
Volume 5.
Regardless of Cost
Just got through invoicing an(J find that we have several broken
lines which we are going to cIos6.
out regardless of cost. . ■ .Lots of things for less than half the regular price.
We are bound to dose out
these broken lines. Drop in and see.
. The County Coroniissioners in vSessidn-Tnesdaywl! at Lewiston decided to call the local option •electJo#’- Wednesday, March 9th. Tim call was' n'a Id'^aiy^ due deliberation on the part m the <:onunisiffiDersf both sides having argued pro and con oii. the., jiieritSiT of the petitions on the previous Saturday;.:' .Those;- .i having the petitions in charge were represented -by" Attorneys Redwine and Stookey and those'^oppokiifg-’ by Attorney. Chas. L. McDonald. K. P. Lodge Instituted.31, was instituted here Monday night by Grand Chancellornd Cha fifty >
Orofino Trading Company
f'OUJJoJ1 want a loan onnprovcu larnis.Latest styles and colors in men’s and clothing at the Orofino Trad. Co.A fine picture goe« with every four PrinccHS Flour couponH.
The Bollinger Annex, with its forty new rooms makes tliis famous hostlery of the best equipj>cd in Lewiston. McGraiie, the landlord, thinks the gook Fngelhor iah and KcKJski these points wi ig lighting anduPt coupoim
Orofino Lodge No. re MomI vShirly, of Weiser. About fifty visiting I knights from Lewiston, Clarkston and . Kendrick were in attend nice. The Lew I iston team, assisted by members from j Clarkston and Kendrick put I work. The following Orofino boys were initiated into the order; Alfred Peter- I soii, Nels Lindstrom, P:ugeiie Warden, W. C. Palmer, Walter Tain, A. J. Smith, George Ladd, Eugene DePartee, Clar- ence 3Iooers, and George Wilfong.The lodg^ organized with the follow- ling officers: G. C., Peter Noble; V. C., Chas. Bellmer; Prelate. S.' A. Dunlap;
M. of A., Jack Smith; M. of W., Geo. Moody; M. of R, W. G. Warden; M. of E., W. C. Palmer; I. G., Eugene De- Partce; O. G., Clarence Mooers.The lodge as instituted will start in with about twenty members and to this number will be added'about ten old members. Saturday has been chosen as ladies’ and the meeting night for the or k*r, which j will hold its sessions in the Odd Fellows
w-Ith every
Miss Lillian Strtoktr< •^ir thlwn •here, was niarrietLlast Alotufeyi dw Mo»» cow to Luther HftmpU and ^v^ll reside • 'With every sack of Prlhcei^J'ou get a coupon. ; -A. B. Parks left Monday inomuiK- Jot Moscow where he will, «uer, tlie . SUtc Afincultural College for th6 I'afrairs' mg m your picture/ add iWe'ydiir W Don’t forget to get I’rinchf-a Klour ith Every »aok of Prinoesa S H P E S Wc have addedtheG. GOTZIAN : ^ Shoe to our stock of Shoes, for Men, . ■ Women and” Children. These ,are the .Best Shoes obtainable in the world. ■ ■ v - WHY? ^ 4 : - Because they own their ^ own tannery and produce only the best leather, M- oak tan and oil tan stock. Even the Babe shoes have oak tan soles^ For fit, elegance dressy styles and durabil-- ; ity-they have no equal and arc sold for^^^ less money than the cakern factory ^Prices. - V.7-' -i- ■ ^ kinds ^of Qi^J Feed, Oats v*'' •• -r- ■; rget to get Pr; ith evuryrincc89 F l«PonHvith every sack of Priiim
Mrs. Horace Noble, j who ias -been king treatment at the hospital ih' jul-
When you come to Lewiston’be suri and stop at the BOLLINGER. Fdrty new rooms have been added and our prices are the most reasonable in town.- John Wells, who live/^khast two wce'^^ netted him |i2,ooo.His is I lahy examples of Avhat ^ courage and perseverance eifti db'in thi.4: as yet,-,uudtwelopcd eowntry.^-^

Xederil AnthorlHes Claim TUs WiU B« a Very Important Captnre-Doora Battered Down to Oaln Admittance- Plant Located In Shack—One of Oang Makea ^pe.
San Prancieco.—The most complete and expensive coin countcrfiting out­fit that has ever fallen.Into the hands of the federal authorities was captured j. here by secret service men recently and with it throe men were arrested. The secret service men admit that the seii- ures are of the greatest imporUnee and followed months of unremitting ef- t w’ *“ ““7 direo-Tho plant was located in a lonely shack on the rocky summit of Bernal heights, the highest hUI in the cHy, and was captured after a apeciacular assault. Secret service operatives Harry M-offit and J. Id. Nje were on the job and after definitely locating their quarry they caHed City Detect- ivea Regan and O’Cohnell to their aid.On Hands and Knees.Last night the detectives on watch in. the shrub-covefed rocks saw four of the men they had marked enter the ^ack, but the atUck was deferred In -tho hope that other mombers of the gang might come to cover. They were ■disappointed in this and late this aft ^moon Operative Moffit decided to net.Creeping on hands and knees the
SECBBTABTAPMrrg DismrarWalter Lonsdde, Who Ouilsd Bscoeds to Copenlageii, Hm His
Coponh.gen.a:walter Lonsdale is tho cost recent of the former assoeUtos andmnlftT-M ft# rkw rt—a" . .—————- W* yuw AUimer aiNWCia^ aUUemployes of Dr. Ftederick'iu Cook to admit a distrust of the man whose-sAUiav A UiaUUBt 01 loe n claim to tho discovery of tho was rejected by the Dni^“ar-,■orsltyr^onsaaio was privatef secretary to United States Minister Egan up to the time of tho arrival hero of Dr. Cook, with whom ho then associated himself in a similar confldeatial capacity.Ho accompanied the explorer to the
tmionlsta Uako asW-^oyd-Oeorge Mobbod by Big Crowd at Qrlamby— Ho Sought ProtoWon of tho PoUce- —Popular Vote Goes Agi^ tho Got- emment in Many Constitaencies.
HnitCd States, made th^-typewritten duplicate of'the polar records and brought tho data hero for examina­tion by tho university committee; ITe hM remained loyal to his employer nn-t‘o doubt rftn'ningLons^e states that he received a letter from Cook under date of De- corner 24 and maUed from a city in TOuthern Spam. According to this let- tor Cook was on tho sea from Decern Dcr 14 to *
The recent elections in London and provincial constituencies indicate a lib­eral majority in the next parliament of anywhere from lOQ to 150
Wlolesalo.Dairy product^-Eggs, fresh eastern, fill ease; local ranch, reoandled, |14 ease; carton eggs, April earton, $9 case; butter, fresh Washington suto oream ary, 38e lb.; fresh eastern extras, 3«c Wisconsin cream cheese, I8H@19c Wisconsin limburgor, 19o lb.; block anc wheel domesUo cheeee, 20@21o lb.; im­ported Swisa cheese, 28c lb.; Edam cheeee, tlO-SO doz.; Eoquefort obeese, 40e lb.; Canadian cream cheese, »1.25 dox.nouf^Krst patent, -$5.75 bbL; scc-
From 132 to ISO lb#;
-..Weadetfully Bnllt Vp st Ssutfl Cost.Tk, nn«b«f of Cwmp la
— aaviav AAVUJ AUU (Q lOU.The standing of the various parties, moludmg uncontested scats, foUows; Unionists, 43; litoaTs, 37; laborites, 6; nationalists, s. Unionist gains, isl overliberals, 1; no change, 69.Of the 12 seats contested in' Lon don, the. liberals hold sovon and the
of the examining committee when the letter was written. Si
has addressed 8ev;erai”t^i;g;rm7 to him at s poiut where he thought the explorer could be reached.estimates that Cook cleared $50,000 from the exploitation of his$50,000 ..aras* arctic reputation.
