffinauJ H Sc
Carl Har
c!"'II Co«fk
I-: J WesemanRussell Preci William Hammonddeorge < C By John Piers.James Jack A P Holliu J C I.arkee Beilrock !Tc( J P MeFa.l.len II .M Weriuore Harve Woodruff R Ferris John H HolmesWeippe Prcc Frank HarrisonFredrick WckhainPierce., Preci Joseph McGee Robert Willoughby Greer PreciJohn W Pi R B Neff Wm Mustoe C W Richardsou Frank ReedFraser Precinct II E Eller Clinton E PerkinsGiffonl Precinct I N r^ugh Gep W McKern Frank Maynard Sr Ed Merki Peck Precinct F W Wooding B»iii Triitton William Hines A J Dryden (Binding Co; Esther EdmEdmonsoiy,., W. Hobson.........vH. Bethel............>■.C. A. Parrott….:…'!.F. M. Remington..,…C. A. Parrott………Bridge Fund:-Wm. Wicks………Chas. M. Bart!ett. .T. ..General Ro«d Fund.W. E. Terry………………….. 6.yj1 FOURTEENTH DAY, JANUARY j5u,
! operate ferry across Snake river, known ' as the jVsolin Ferry, j In the matter of the ] i Scully ct al tor an api improvement of theMissi* in Road District No, 21 is not granteil : On recommendation of Jas. S. Jack-;*
J petition of John iropriation for the fission Creek road.
collector, t2o,26 on the i9oSdeli ered cancelled.A this
e ordered cancelled, to-wii;
onleredficate No. 68.; for 1907; certificate 19 for 190S; ccrtifiaitc No. 692 for certificate No 537 1-2 for 1908; iCcnle No 2I6 for 1qo6; certificate
68.;90S; cert
43S for 1906; certificate No. , ;aud certificate No. 699 1 lies e1906; and certificate No. 699 for 1^7,On ijclitioii of John Sales et al for the laying out of a new road in road v ordered that the Clerk of d advertise for bids iaf the
o’clock M.. at which time the
idge b
L- Supply Co
^2 '4iS32 70
Bridge Fund.Hd Wegner…………..r.enentl Road Fun
MarTMemil" .'T'!';;;
Freil Freundt…………n M Collins……….
Ifwin-IIo*isou Co R C Beach Cfi Lewiston Elec W E Larsen…Hugh Barkley……………………Frank Heden…………..
S H Chase…………………..\* ], FIFTEENTH DAY JANF ARY 26th ’ “ r of the viewers’ reportonal roa Jacob SbarraU Robert G Bailey . Robert Ingliram, Wm Strong
A Laiigdon Chas A Parker FRSeider . David Royalty
j thirteenth day, J.ANU.ARY 24th. |‘ At SsTimTfh'e^rSid overseer of «^d In the matter of the petition of D. C. Na 48 is instructed to make‘[ McKay et al for the creation of a new ^ the N. H. Carter et al} school district oilt of a part of school i ^^strict No. 48.• districts No. 48, 68, and 89 isnotgrauttd ' matter of tt1 Thc.petition of J. W. Bramlctt cl al ’ ^^^d Tax Levy fer the year i9io,: for the creation of a new school district re.solved, by the Board of County I out of a part of school districts No’s. 14 ^issioners of Nez Perce county Idaho [aud 27 IS not granted.. that under and in accordance with ai.! On petition of.Harry Woods and oth- of the Legislature entitled'-‘An Act ^ lers for the creation of a new school dis-. P*'0''»ding for a special property road – ^
I The bond of J. W. Akers as over^er! tax of five milU on the dolli^ off – ^ ,district No. 2O ; IS . examined and taxi^le property in thecountv>ii3 is' : ■;>-approved. ‘ shown by .the .assessment books "of Ner' – –
I ceived up to March l5tb, l9i0, at two j^^P®y<^We cither in money or work and ^ o’clock, p.m. at which rime sa^^I will be opened and vontract awarded to ? Be iUfurther Resolved, that the < tlie lowest.rcsponsiblc bidder. 1 pensalionf or labor and the use of tFollowing claims are examined and i ior^ach day of eight hours be andm .Current Expense Fund* Lewiston Printing ficsame is hereby fixed as follows; One man. *s.,s; one. team, $1.75. (Continued on next page) See Wellman-McRobcrU Co. for prun­ing Bbears.Frnnk Zelcnka has moved in from his sawmill and will occupy the Tom Sy- . . . •- ‘-M-:i.'a - •' ;.:■ ^ _.i'’. -^' ;>
9 m

■ Probate rouri o{ >ci: ^Perc« i^terof U»e entate of UoVatfo h. Cmy,!t hereby civen by the underalgned •otthe^i^iH au# c»Ulc of HoratioL. aacd, to the credltoni of, and all p«r> tring claimaagainat the aaid deceased, tae,ioYhc said Kfrs. Louisa Gray, nt Oroflnor'?feSSS*s«“J aocrdateji at Icjaho.? thim
ytmagfjyAppfia^,.S&«rsafsKt,;s[™of County CoinmlaeionerH ^f?.Perce county, Idah(i;.atthe. re^:ular April term, for a license -’operate , ' ^a ferry across the North Pork of the!