VII iiaaus ana xnees tnetforur officers approached the shack and made a rush, but the house•on signal made a rush, but was Veil barricaded and they were •compelled to batter an entrance with amashing iniho doors one member of the gang es- •caped, making his way down a cliff on whose brink tho hut stands. The ihree men gave their names as Michael Angelo, Samuel Dicola and .Samuel Ar- man. These are probably assumed and there is reason to believe
GOOD BOAD MOVEMENT All Olaaaes Are I^ked to Cooperate andEx-President Boose’velt Struck the keynote when, in his comment on tho report oi the country life commission, he said: -It is the application of the
North Lambeth, Brixton
Liberal M^orlty Reduced.The results of" the polling tend to confirm tho forecast that the liberalsbuo xurecast tnat the liberals wiU retain control of the govomment t^ith a greatly reduced majority. The unionists have gained an encouraging number of seats, although les^ than 29 which they expected to take away from erals out of the 74 ballffted for.tho liberaThe popular vote tho libc:
. uau mere is reason to believethat at least two of tho prisoners are Important captures.• After -securing their prisoners the officers examined the plant, which ' filled the little hut, and were astonnded at the complete mechanical excoUence of the machinery. It was a miniature mint They found almost perfect dies for eve^ coin from ten cents to ten dollars, and lathes, saws, stamps and other accessories of the finest workman­ship.Stamps Same as In Mlnta.The stamps are said to be of almost ^tho same pattern as those used in the 'United SUtes mints. The largest atamp was so massive that it could not bo carried into the federal' building. It is too powerful for hand operation and probably fearing fho noise of a motor or other power engine the gang had devised , and installed a compli* cated and ingenious system of levers and graduated weights applied by a long steel beam.' No coins or metal were found, tho raid having* been -timed just before the plant was to have been placed in operation.It is said the clue to the counter- feiters began with the purchase of the big stamp and has been followed for months. They refuse' to say, however, where the stamp was bought.^Coins from dies identical with those we have hero now/' said ono of the officers, -are now in circulation in the
knowlodg. already m the poeaession of the.gTMt majority of tho rural popula­tion which moaua tho actual uplift of_t worth while.''Since, then, the initiative must come ~*om the' farmer and the township or- ganizaUon, it is proper that the county
against thatthis…………..30 to GO por in 1906.
of the 74 balloted …. vote goes strongly iiuurals. Tho members of t ^rty who hold seats won them in clecUon by majorities ranging, from_ laaManchester and Birmingham give heavy unionist gains. Birmingham has
nour-^KTst patent, ond patonts, 95.50 bbl.Fancy Yakima honey, $3.50 case; Idaho, $3.25@3.S0 ease.Pigs—Dried, 80@fl0e 10-Ib. box; figs in bulk, 8@7c lb.; raisins, fancy, 6 3-4c lb.; raisins, bulk, 5 l-2c lb.; currants, 10c lb.Seeds, Wholesale.
Bed clover, $17@18 per cwt.; fancy Kentucky bluegrass, $18@20 cwt.; tim­othy, prime, $5.60@6 cwt.; white clover, $22@23 cwt.; alfalfa, $19@20 cwt.; winter rye, $1.90@2 cwt.; winter wheat, $1.75@1.85 cwt.Sugar-Cane, $6.40; fruit sugar, $6.40. ^^ffoo-Common package ^oods, $18
EH??,£2S£T08'^0MSM.^'SFor the baby often means rest for b^ mother and cyd. Little ones like It too-it-s so palatable to take.
bcen^ strongly conservative, the result lii's crusade forJoseph Chamborla protecUon. The unionists carried thone‘/riv“8n'i^ /nearly 8,000 larger than in 1906. In Manchester the unionists increased their votes, for while the liberals stUl have————-b _____ ____organization assume the position of a central clearing boua for the various townships, acting an a collecting, dis- inveatigatiug organixatipn.————-ausrtJObUJAbUlg OlgaUlXatlOlLThe county orgaulzaUon, as conducted .a Spokane, aasumea tho atUtude of mediator and mentor for iu smaller
township organizations, with which it isworkiug for mutual economic4-vh mutual econi and tho development of^irit.intoreata
The large moneyed intereeta of the city, tho automobile ownera, real estate
city, tno automobile owners, real estate dealers, merchants, manufacturers, rail- roads and other tranaportation com­panies are asked to do their proper- tionnte share toward securing good roads throughout tho county. When tho state levies a tax of ono nuU on aU
.. ' : —61UU1U18 8CU1 navriand, Utah; Flint, California.^-4^ ———–—No. 2, 7914c.
lax Seed—No. 1 southwestern, $2.16; estern jc—$3:o. 1 northwestern,’'$2"2(i'. Timothy Sec—$3.90.–lothy . Clover-$15. Mess Pork—:.—* „ax.—Per bbl., $22.25@22.37y>, Lard—Per 100 lbs.. $12.77y^@12.80. '
to flee under protwUon"of Me'^liw hall where.he had been speak-
setts; Stevens, Minnesota; Madison, Kansas (iusurgeut). Domovats-^amos, -Kentucky; Bainey. imnois.Mining Prohibited.Captain John McA. Webster, .superin- tondent of the Spokane Indian reserva- tion in eastern Washington, announces in a statement that no mining claims
.VO.WU ou ino reserve until Sres^ent Taft iasnea a proclamation op^ng the mineral lands to location and entry. This order is looked for wly next spring, when, it is predicted. Immigrants
Lika Korthwest.A etetemont issued by the bureau of i^igration
shows that the year ended June 80, 1909, out of a total of 751,786 imnuCTants admitted to the country 12J318 We destined for the state of Washington. Only about a quarter as many were for Oregon, Dnr-
PromSeptember, Inclusive, 3,035 Imnugrauto for the state ofscam orW^bln^n arrived, out of e grand
nuero.ae naa Doen speak­ing, much as be was driven from a pro- Boer meeting at Birmingham during the South African war, when hros caped disguised as a poli’ceman.Part of tho provocation for the hos­tility shown toward him was caused bv the chancellor's unusual course in ad-chancellor's unusual_____
England, and which ia considerid un constitutional by many. His speech in eluded a prediction of disaster to the German fleet if it fought England Beferring to invincibility of’ the British navy, he declared:"If the German fleet, in a moment Of iMdness, ever attacked Great Britain it would bo at the bottom of G^an ocean . in a very few
Short Biba-Sidcs, loose, $11.50® 1.87H-; short, cle.-ir sides, boxed, $12(§Butter.^teady. Creameries,34c; dairies, 25@30c.ed,^fS@30%t; firsrsr3’'5c;7r?mo I
g horns, 16%c.
ivins, 16'4@16%c; Yc
: calves $7.75@9.75.ers ind feeders,
Sheep—Boccipta eatiraat
C!g“bi»lioavy $8.25@
Mar'k*rT®d'“'‘’w 12.0»»i
Flour—Firmly held,with a slow 15.50@5.75; win-
Great Contests In Los Angeles-Great Crowds Interested In Hesulta—Fight Against Bad Weather Victory for Operators-Meot Was Great Success —Entirely Free from Accidents.
to test tho mettle of tho airships flying on Aviation field. The resiflt
In half a gale of wind CurUss rose of more than 100 feet andrtrcrc.'v.r.rv piOCO Ofover'

there performed
aeroplane jockeying Vs'' the w^rld'has Ho described
mg the letter S.
nawR over a barnyard. But his ex-sho:!rbj tt
ton, each m bis own machine, swung-ton, each in his own machine, swung round in an aerial marathon. At ^ '.gainatB wind. Again they played”tag" with Y flew under, oveover’iJid
chancellor rertiatVd with-
^ Weston to Walk Again.Edward Payson Weston, the agedpedestrian. Is planutof’te’w'alk f^m Los Angeles to NewYbxk, rtartlng Jan-nary a*. He bo^ to'iimbiisrt nw.trip.
there, wUl be a rush. Meanwhile, any one attempting to stake out weh ■eli^ wUl be treated aa treepassers and ovleted from the xeaervatlon.
record for the
anrjat^e^^^Tth”® “hU.‘
gg^slstwa were dlseussing hi. desira-
that, being th^ party of the nch, had by far the of znotora"^ at theil
^reign Secretary Edward 0^ and aanceUor Uoyd-George devoted their ^echee mainly to upholding the gov-Wiurto”nthe board of trade, ro^ngT^nd^ denounced the .f p'rf^uS a“d
cables, predictio^r of “MairshipmMw
Cheeee—Firm; unchanged. .Eg^Barely steady; white fancy, 40^r rilver, 62%c; Moxicau dollars,
srwithTo.: ^
Me and dash the'driv«'t/fh“ earth.^d^rbeTu^eTo“a‘'‘n"^r“«Through tho rain of the morning theKrhe‘diip£g‘'.::ei'’'«^'‘'’“‘-^-Pronchman Tries for Speed.Paulhan sailed past Tying I of theox the course, bac 200 feet High, going over the field agndu after a short run. When he came dfWn
Paelflo Ooart Wbeat.
turkey red, $U2,- forty-fold.$1.11;
atrong on the westward course.Then Curtiss came out ia a prelimin- aty flight. Hamilton and Paulin start-
P. Willard, In a Curtiss ma- chine, came out for a brief flight, after ^ugthe force of the wind, gavehTwiSf^’ Mnounced tLt : i #Alitft record^___n, the ieontont. As the ,
s«s5=ri£?^'‘S;‘S ■‘Sias filed a condemnation suit in the federal court of Judge Deitrich at Moscow, to condemn aU the landa in the Coenr d'Alene river valley that have been damaged by tho company. It is claimed the suit would cover all tho remaining lands along the river during high water mark and the river banks ffill in, and asserted there are 3500 acres of bottom lands^between St. Maries and St. Joe or Ferrell.Alleging that the Northern Pacific has been shipping cattle with Sheriff unty 3wis- ctice
-SJSS NEWS OF THE WORtDSIX OBHTAmUrort employee and 81 than omptoyea. Of the injured 709 wore employes and 189 ottier than em­ployes. In the year ended November 80 last railroad eonetmetioukoo A Puget SoMd, 319 mUei; GallaUn VaHoy Hoetrio, 18 milea; GUmoro A Kttebnrg, 85 miles; Great Northern, 68 mile.; Mimtona Wertem, 80 mUes Northern Paelfle, 28 mUes.A Club of 100 eastern mllUonairoo has been formed with the object of eetablWdng in MonUna the greatest game preserve in the world. Walter ^ i^er of.PhiladelphU, one of the leading apirito of tho elnb, it now in the west eloalng the deal for a great tract of wUd land near the Tellow- stone park, which wUl include thou- sands of-acres suitable for game of all sorts.
urier, died recently of
railroadout having them George W. Welker of Nez Perce has notified tho general agent at Le ton, W. J. Jordan, that the prac must cease or he will take action.In less than two years the men ship of tho Farmers' Educational and Cooperative union has grown from noth ing to more than 2000 in the Lewiston countryThe Orangeville Water company has Just completed improvements to add 50 per cent to the efficiency of the serv ice. Abouir 3,600 laid towrings into the main reservoir. The
Year's SUtist^ Show Fancy Prices Paid for Prodnet Ptom NorthwestStatistfca-compUed from reports by growers and handlers show that the production of commercial apples 1%9 was a matter of 22,735,000 bar­rels, of which 2,435,000 barrels, or 7,305,000 boxes, w^re marketed by Ut- ern orchardista. California and Colo­rado report crops of 80 and 90 per cent, respectively, whfle £he yields in the other western sUtes are given at
Board of Control Fixes Price of Oraia Bw In Washington. – V The stale board of control has fixed six cents as tho retail price of peniten­tiary grain sacks for this year or five and nine-tenth cents when the appli- cants combine orders to make a carload shipment. These prices are for the bags delivered at any raUroad station in the state.Based upon the estimate of crop made by the state grain commissioners, the board apportioned tho 1,500,000 bags 1 be manufactured thia spring to grain- growing counties in quantities as fol­lows; Garfield, 82,205; Colombia, 91,- H. Henry Weun. of Portland, Ore, Lln^^tr
what ia belioved to be the flm a«o- plaao to bo owned by a reaident of Oro- gon. Mr. Wenne seenred his for 45,000 and wffl-have it shipped to Portland at the close of the aviation meeting in Los Angeles.The Barber Asphalt company, already
•m and Weatom Bomlspbeiea D« the Paat Week-National, Blstodcal PoUUcal and Penonal Eventa Told' In Short Paragrapha.
35 to 40 per crops inlahingto
icyAboufr 3,600 feet of have been laid to drain half a dozensix-inch pipe
pressure will be greater and the sup­ply of .water plentiful, while tho de­velopment of additional springs im proves the quality of the water.
I. Garthy of Ket^e Palls h;i5 a new use for his auft^mob^o by jacking up the drive wheels and using it as a motor power for running a circular saw.Jho annual meeting of the stock­holders of the Wenatchee Valley Fruit Growers' association will be held Jan-No better testimonial of tho effi- ciency of Washington State college has been shown than that men come direct from England and Scotland to enter the college for the special courses taught. There are nearly 30 subjects ■of the British empire enrolled and sev- came direct from their homes across tho AUantic for the sole purpose of enrolling. * •' The Worcester Fruit & Land company, composed principally of Worcester has purehaaed 2M0 acres in the outskixta of the Horse Heaven country, near Luzon, on the 8., p. & S., and wiU instaU an irrigation system. Electrical generating plants will drive large pumps, forcing 8,500,000 gallons each day from the Columbia riv- er through pipes.Juergens Bros., Newport, are tiating with the government for sev­eral tracts of timber in tho Kaniksu reserve which they wiU log off this winter if the purchase can bo mado. The logs will amount to about 3,500,000 feet, nearly all of which is white pine The timber wUl be converted intc match stock at their mill there and disposed of to the Diamond Match Co.As yet no movement has been made to choose a successor to Dean Look- wood, formerly of All Saints Episcopal cathedral, Spokane, who recently re- signed to go to North Yakima.
MONTANA NEWS.Announcement is made by the newly chosen temporary officers of tho White- fish and Poison Electric Railway com­pany that immediately it will put a crew of engineers in the field to look out a route for the proposed lino north and south through the Flalhead valley.More than 200 prominent citizens of Milk Biver valley in northern Montana, with President L. W. Hill of the Great Northern, with a corps of his attorneys and civil engineers, were in conference recently regarding means for the early completion of tho MUk Biver irriga­tion project. In event the necessary money is not avaUable from the recla­mation fund, as now seems .probable, an offer will be made, if the govorn- meat will step out of the way, for the Great Northern to raise tho money and finish the work.
County Attorney J. C. Huntoon of Lcwistown has filed an information charging Cyrus A. Spangler, a well- known Forest Grove rancher and stock- grower, who kUIed Lawrence Boland re- cently, with the murder in the first de- gree. Spangler refuses to give any ex-
Idaho and Montana were shorter thaa at any time In the last five years, but the growers received more money for their fruit than in either 1908 or 1907. They also received more than the growers packing their apples in bar- rels, as is evidenced by reports from Boston, Now York and Chicago, show­ing winter apples-in barrels selling at from $3 to $6 a barrel, wholesale, while boxed apples are quoted at from $2.50 to $5, with extra fai The
affairs of John B. Walsh, con-
the ^^o aoaring House associaUon, and Walsh rnajr go to prison-if the sn-
prome court holds that be must—with-
In what is claimed to bo part of • plan 4o gain control of all the transit farilities of Now Fork, J. p. Morgan and T. P. Shonts have taken over the Fifth Avenue Automobile bus line and the Green and Bed Taxicabs company, perating 60 motor buses and 600 taxi­cabs in New Yo£k. ;The deal is said to have involved about $5,000,000.