he * nKPARf MKHT OF THH iTJXKRIOR 1 UniteJ States t M»id .Office,;-JC,awIst< SKNA KlXTItl^’o^;, i ' i’,t fprjt^i to;^ptjPrlHcp»> Blour ►nrtvltfi -P^very sack
wowr rivor, and the . West landing^ nt said retry w4U, In-on LotiU. Wee-; tlonSt, Tovnshli>^t^^ ■ A‘'2^nthe Probate- Court of' ^Vz I^cfclL^County^.the estate.of. CUrchcc «.• j;
CS:S:?;‘of^fn6-1:o;^i^'r i::^ to tlIDAHO;;
*», <»■U.C I8UI - WhpPI’;^*' a rSool -1 ivyHEEilcck a 0pPLiG^,;PRopmrron^,4L;^ >'
FurntJ[hed,dn Short Ifotice.OROFINOrit>A0is.
itkcfi'^hcTcby' given by Ih'i i^uideraigric^ stralor <>f the estate of Clarence H- Bloc
imw,fI blbii them with theun»l the aa
ZalralW «tiwa. fr^lirl^loitii :'Sawewio'ra , -.
y.EARS‘ GUARANTHe:’» ’ Do ttiu • realfre tvamK^to ofirt NAME AND; A- TE*N tvhat this ■ means? It" ^ ?imon PlaYidi- Sour Toe$25p.oa to |35o.ix>. > Absolutely tile greatest values ever offered to the Pu^iC at Factor3'prices. , ^ ' ' • ‘We are the Who)i^ Distril^ ^ "., .;. titorii ,;f9r the Inland Empire of the
Mason iSk hamlin; melville clark, vose& SONSrJ:& C. FISCHER, SCHILLER, CROWN,cAble-ni ^Ls5n, knight-brinkerhoff;, CONCORD, and other pianos.Melville Clarir Solo Appollo, Combinola, Fischer- ola, and other Player Pianos, MASON & HAM-* LIN and other organs.. Write for Catalogues, or call nt the warcrooms of ,,
The Simon Piano , Go.MOST RKUI/VBUE6LS LEWiSTON,* IDAHO. Corner of First ami Post, SPOKANE. '.• WASHINGTON, or leave yonr order with theWHITE PINE TRADING CO.OROITNO, IDAHO
11?. sl^^uSsfoncr. at Qrwfino,*
T. H. BARTLETT., Roglater.Notice for Publloatidn*"' = • ^Dcpar/lnientofUic lUlatfor, .' 3United Statea Land omde; LewUioit. Idaho, February 3. x9to.Notice la hereby given lhal. 'NU.B KiTTFLSOr'l '
Good A<:xorn.rn^9,tions ';li lan-gard.nd
OrofijBARTLETT. Register,; Notice for Publication -laoUted Tract.I Public Land Sale. .:. Department of the Interior, 1T.-S. [Land Omcc, Lewiston, Idaho, Kob^ ’ 7, lUlO
—— I77te Orofino Feed JPafe: I;■ … ^ I.W..ScotLPrdptiekr:-,:'^4.i^^^^^^
i| NOTICE 1 directed by i '' —eral .1I prov I we will ‘ highest hidd I joathe 22nd [[this omcc,
Oro Feeno L,urriberGilbert^ IdaHo^ -sVlan uf act u resRouijh and Ore^iisecl . |Uumfc>er, I^atH,'■ Etc
House Bills a
Co. U
herebj’. given-that,' aS'i the. CommisBioner of the, General Land omce, under th© pro- vinions of tlic Act of Congress ap- f I proved Juno 27, liiOd (84 Stats,; r,l7),offer at