Franklin. 28,915; Benton. 38,055; Klick itat, 37,295; Yakima, 18>65; Asotin, 13,r'5; all other counties, 161,375.Applications must be made before- April 1 to the superintendent at the pen* itenUary and sacks not applied for at that date may be sold to oyster grow­ers on the Wfiet Side. The plan of seU- ing the bags at a flat rate delivered at; any railroad point ia the state was in- augurated last summer to work off the- accumulated bags in the warehouse. 'SUITS wnx
Knn in Illinois and nesota Courts for That
from $2.50 ncy selling as high
TRAIN PLUNGES DOWN MOUNTAINPour Men Wero Killed When Trains Leaves the Track at Terrific Speed At LeadvUle.Lcadville, Col., Jan.M7,-r-In a freight wreck early Sunday on the Colorado Midland, near Busk tunnel, four men wero killed and three others injured.
The dead: H. C. Smith, Leadville,con­ductor; Marshal Rich, Cardiff, fireman; II. D. Fair, Cardiff, brakeman; Edward Davenport, Michigan.Tho injured: Henry Forest, Leadville, leg broken; W. E. Laadlois, Leadville, brakeman, body bruised; Bert Harter, Grand Rapids, Mich., shoulder injured.extra freight consisting of 11 cars started down tho steep grade from tho east portal of the Bufik-Ivanhoo tunnel to Arkansas Junction. Tho train had gone three mUes when the air failed to work properly. The speed soon became terrific and the train raced down the mountain side. At Windy point there is a sharp curve and tho
cugi^io and cars loft the track and plunged down ttfs steep declivity. i
il. ruled with an iron hand down the internal evilsKing Alfonso, sitting as president of e council, ruled with in putUng down the threatened by revelations in paper.Thelabout to be written. His family h; abandoned all hope of getting himlast chapter of Thaw's life seems about to be written. His family haveof Mattcawan in*sane asyihmr an*d °an application has been mado by a ref- ereo for the right to dispose of all his personal property. Alicr«b«. cou« of .v„ r tKwtyFrWoy. . ' "ews ‘gently” to ' Governor I "VL"?;;,———__.v Brady, of his coming exit fromv^^o?"^ muw oi:riptioN; ;. . . 'P“W><: lif% The scheduled date ImK"i‘S.o • ..... »'.?/<«•‘h's performance is March ist.land the scene will be the govern, i i“ih"'..» or s private office, in Boise. | j omsU^'idX RialeJ^^ DeCourcey, deafer in DM w‘-FARM LOANS, TIMBER LANDS. i iVi'-rnrv i.ots •»l‘= ,S«ona Judicial Diwrict. 2,??5?ri..l«'“.'d.iotboc
^——– ———-_________^1 . way I'armcnter Plaimiff, V _ ________________Wc would suggest «>at perhapsThe State of Idaho^^nlo“rioting. Node, to Croditcra,
T.“Ji s-sspi?""•■»the mystery of his present disap. pe“««i«. I State . ………,~ PercePress d^^ «.i*ti«t ti.e*^,ffS^»_.Milwaukee will be in Bovillc by f» >«-‘>«Kht to dissolve the March .St, but as yet we have no ^
Node, or.R«,..u. I and defendant, to witr ChnrW
CITY LOTS imd' 'insurance
Money to Loan on Improved Farms. ^ OROFINp, IDAHO
oflScial figured ^is to when reach Orofino. . .—
j Court p( the Second Judicial Di^r^^ j '
,%‘iiPKgilPsis-“■ -'■“•litJoilN LK^S.
ui INC-/, rerce. the complaint of th'^
by don is brought to dissolve the bonds of I
If this is so, and continues to be a fact, it win settle the long standing trouble between the rival towns of Vollmer and Ilo which will no doubt now unite and expend their energies in building up a prosperouslittle city. , )v——————– — »cuon sne lias• __________ __ |“"i conUnuously a Tesideiit of ^felI Perce county. Idaho; tliat almost everThe eulogy pronounced by Con- """‘li'<*“*?'>< saM marriage defendant gtessman Hamer on the illustrous Shonp, marks him as one of the -foremost orators in congr^. Well R«I.»pd0DWarraata.of County costTmiTffiJbu^entsTTh"' ’artion" Chiunt"' w"® T,'"« A All,Warrant* of the ms S.-rl... „„ 2 ~««« acieaaant were intermarried at ^da'8 ''-‘w >wbuiu ni.xiy
r £t ! th^'Ar^rCn,?.' -now
“erS^'^’ l ^ fuisi the G<:n:;;r‘Road Fund .’has it been said, “Idaho is the ablest represented of any of the states of the Union in the Senate.” —To-this may now be truthfully ad^ ded. the house of representatives. n aauicteu to the habitual use of Dispatches from Boise announce I oththat Governor Brady will return SlJr^aml'S^krher shortly and state his views on the shoulder with a sliot gun. question of state-wide prohibition -SP”>.'iSe,……..
feSwi“r,U^^^^^tlou on part of plaintiff, j his fists and knocked h • abused her
Call dated Jan. lOth E.sponge Fuu_. th.l910. HINCKLEY, Treasurer.
Dwight E. Wheelock
— provoca-
.struck her with.crwiseabWe.rh;rTtharinth:"^on?hJune, 190S. defen,lam knocked piSintiS
W. M. Chandler____. j Ji^^L ESTATE -Iguage toward j£oans and JibistractsmsUHAMCE notary PUBLIC 1 ORoVwO
p€&"s:.-rag^4 and 5 years rcspccth’cl
the side and that defendant
' School BuUdlng., IDJiHO
of his early announcement: defendant is not^afitor'pro^r^r’sonJo“ ■ ■■ …………………. ■".have the c.are m cixildren, and tliat pi e such custoach._^Presldent; Jerome J. Day, Vcc President . ''william J. While, Cashier: ■ DIRECTORS:Jerome J. Day. E. Nat Brow.,, William F. Ketlerlboch, Frank W. Kellenbach. WlH»«m J. Whiletransacts a General Banking Business.INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITSYour Business Respectfully Sollclled
Emilo OppUgtrIDAHOtIie_mostn«turaJgatew«y to Uie Famous Cleanvater rasriynsa'tjTffa* as 'i vw
; Gk^ter Livery and Feed Stabfci^-tWHEELOCK a OPPLIGER, PROPRIETORS DrivingTeams. Saddle and Pack Horses –
Nebaho Lumber Co.ZelenKa « Linn. Proprietori .. .. . VSuccessors toF. Z. Lumber Company
MiIIworK and Paper
Notice of •Iff.Sher.Shariff. Sale.forecloaure.
Monufacture«Roush ond Dressed ‘- * L-urnber, Lath, , .____________________________________ – Shingles, Etc.
Abstracts of T itle. Houae^ Bill a a Specialty
W. h. GIFFORD.Clerk I ousiness.]S*"»»a Snyd». Pr.prlelor^——–—
sale by
Dwight E.lint andranklinHunt.