public, sale to the!^ cler, at 10 o’clock A.* M., j » day ol March, next, at f the following traet of land: Lot 1, SectionJU, Townshipm North, Range 2 East, Boise Mer- jidian. Serial 02>49. j Any persons claiming' adversely ! Uie abovc-dcscrihed lands are – ad- } vised lo tile their claims or objec­tions on or before the time desig- i nated for sale.I T. H. Bartlett,! Regester.j . . B. C. Harbor.Receiver.
Hay and Grain for Sale;
< t. luv^ir :ut' -• IDAbib.. ■ 'I k‘4;; R^alestatq DeCotircey. dealer in DM ' , neparlment of_ . I V. S. Uind office at Lewiston, Xdnl^u. Janvar>-S p © Cl a 11: y r.N®c U hereby given that •. BENJAMIN C. ZKITLKR.■ ■"■■■■ !' , ■!■ : "..■■■■> of Orofmo,. Idaho, who. on February-h. 1908,' ttuulc Homratcrad Entry No.’ njah. Serial No-. < 03361. fer Swi-4 Nei-4. Sci-4 Nw<.4. Net-#, bw Jf, { NWi-4 SEi-4, Sec, 19. Twp. iyH. R. 2 E. p. M. haa hkd notice of inicuUon to make Final five haa hkd notice of inicuUon to make Final fivejalonvr.nr Orohno, Idaho, on the 4th day ofHorace F. Atv Chester a. Pitiwoc Monqr, 'to Loan on .Improved' FatML .. i i; ; V OROFINO, IDAHO ^ - ■ C WheaSn Orofino, Idaho, stop at V ; ^ HOTEt-IDAHOS Orofino, Idaho. wood, WUliam N. GUlcsple,^^ ood and Daniel C. Clond, aU of m. Orofino roeat.,&.Cojd t;:-'4 iS:-; Storage,-(S)J"^';i;f:r'' BresH omd Curod M^atjirr ■and F^oultry - ?i» t Hldoaa 3ou«H«: aarut-Sora '______T. H. BARTLETT. Regiater. | Notice of Time Appoint^ for Proving I I of Will, Etc. II In the Ihobate Court, in and for Nez -I Perce County. State Idaho. o. K. eoNFEGTiaNBRat; O. K, Parlors for Candles. Nuts.,Fruits, Tobaccxis^^^^^ gars. Post OiiTte, Etc.r-LunOh Go in Gonneettori/ Agency fcNr Ihe Lewlitw Company V ^ w>' ^!• b'-lWil!;-:i:c, ORIN GROGKETr, J>rppriet^^^
County,In the matter of the estate of Christen Anderson, deceased. Pursuant to on order of said Probate I
Court, made on Uie i6th day of Febru- !fory ioio, notice is hereby given tfiat |Monday, the aSth day of February* 1910 1 at xo A. M.. of said day tU the court
EgaSfegVolh^^ Company;|||MI Ad(£r»ou Seceased, and for
H. K. BARNETT, President ^ M. W. BARNETf, Secrel^^' Nez Perce Cxxinty Abstract Co. nsfioo:.8 ' ? We :PiiofoK.ipl, the Records. ^ ; – ^ -•ACTS OF TITLE FIRBINSURAKCB
hearing the >r»on for the 15- letters Testamentntpi'f where aiiy person interested ay contest the same. ' •Dated this‘ Probate Judge.
Jsuanceto ! when^and con
' Notfoo for Publieationi Vf I * Dcp*UmentoftheIalcrior •« 1*9?;. bcMTiston, Idaho, FebmoyNotice is hereby given that
DbLPBUS SNAVEtY^^CONVEYANCING.jaawaaitFor thechoicist of Fresh and Cured Meats
Qo to the. – ……………. ……alace iVii&at Marl^etWells dt Painter, Proprietors: ; ' ’ i desi« to ootih- the residenuof ori. Por*. Poul^^FisH. Muuon ^V.alalu,ay. on Han^ 9mdtppwill ^8t what yoa want whea you place your, wder- withl^*!?* YSur» fir 'bu.in« '- THE PALACE MEAT MARKET ^
We are heaaqua^ for Grain, Hay, Ffoui;! and Fet^ Jjfei bMysudeeU^a prices which ; arereasi^pible ancl just to pr^ and coa4':^y:i> i .a- ;turner. Those >rishin)E anything in our liner-'^ST ^ y -; , .win find us ritherat Fariner> Warehousckrwl'.!:^^^^^^^ "Orofino'Hotdi. '
-m. Gn
, .,.fii«t^^.ppe%s8l

Following claims arc alloweil:,
ArjthcrCoctnej…,*’ Frank Paris . ’
prt^et. 1» D G CWjome.
c on. rnrrnll
Tl>e petu’iS ”*T!*L^“Hlvnej ct al
. At tl^ time ,tbe . toIto«InR . petitioi. for .peefeit prol)erty road ta« in ^rioua
orttr M die, to-wit: Geo^lf«nie, district ai; J. M.*Sanders district “i5 Schmiddl4ofrer..aistrjct U; J. A. Harria, <^tncf 57: Chaa. W. Little, ^'‘H^S*:®;.C-.Ch»Se. dfetrict 48: C 52 00^ Wm J EmC Smith...,..a........AS 75 District Road No. 58. 19 251 Abraham McCalmct 8 50[Geo Sink7 OOjM McAuley. 14 001 John W Smith 13 00 Loren Forrer8 00 ' Current Expense Fund > Maho Revie-
25 001 Chaa BonoDistrict Road No 43.
Den nison… ;I * ’ ,*t«mined§d:^4‘*^'^
tnet 3.* I:.;'^^^iatrict^baw5 ;lf'.,:;.V5«;tNo.-*4. .
•; ^ • GeaeiAtRoed Fand. Henay ^roede
i 00 . – . ^ By w. e. Daggett'^l^j ■ ■ ____pi – ^;iooj Snow about fiv^-fect d^p, Dili, et „1. for a herd district f^ ‘i prt of Mason precinct, as provided by 6 75 I law, it is hereby ordered that a hearing 4 50 j bc had on said petition on Wednetday,April 13th i9|o at 2 o'clock P. of
u “fewago. :
‘f^^6‘u«pi!*.«-' Billie Duross was fn Wjth a load of supplies a few days ago.
enty Schroeder.S 10 00' ^ TY-THIROn r^oomm’endation of Jas. S. pricks,; bondsand Ta* Orflector.-W Bale «^incd and ippr L'rtifii^te No. 750 for the year 1907 is j J Lockndge, c
TW.NTY-TaiRD.-^'^^ j
Certificate No.ordered cancelled. j•S5SSf-SS^S^|ft
overseers arc ‘ Silas Hashaw.Geo Mulvania:,-^approvedoverseer district No,
W. HJtle, . overseer district
tR(»d.No.ic^ll^ng cJalAs ^rie examined iindIrict- – ^Dick JHan
i'C. R.^Stevent arc appointed *view^i% to j J? ^
…………I view out and survey said xx>ad and make TWKNTY-FOURTH DAY f due report to this* Boartl ' Following claims are ex
and the said indigent» grant^ Wm Schroeder…………………..
r.Wr'ja^T.f >“?'?'; ff5“-KS'.'!Tr;…Following claims are examined and , No. 12,.^IgS^t^aphnseFnnd: ^
E>rn;ENTH DAY JANUARY aSth W Robinwn claim fiai.so
• “iTliomaa Watriugtorf.- – '
Tom Walsh……OleStorehok.'.;. lORnston..:… Edwin H Blake ^ Charles Lynch… Roy Sanders….A W .Shoemaker. Pat Griffin……Frank, Benda. ..00 113 00 [Henry Loseth! a^oo .DUtrictEoadNo.4J. DB Ra«……….ChasSchiU…………………D B Rb.sa………..