^ …. vaaw aa.T. X liC ^0010115- J *“**""t aim lOt Sioners have been placed i„ a pe-!culiar position. RegardJes.s of what j K^escherthe abov^ _____might be their personal views or jBlin Franklin Hi
H*^HazJi Hunt
Under ijnd by virtue of an order
…… ■S„'r4'of"?St'‘sbe above action, wherein John Plaintiff,
Lewiston Abstract Company. Story Buck, Manager.
namedjewe HazeT Huntdecree
dollars ofthe people -called an election, and , should hold that the peui.on was a violation of the law and should set aside the verdict of the 'pebple- the commissioners would
Dr. BritanDENTISTIn Orofino, 1st to Ipth of each month. Hotel Orofino— ——- r—'ua. views or [foreclosure amlMle ;sentiments on the local option ques- i »“«». Benjamin Frank tion, they were there to act as a i S,'i?,Vi,, *"«; board of arbitration, representing '^a»e of'MelvinaV iltulh'decMscd^ all the ^ople in the controversy. the'^um‘iT fo
On their judgement the county *^^cruiug interest andvosts which
■ameing.s money, i to
….K 1 r_… . . j Located on First Street, next door* Bell Telephone Office.au cKxuoD, ana tue courts of ____„..viof thevioiHiinn nr «.,.i ——— (NEl-d)
sed dc- i ^ —————–—————
B Plckerdting & Embalming
ssa, fife ::3eedles and Supplies.
|£h:Sswieu luc commissioners wouid^. Boise Meridian together with the .J ClearwaterFoundry
the first oetitimi woe ..a. __ * '____i m-•, – .——-Hpperiaiu-i ’
n acHllg: obedience of said order of sale and de-! –
’^^‘cree of forerlnsnr. '….VI '.-.li '.rri. : ,
andTiaaw-M.ui IEast Main St.ippUc.
law the commissioners rather commended tha„
action, InacHflg:°'*‘*''"«of saidordVorsaVai'id .:: .p»,b. ..d,,12155^^ ATTw,.the board again, regardless of per-‘fi'”,thot^Khest and be.st bidder, for•• ………………………..-■By LOUIS D. SCII.TTNERfaminrv . ■ P'P?‘y-.
*WcOy to the C ;: Dntf. and should have no fears as to / the consequences.
LAWYERS.DIatnet, SUtc and Padml Practica
Just a Word
About the"' –
S Simon Piano ■
Company ■ ^
Special Pianos
We are the Wholesale and Retail Distrib- – utors for the Inland Empire of the
i ok’r^l^fK^ Combinola, Fischer.-Ola, and other Player Pianos, MASON & HAM- LIN and Other organt._ Write pr Catalogues, or call at ?he warerooms of :
The Simon Piario-yCo::MOST RBUIABGB – "iS..

i4%, Notle* for Pubiioatienf ;C'^i-v‘ Prpartnictttoftlie rnicrior"* ' *…… 'TSe announcement of the VaniKiIacy United St^too Ijind Dinte; l>wi»ton,;;:V of Hon. B. F. O’N'til for the governor- ,. „ .J^ M.ip did not come with surprise to many r tvitiuM H.jisNKS■ : meuj*s this p.irt of the state who liavc' of Del, W.hu, who, o.i September ,, ijo^. madekcptVjeir ear close to the-^Kriiund-catchBie popular .sentiment. jTown.hipjSXortb. R»u,caBastBo«eMerldisii.Ml oeer this section there isa growing j s feeling that some man shonld leail thej . .republican forces of Idaho this yerfr svhoj '■ ;■ hi addition to possessing a splendid and Oiaricy Btow^^iof Dcti. IdihS. . !. husiue.ss e «»dj withm SIX months thereafter.
lariht…………… …Claitnnnl nam WiUUira II. Jc:
nine party. i iiey say also that he is i Notice for Publication. ^ , Termf o^SaI«imiu.^l’!!;'" .1*^ T 7T CASH-ioparty all over the state and the more he -J«miar>* 13, 1910, accomoanv sntne Th.. «nVl#»rcicniwl WiVknown. ,hc bettek people arc plca^d **“«'“ ** _ !>erv«^c’right to reject ali
ivilh.bis positions on great public ques^ i of P„kiJaiic. who. o„ .March ,6. 1,03. m.d.! bids; '
of our rapidly growing shale.
o t:iitaUli.Hh claim to the j9,o on‘^tK’ Sii^dtaViih 1,'aTI^"i.’* Tumcison; t cl»f>a ami Thouio* IL Dyke*, all tiyke*. all uf Peck T. H. BARTLETT. Register.
intense loyally to the republican party is well known and his
able and | consistent w ork in aiding the rolling upj of handsome republican majoriUes foV a | number of campaigns has drawn to him j the .support of many strong and able re- I publicans down: this way. " .1. Irietids in this; vnludsToV
primaries to place him before the people ' one of the heirs of Mary Ami eandidale.tor Uie high office of
Notice is hereby given tliat tlie Inorship heretofore existing. bct ——— – T. Waller, d,S
Idaho. I DalHiding accounts ed at Ofo6no, ; Ibis 28th day
ane'r!^"^;^, ual consent. ’' J.. P. 11 debts now owing.! lid wiir collect all! unta due the above firm
…….. 1one of the heirs of Mary Aim TayTur,governor. W" . fyr NK14SW1.4: S1:I 4NP:i-4. ami Lois *His friends havtf nothing ;-K.'i;,ifcba.spircs to this position, but they are cn- r‘ijoJWr. at Orofiiio, Idaho, ih : .fyth day of ihusia-stic for Bariley and already are ! * ciSuKuh*uamts
irm.Nez I-ercc County:! of December, A. D. jJ. P. O'CONNOR j C. T. WALLER
■-•Merrill, HoiiseSE•.'-■■-7;,. 0' . ., ,, Oroflno.'ldaha
Good Accoftifnddatlons '• ;..Con verilent Sample: Rbomi :
U. S. L.md Omcc at Lewiston. .1910.Notice is hereby pven thatHI-RMANYKAL ‘
meat of his views on sonic of the im- 1 porUml questions before the people. ! The outlook for iTimrin this p.vrt of the I Slate seems most encouriging.Boise, Jan. 14, I910.
r. H." BARTLETT. Rotristci Notice to Creditor*."^rSESSSSi"^Receiver, at Lewiston. IdahoiUK^.u..a„drvn the 8th d.ywfM.rch. 1910.Clniinaiit names as witncB*:
.uccuasud I T. H. BARTLETT/RegiaNea Perce C9unty Prosperous, ———-LRWLSTON, Idaho. .Jan. i6.-Tlie ' 1 Cnited Statcs^r/n?5"^iS'sYrr-norts, iL,, I four munlUs after the 6rst
! J*'*" Proluitc Court of Nez Perce Count;! mailer of the estate of Is.'ibella Irwi
regular quarterly reports of the comity auditor and county treasorer, which were yesterday filed with the commissioners, shovv a saUsfactor, dition of the county’s finances.’ The jresources are Jisted at ^542,Oi3 and Ihel liabilities at $41^,75^, leaving a surplus Iof #125,275.There wf
u’: nfle^heTrl" Dec«nt^*?6!this iigiicc. to the imid administrator at Lcwi.sion j ^ hereby givenIdaho.^the imm^^^ for ihe trans- ! CI^VRK ILewiston. Idaho.
Home Cobkiriig ”■ I
Tha Orofino Feed Sr Sale Stable,: ■ f. W. Scott, Proi^etor. ; * '■ . .V77^mi
Hay and Grain, for Sale.
I ill Lewiston, Idaho, on thcjyth day of January,I Cl.ainfaiit names as Witneasrs;I Lester Riddle. Albert C. Wasson. Ollie' H I Winslow McCallistcr. all of ParkT. H. BARTLETT. Register.
ilcc 19 hereby given that AUGUST ALHKKT ANDUKSON Idahond. Idaho. ho oil Julv rt Knlry No. for K
Notice for Publication.Department of the InteriorI the treasury at th*-be-1States Land Office. Lew ginning of lift quarter 580,200.63 and there has been collected in fees #3489] .^ ‘and in taxes for the year 1909 #243,275. I of
a total of #326,964, while the disbursements havp amounted to but #6o.otc. ‘ nouce ot mleaving on hand #266.939. ' IAssets and liabilities are scheduled as «.th day offollows: Resources, cash in various;funds, $2j9,27S'» delinquent and unpaid j taxes, #133.695; lax sale certificates,’#19,636; Shoshone count>- Tedemplioii, [ ~‘ #29.‘*>55; anti court bouse aiul ground.*, j * *#62,168; liabilities, outsUnding warrants, I #95:291; bonds, #85,000; slate of Idaho, j Idaho January 11 1910 Notice ii hcreby’givcB
KSskhTscc.^33. ‘ Departm
l-rcill-ficbc.JoStu Lewis. James IL Rmilh and Lewis C. DoehLall ofHtg Island. Idaho.
Office at Lewiston. Idaho, reby given that :i-ORGK W. WOODARD ^
*Orofmo Meat & Gold j
Storage Co, v
O^alorafnFresh anti Cured Meata , . and Poultry
___^ ………..
Hiclca Bouaht and Sold Pi«^ ICRttl*IR*ndered |..ard•aHMMsiiiiiHMsiiiailiM'0^
#87,210; school districts, #110,005, androad districts, #21.250. * j VRKDFKIEBH
growing of timber in the United States was proposed to the civic federation con-1 ^ioncr.at drofino/ b ferenee on uniform ^aws. in ses.sion in j *'ciSI!mnt namesaa Washington, D. C. this week, by repre- senlatives of the National Luroberassoci- ation. The proposed plan contemplates that no tax of any kind be paid on tim­ber Itfnd until the trees are maimfaclured lutp lumber. The natioual conservation association will propose a plamto ux; timber only when cut, with an annual j
Ccoti'c CtcV!ii.n, •III … T. H. B.3RTLETT. HegUter.for PublifcatTon. department op tub intrrior Stalea Land Office. Lewiston. h"creby*g’iil?that LKK CANTRIL
T. H. BARTLETT. Regtafw:
T. H. BARTLETT. Reglater.
land likely to be reforestered by wise )r,y 1.1.1 UC ICiUlC:J-' ^-:v.;S“::: juaicious i«gi»ution.
se 1 North, range I Ka
i notice of intention
Notiee for Publication.Department oflhe Inlriior,. ^i^ridian. ha» filed ‘ United States Land Office, Lewiston.
Sir igraziug.BARTLETT, Register. AdVertized Letters;"
T: H. BARTLETT. Retrlstep;^
s-, – : Estray Notice. …….. I ——. – ■.
tspssiiis(he astray laws of Idaho: One red two- W a «o. Jan miry i St, 1910.
Hockwald. Arthur . ^KclIc>vJ. E. :,ANECobble Or^iio PrecincL3t VaUmtiif *s Bait;; rrThe Rebtkabs of (.Trofitjo wilf givc-aRoberim’; .V Waynes, JArjiic , ^ i^ics
•: Notice tor Publication.-1 , Dcpertiaeiil ol the liuerior ^sthlea I5u»a omc^- Litton; – .|’■'N5lii.T.r,c^;Sv;s?l;.l;: . J. HARLAN WJLLtAkIS – _
^O. K, I^ribrs for Candid, Nuts* Fruits, Tobafecos/Cl- fears. Post Cards, Etc.—Luinch Goods In Cpnn^tldnf■ ■ ■ ;*'■*' ‘ r‘- -c 'Agency for The Lewiston Laundry Company
' ORIN CROCKETT. Proprieton :: ^ –
VoDmer-Cto^ater Company Limitc4^&:: ——-—-We We headquart^* for o*t, aim Hodmr •b4 Dopon- own kept tliat tide of the Ship, while Charlee aod 1 watdied the other. Therer:4,X,ir,.““"'“ «-.I. Ub, ». |,(. o„rt„ „ wit down to the cabin, while Dapon- examined and bandaged Rodney's •m. Rodney was right; it iraa merely a fleeh-wound in hi. fore-arm. but. slight as it . Fas it seemed to turn him into our
’'•<»» the erst blood of the war. hen. the wound was attended to we svent on deck, all of us aquirer with er^ *UC.nV;el“nrNoon came, and we lunched on scraps and tried to make out on srookina manv pWul. of tobacco. The sun crossed the western heavens and com- mene^ to drop. Suddenly I discovered .Jiti t.r«l thl" wood.’ our pirv'^fdrew from thrra.- Whoii w. c-.................^ w. ^Itod, .nd .ft.r . few „hU- .1“™*^ towards, the shelter of the ellff. W. were some quarter down It jrhen from the plnea at our bach mime « loud halloo. Almost ,imultan«,a.l," “*•“Hnn.«' «.ld Rodne.v. and, like a foot-rtralfht at the man’s knees. The two wmt down In a heap, and the man’i re- without harm. D^ncean and I ran. earln, nothin* b«red half a dosen.------------- There were eries be-na. aild a bnUet whined Into the cliff on our left Another shout, aod we ■mlled; the Hfe of __ _ ,K-S?£;’:ri;r.S'. £--ST.nx-S’,’r’’r;«”• ®“ «'«k. “donr •''» »'we Then*Tf tl knsw they were In R« Fron*
* my f
be no mor^.wlm! from* “*Tben Rodney
.poke np, . "Peilap, I
^°"Dnle* T'
■^■^ui-eo to orop. Suddenly I diroovered P»''®‘>«l thinit. dropTo-^^IntV®——«
tarthe”' ” "* *“ “**"*"I bare plenty of water and food in ny hooae. It’ll atand a good long alege. If any of Iboae ra«ala ace living in It. Id Hke to turn them out. What do you
Bt^wy*””'^ * An Instant’s si ence. another report, and a furrow waa ploughed In the sand ten yards to the rear. We were hemmed in by an unseen
ring.Ve faced to the dllne^ standing slock- still. Two more gtins cradted. and tha bullets sped in-the air, .above onr heads, but not 80 far that we could not hear them sing. Rodney could stand It no longer.‘•Come ont and show yourselves like
en r-’ he cried, his voic^ high-pitched and raining. An Instant’s pause, and then ro men leaped forward.Islipa pistol cracked, then another man
Joined the two. and aa by Instinct we separated.Then began a running Brc while we beat a retreat. I kept cloee as I could
—„„„ wueu our enemyMpect that we would venture forth the ahade of night. We xlecldod to leave Dnponcean’a chest where it was for the preset. In the belief that the enemy would Insuntly turn tbeir attenHon to
my co^, and that the box would be"*bL“ed cab__With night-kU Ibout something after eight hours of
CHAPTER.XV. – – 'I watched the east tnm opalemmot vrHh the coming enn, and .the aea paae through the pale, tianelacent colon of tbe dielle beneath Ita surface, delicate rede and bloro and the Inanltely soft mothept)f-pearU Then the hues deepened, and the enn. not yet too bold for the aye. rose like tbe center of a gorgeona flower. The Me- world was his. and through and over the vaat epace of It glittered hU tiny mes- aagee of living flame. Oley canm even to the side of the Ship and shivered them- selvc* radiantly against lu old, gray- gteen, eea-wom hoards.' – I bad the world to mygel^ the Ma and It* dancing colors, the Ship and fte early- morning memories. OSat awe and'ven. eratlon whiob steals over the watdier ol
dawn-a* though irituea* to a birth boS
wi.. irajioi o tors ma.. I cama badr to'rwillty/knd w how It waa that I. who onlTi foia had baen buaied with my miroSrSJ
tag. Umx caunot Uv,,..llf. ut hlnSlf alone, occuired to me, and I thought that he would not even If he could. ^ or- dinnry, normal coorM no longer appealed
*• «M 1 cared not If our opponento^ to
tha water, emptying my revolver in
such a way as to retard the enemy with­out wounding them; for we suspected that they were seeking to Intimidate na, without actually resorting to bloodshed, and we. for our part, had no desire to have any ,deatha on our hands. They gained on ns. for wd retreated while they advanced,- and It waa only by takfng full
apeed to my heels and ma^g for tha rocks that I won a temporary respite. The enemy stopped^ and now wa could pepperM ^I glanced backward, and saw' the sail­boat very close—much cIoMr than . I* “Suppoae I see sir*“They’re going to board the Ship I a moment later he fctaT’K- 4 "”-aS! f'SKSS;
————- w6 prcparod, glad tobe about somethii.patient watdliing. wc wvre lo go m single 61e. I first. Rodney next, hia wounded arm In a slinf. tben Duponceau.