Levis ^per,……Andrew Nelson… .’.V.V, Mac Clendenniiig..,,… Frimk Haas-…*:..;;.:; Alexander……………….
it 75 : TWENTY-FIFTH DAY FEB. 7th. 1 ^*>^1 up in tliiV.n^k the»'W- C.; woods.;S|S-SS.:S>KirfsS;'S.:s‘..^M'- »■' Mr,. w,;n k,„„II s rs'U'Sis;,- ,S.r SrsS'Z,^,”'-*’-
Ssloo. J5 6o
ge*Pund. …Ed Soanen it Frank i SEVE The district proved.On ^titidn t>f he laying out ofl et al for Chalker…….,..I in road I . Di»'nct _Road No. IB.I tee laying emt of. a new road in road ,
pointetl viewers to view out and said ro< *Board. jjp^ ^uuuru r-owi■Ei'Jlii-A-Kiaid road and make'SI^ 'report to tlus; AntOT^tararti claim *28.00 nnetty'.^-^^vartDistrict No, 19.' proved. : - iBeeGai. The certificate of indigency of Robert * gen Bennett, Robinson and family is -approved, and tlie said tincyof Robert * - ........examined and" ?.^**■^«*_Sch^VarU.:[Toriesterapomiv relief in ^ DiiSii *^.aBowed; * — - R.C Wilkerson...V ‘^^General Road Fund. District Road No. 20.''Geo . . r oo I Arch Heckman.,^V B Kinne............................ 96 ^ ! t>eneral Road Fu' … ' fy>V B …………………………………………………… q6 7C I vjrtrnc
J The bond of W. B. Kinne, over^eef M^;er\*. •district No. 45, is‘examined and ap. ^ Sutton… ^oved. , Geo Meacham..,
I;: ;t :; On recommendation of Jas, S. Jacks – A E Misner……..i .; 7-: >86e»or and Tax Collector,, erremcotii^ Parner
|kp pipent ownera or inde^,> owners to .Reeves,… .be shown by sections-or sab3 SO i ® writVen'«^t ”36*73'rlflR®^‘-™-f'M’PrS_. .mr^hond iu I Story Buck, Manafier.de,^t certt- BpndoU Ataimaevs far Nu Perc» Coun:v ' rk Von^ Block. Lewtoton. Ido
:«;^SS~5ar5i!■° ' fieJl crew k "rice for completion ol
Lewiston • Abstract '
«Jmu.._ata,e U.e.time in whicUh:zthat t1 and every day thereafl
cisssv-._-.-yL,”!;!®/ o'Bo«rd of CoMty'c.m- !"'“'°“®(»; County, Idaho.
32 -ft:
General Road Fund. Thwpa* Warrington claim3 50 . O P Calvin claim ii
O 50 I bid^wiU b? 2 50 for the con*
Notice to Contractor.,
Dr. Britan KDENTISTIn Orofmoj lit to 10th of tech moiilh.'' Hotel Orofino!
J* 1E* PibicerdUndertaking & Embaloiiiig
acrossOrofino.nptolhe 15th■.sag
tte^water Ftmadry
/ Tl.c,l»n4 Vf^osei^^^
bffi™Mzr„rs,‘.,'7sauxi“aes”irs-£2panied by a cettifiS check for^vT^r
Located on First Street, next door
of gang ^ers teHl-Trinaneri,;.^^
prupoml. Suecess-ffil-^iM*??-'
ssppi^i^[ the Board of County Com-
i «nd PederaF PrmfticePROFINO

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