and finally Charles, with some little space between us. We cleaned and loaded our I revolvers, and about 8 o’clock, when we could no longer see the sail-boat standins out, against us. I bade good-by to the Ship, slid over the Hide Into the water, crossed through it. nrui crept over the li-H. I turned tnd signalled to Rodney -t the coaot was dear, and naw him lower himself by one arm and find a foot­ing. Then, with n silent pnivor that no , stray bullet might I«lge In one of be I fore we reached cover, I stepped gingerlj
on to the beach. Vou have seen picturw of African warriors stealing , through the jungle, their whole bodiff alert for any noise. So I went, mv sens»!of hearing abnormally acute, my eyes straining, into the> twilight for peril. I con Id neither run nor stop, but stepped on with the preci-Mitiu of an automaton, hop­ing tk&t in time the stretch of sand would ^ave slipped past liene.ith my feel
and I come to the-refuge of the dunVs. I did not look back; but knew that threif other men were tip-toeing as silently be­hind me, keen as was I to break into a da.sb. So on and on I went, for endles* j time H aeemed then—hearing only the steal { Rob of the ebb and flow of the tide and ■ «I-I the Roft, slurring rattle of the water a* it slipped hack over a stretch of stones.I neared the cottage, had gone one-half, two-thirds, tbree-fourths, of the way. and
-then of a sudden a screaming gull whir­red above my head, and. without thought save that I must break this tension, I shot forth full running for the house, I raced over the hard sand, over the m>ft sand, and when I came to my cottage fell pant­ing In the wide arms of the duhea, qniv- erlng, breathless. A riioment later the three others had fallcp near me. and we all lay there like so many bags of meal.‘That’s panic!” said Rodney. “I know DOW how It comes without any cause.”After a time Charles rose nnd stoke tc )f the kltchen-window. He looked In and the thook his head. Then he disappeared iround the other sWe. “Nobody there,”I looked at my pistol and led the way The front door was ajar, and without anj
more ado I entered my house on tip-toe, keen-eyed as a cat.- The others followed, and Charles' closed the door and bolted it I went into the kitchen, found It also empty, and secured that entrance; then, with the same-rare, we four filed up tht stairs and Into my study.,® A man sat in
my Morrfs-chalr, smoking my meerschaum pipe. I covered him with the revolver ai he looted op.' ••Hcllol” said be. “Never mind th< gnn. .I'm alone In the bouse."ahd mj "lis ----s^sksssi.. sirs srr IS" 'iuirr-"” “ ^ - 0 Now England troops, and before the war closed be had takes part Is ^Dl^fn *“ “•J®*' «“>*'»»•
e..P* •»<> f«'rne«a of Qeneral Howard Impremd thaApaiAe* with whom he had to deal In Arliona and New i?
t?e'S ?'?dCf,‘’ci “ ‘4troeTv:u?‘:,'r“4}:pldgl you.’’ ‘ .T°'-k. "Id thla I
farther omwar*. caiiing to and Charles to stir themselves. Am I did so two men came scrambling over the outer rocks and made for tbe Ship, whilea thW held the sail-boat to the stoe. Iheard shoots, and saw Rodney cross he- side me. He stood a moment onprbtected and that instant a bullet took himfwtte ^ him give a pr^ of p ‘‘It’s nothing—a’scratch < he jnottered as he crouched."-“r.s'Sfijr.’sWithback. that Instant a bullet took him In tte ^ ^ I l^;hlm glv^ pry of pain. :t’s nolhIng-Hi-scratch on the flesh,’’ Quttered as he crouched.-*he.twa mea were!climbing the yard sWe.. I waited, and as the rejured above me. I was on him aod Tl. .J.. .M Wtad,,. W ... ttJ over, had sprung, when Dupon<»au apd gun’* not lo shooting order.“SuppoM 1 see. sir.’’ »ld CJharlea, an >.l_
….. …..v..,. „„ u,c Other by refloo lion. The aro of 120 degrees thus ra- cords: the actual angle.I Midway on the frame on one side laa telescope and opposite on the other leg of tha frame Is a glass transparent in the upper half and sUyered in the lower half. Both the telescope (B-T In the accompanying figure) and the Iglaes (H) are firmly'attached to the frame. At the top of the' frame ie a mirror (C) which U moTOble by means of an arm (R-M) to which U la 'fastened. C Is called the IndeTglash tnd the arm-(R-M) revolves around H, At M Is a shifting scale for making fractional measurements and called a i vunllsr. 'The obsexrer takes the Instrument to his hand and holds the telesc^e korlsontally. , Looking through I eicops he may the horlson through

AN OBSEBVATIOlf.toe g^duated arc over which the a I^M has passed Indicates toe measure orthe angle In degrees which Is ex- acUy^determlned by-toe movable frao tional scale of vernier.
Arabian astronomers are credited with having used a sextant as far bock as the- year 995 with a radius of 69 feet 9 Inches. The modem Instrument v^i^ented to^peudently about 1730 . ^ by Thomas Godfrey of Pbiladelnhla* ' . ^ ’«d Capuin Hitdley of the BrlSS -:;T:
. end then: left him. . (To tw ehntlnned.)
to the eyes of a companion, m toe arm R-M •• until the mirror ClU' reflection and throve it to the Mlvered Burflice of the rlaes tt When tbe snh It thus made to
•-0 uoor eareiy.«nt be- he had dlsappearod like
“(tome." said hU fWheg,. JoMa* na.
“Well.” eald.the boy, ntaing relu» ‘ -I

An aee«Dtrie country iqntro ngroea to ■employ an equally oceantrie mstio to ri^d hia manaion of lU plajno of flica,for t^X"At.iho end of ttia period there were moTo flioa than ever and the sqnUe in-«ver ^aven■'yo^”de*^a •contracted to kill nil the fliea.”y°"- tntv-nor,” re­tort^ tho tmly rustic. '‘You've got to catch 'em flrat. I only promised to
rue! Men Meet.Western Fuel association, composed of retail coai dealers In Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming and Utah, will have ita first annual conven tion in eMasonic temple, January 22.. –
Round the worlUFrjnn San FranoKO, Feb. 5, 1910
One Steamer for the Entire Cruise
ROUTE: Japan, China, Philippines, Java, Boraw., Burma, India, Coyl^ Egypt
SSSSSSSSJFrank C, Clark, TlmeaBldg. New York
Artla^Havo.yon noUeed that long ha» makes a man look inteUeotualf Hisyrlena-Well. I'v. aeon wives pick them off their husband'a coats, when It made th»m look foolish.
Furs j
The Cough of
ConsumptionYour 'doctor will tell you that fresh oir^^and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard.’ Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking AycrV Ghcrry Pectoral. It controls the tick­ling, quiets the cough.
iuersIyer’s Pills at bedrtme will cause ssed Bow of bile, and produce a ixstive effect the day following.One of A,geniirhxVtTveVffecMiTe day …………
Formula on each box. Show it to' your doctor. He will understand ala glance. Dose, one Pill at bedtime.——M.S. br ilii J, c. Co.. L,,;,.!!. Mm. ____
^yto valn. of hU,«IiuwI on^mt-of ^ka for im waa $a0;U0fi00, or ptkctisally Ah. same a»"a.t of l«oi
It is reported that J, p. Morgan of New York and the Ssataeliep< bank of ^rlln are plaimlng a worliwidi truat the nitruM Industry with a Capital of *200,000,000. It is understood the syndicate inteuds to pqrehs^ aU the saltpeter mines in Chile and the nitrate works in Norway, where $20,000,000 ia The United States hss lost its place ■ ‘he greatest wheat prodneitjg coun­in the world wi4 Bus«rS, won dlstlnetlony Bnstta last yettr DE. MAETEL'S TEMALE PllLB Seventeen Years tho Standard. Presorihod and recommended for women’s ailments—a seiontifleally pre­pared remedy of proven-worth. The re- enlt from their use ia quick and perma­nent. For sale at all drug stores. 423 Puya KOW-KURE ! *‘‘ecowantl, as ita namoindic.'ites,a_Low Cura. Barrcncss. retained aftoiv >
International HotelSPOKANE. WASH.2M Usln At.., nsw Bemird St.
Bad Breath
weeksagoa friend njcommendcdcS*^
to in. lMnuf.cturw..DAIRY ASSOCUIKHI CO.
Pettlfs Bye Salvo.
No matter how badly the eyes may bo diseased or injured, restores normal con-
"What dp you feed the babyt” is a question that usually calls forth a we^Hsomo amount of detail. But- the
baby, she asked,feabyl‘MVell, you see, it^s this way: have a great many samples of ba foods sent us, and we try thorn all.*'Tho next time you have a cold oii the lungs try robbing Wizard Oil on chest and see how quickly it will out the inflammation and b cold.
3 '' WA. u«wm. jonc. meother day a young mother received a
1 your w -Jdraw I break up the
–J- HK-i"–.
lleliiulBeam tlie Signature ^ j
Use For Owr 30 Years;
FamousWife—The landlord was here today, Mm TheTaV™Husband—Next time he comes around
Hotel TouraineSPOKANE, WASH.2-1 Monroe St., opposite Eeviow Bldg.NEW ANNEX JUST OPENED.AU eleganUy furnished.Hot and cold water and telephones in sU rooms. AUTO BUSS MEETS All. TEAINK Rates, SOc to *2.50.Special rates to steady guests, WILLIAM SNOW, Prop.
Mothers wiU find Mrs. Winslow's
"That clerk of yours seems to be rker.”that's his specialty.” •hard worWhiX-^orkingf" ling to!‘'No—seeming
Gold. allT gold. 50o;
Part of Sixteenth street in Washing­ton is to have its name changed to "Av- «m.« of .ho Presidente.”
woel and eottea
THE COST OP PAUrriKQ is a heavy burden when you use
s*sx’ij:'.rti,sK£itKrance SO desirable in a homo. o£To . and 40 paint will cut the cost in half. It's the paint that lasts. It stands
Ask your dealer, or send direct to ns.Spok»ne Paint & Oil Co„N. P. B. B. and Madison Str ^ Phone Main 1580. Bpokans, Wash. '
iboardsthe trip to ……………………………..A«LCYes«'o—they have never complained. They are they are drcLdthe black cat, all ho wants t^' eat, but«H the ta^
business, but­tle bashful at having thei employed
by us during tho1 ThVt^%rd"chnd^oT;”
the arctic circle in the intemsts'of ou?
■, and they feed, their little » eat, but IWHY?
..s; rASK.f •'
-teo%^:^;rpt“do‘i;t,'^ WeseUanybeDO YOU KNOW
fx'iUt a wvr^
I sou anybody, ship anywhere
OnrPrice*Here areOrowi Panel Hr Doors. Cottage Front
aa WiUiains.
Sis..Happy New Yei-S^tnUfe, Wa*h.
k – – ■

Har^y White, electociao (or theXight Codipaur. had.Mi experience!.^,last Saturday noo.1, which came in .
. r A.. tiishcs the water for power for the light, Stock with J. M.: > plant, he working (rom the lower end j; of the box and his companions working | »P""B t"® of «»>rt er' town wij^ facial cryaip- j
—–| . uie raiitce meal aiarxcwere at the get one of those choice cuts of beef. , to dinner. I Ralph Schriver is seriously, ill at his!^lifffurniWIre
-.aaww.xaw uuu»u xuuiuig {.orougn Ml, ftomabout so hour and that the plant could‘ebs. – ^
,e. wi.i.a.e miapuKeu anq ine Ufst thing Mr. White knew the water srus running down the dume and'striking hun in the face. To retreat wfls im­possible owing to the ice ^hind and thb only thing to do was to force a passage through the ice covered hob, eight feet long and eight by twelve inches clear. To do this he had to place one arm ahead and one l^ind and ^sh his body along the passage. He wab also in that portion of the.boz on the incline which made hu task that much harder John
Lewis, after spekding a in .Orodno, left Wednesday for his hokie -0 the North Fork. ‘
0013×845 «^e pXc* ^a*>^k?t
^4fn-sissr“ of T. LaForest and . .. . wifedied Sunday and was buried Mou-in the viiiage'cmaawsx. ,.a,»v Iiaving no outlet,'• immediatdy filled thclible ahead of him. making death by drowning imminent Realiring bia peril’ White, pushed one arm ahead and bending his neck to one side by almost superhuman effort forced his l^y through the eight feet of spaceinterrening between himself and the outside world. On emerging from the bole Mr. White was so exausted that he wws unable few K»ne time to’ cmwl over the edge of the box, and when he did present himself in his half drowned con­dition at the power house hU companions laughed at his story that he
bad come through the hole in the ice'lo the out­side. Barring his tborongh ’ drenching Mr. White has suffered no ill effects from bis thrilling experience.
Pfobablo Re
E. J. Weseman and wife left Monday for Walla WalU where Mr. Weseman will rindergo a seriooa o^tkm for rupture
Will Do Drayfcig
^ With the lines now drawn be­tween the Brady and O’Neil camps ^ in NezPerccTOunty local politicians
are beginning to come forward andplace themselves in the bands of their, friends for future considera­tion. From the candidates who . have announced tbemselves , openlyor to their intimate friends we have the following to Select from: Auditor, W. L. Gifford and C.. E. Monteith; Assessor, Swsnnstead and Er^ Wood; Probate Judge, J.. ,R. Long; Prosecutor, Dwight L , Hodge; Sheriff, Schattner, Monroe
and Whitted: County School Sup­erintendent, Miss Brown; Countj Comm^siones, Wm. Seagrist, John
Gorman and Henry Black.Members of the-legislature; J. C. Bullock, J. B. West, Chas. Mc­Donald, A. A. Alvord, J. L. Good­night, Col. T^d, P. E. Stookey
and G. Orr M^nimy. ^
• ? Items From Dent . …: ■ C. A. Wilson is a I-ewiston visitor thjs
_ Mrs. Smith has commenced the erec- . tion of a bam.Ed Wilson has quit the Milwaukee and U at home now.Tom George and family are back on ; their hommtead again.June Roes has gone to Spokane andwill reinaii forth; winter
I desire to notifr the residentaof Oro- I fino that I am in the field for all classes and will haul anythinR from,—–that * -asthe field for all classes will hau load.Yours for business. .PJ.NOBI.EAttention Is 0.a FaAll members of Orofino Lod^e No. 64 O. O. F. are requested to he present Monday evening, January 14th, tqio. Installation and work in Second and Third degrees.W. M. chandler. Secretary.
. ..
t*aaaat,.isav 'mmMx
have just received a fine line of Oak, ^ Ur.t ^ -‘7^;:i/^4;:;/DrcsseK. Ladies^ Desks. Rocking Chairs. • – ^Dining Tables. Stands.Kitchen Cabinets. Kitchen'Tables. Iron – 'peration I^eJay. ^ Adry votewillThs McCann brother aire out for tlidr ^® considefed an endoraement of our annual outing. We all wish them a protect the Indians fromgoodtime.^^^^^^^- – Whiskey peddlers and of our efforts tohli3. Dr. Watts was caUed.V WekqnJ ^ tax payers of Nez Perce-Oregon, bemuse of serious illnher.moth< _ ^_____________7 R«y Shaw has ihstWin • new tele- What make? Oh —ask Ray ;vrv ,; It^.a^Iong dislahce, .^ il. r ^ ^ •erics:.pT “Progressive —nty from the expense attached to outrages grisiug from this traffic. Ifou are anthoriwM to make this telegrwn public.’’Hiriie. to Craditort. Nothii^ Better in This Line. Everybody Knows Thein Mat sgm8 Alwayt a iittie Cheapen , : :i Prices From - o > 75cts. [
' ' up to '
,…… ^,
. ………………….
We Buy Direct From the factory. You Wiu’FUd
iXiSki,:;.,.; iX';/ the Home of ■ v
8 The Whte Pine Tradinjz^1^1 ^ Everybody’s Stor^ . ^Ttfj^y •" vWto^ j

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