
and With it the 0. T. Co. can show you the most attractive line of
Spring and Summer GoodsEver Shown in Id&ho
A few of the Many thing's:
The Celebrated L & S. Bing Clothing, in the latest styler and Patterns A complete line of Ladies*, Gent’s and Children’s Shoes and Oxfords ^ Spring Dress Goods of all Shades and ColorsSomething new in Neckwear and Belto Hair Ornaments of all kinds.The latest in S|mng and Summer Head Scarfs Lace Cnrtains and Bed Spreads.Straw Hats ftw ail Summo* Underwear and Hosi^
A carload of furniture jtut arrived Linolium in rive different shades Spray Pumps and IMining Shears
Bring Your Friends with you we are always pleased to show Goods
Orofino Trading Company
Orefb» t*«Ut«LfVoCno is isoUU.I. Tfaic is the hCN-enth «laj- since ai*il has been bronght , into the totra from the otitside world.! Tbiscoadiiion wa« bronght abont tnruugh ibe condfoioQ of the road bed of'the
Cleamter Short line, where recent, low^t resp . storm* have caosed alidea is the vicinity * ’of Myrtle, of ench magnitude «s to atop all traffic for many days to come. Who is to fault for the nos«rriva! of mail cannot be learae.^ at present. Telephone ' comtnunicafloD with Postmaster Mc- Ecbron. of Lewistcm. reveals the fact ; that no orders have yet Ijeen received by ; him to fbrward Orofitto malt toy way of ' Granget-ille and Stites. If this had bees done OB the day fallowing the slide*,Orofino could have enjoyed an uninter­rupted service during the part fonr days at least. We nnder&tand that Postmaster i Parker telephoned Chief Mail Clerk ' Ewell, of Spokane, some days ago that tfie Graageville^tites route was open , and reqoeeteii that Orofino mail he I routed this way. Why it has not been done is yet a matter of mysierj-. Post­master McEchron telephoned the Tribune last night that be «-ould immediatelT forward all Orofino mail in his office by ! way of Grangerille and Stites, *o it is ' pretumeJ this line will be working bv Monday at least. We hare been in- formcil that Secretary Ogden of commercial club, received a teleg this morning in answer to one be sent , last night, to the efftfct that the letter ' mail would now be routed by the tqay of Reu)>ens and Lenore and if 'this is 'the case we are likely luniorrow's train.receive mail by
CemMt Company takes op Opdmt.
Fuel & Ice Orofino this week
Notice to OwtrMtors.- Notice is hereby given that sealed bid* will be received f»y the undersigned, for the Construction ot .Albert S-igatd grade in road district So. 13 and 50 np to the 16th dav of April 1910 at 2 o'clock P. M. '* wliiab-itmc the said bids will be
Ider. Ail work to
be done according to plans and specifi* cation* on file in this office. Each pro­posal tnnst be accompanied bya ccrtifi' r per c«it of its amount, able to Chairman Board County Com- ntsioners, of Nez Fesounty Com- nly, Idaho,check for five per c«it of ;■ ird C>ners, of Nez Perce c . which abal! be forfeited to the county if the bidder refuses or neglects to enter into a written contract for the work as of his proposal. SuccessfnI- to furnish aurety Ixmd in full It of bis bid, or deposit certifiedimonnt of bis bid,check in So per cent of contract price for completion of contract acecordiug to plans and spedficalions. Each propel hmst state the time in which the work will be completed, subject to a penalty of lio.oo per tk>n ! on the Bartlett property of 160 acwi. lying northeaa d town was taken up ’ and P*?" fherete. Mr. Bartlettretains a lease 00 the property until January Wt. l9u. subject to a ninety Uavs option of the company for his re- .moval. While DOtniag definite could be gained as to the immediate plans of the company lor the the futote, the Tribune feels confident that, with the purchase ' of this properly, the inil^ step to tablishing
ing demand ior this product.Hors. gaU Shock.A horse belonging to James DeConrcey eras knocked down from a shock ceived from coming in contact wHh • guy wire to which be was faitdied in front of the DeGsnrcev Imilding last Saturday. It is presumed the wire be­came charged during the thunderstorm of the sftemoon, snd the horse being of the largeet cement | hitched to Ihp wire, struck his bead plants in the world here in Orofino has j against it with the above resul^ l>een taken. Many obstacle* remain to ’ While attempting to extricate the horse
k –
Spring Goods Here
Bov* Suits that wear well where the wear cornea 'Di^u Goods fresh from the Ocean voyageEvoy coBceiveaUe style and shape that’s new and fashionaUe in our Hat Department
can often crowd value into a pair of Shoes and the shoes not look like it You can often leave values out of a pair of shoes and the shoes look as if they had H. Lottery is’nt it? But not as we sell them.
BumstsHer- RhilomophyWealA is pow^ and health is StrragUi. If you buy your groceriM here, we save you weal^ and at the same time preserve your health by selling you pure fo^ mily.
Free Oellvery
Orofino Mercantile Co Ltd
Orofino's Cash Store
be overcume before the expenditure of , million*, nececaaiy in the oonatmetion of the plant, can be gotten under way. but the high character of Mr. Reid and > a*«>ciat« in the financial world, should be an assurance that this
Mr. DeConrcey came into contact with the wire and received a severe abo^1 was not eeriously hurt by the occur-
J. M. Bartiett. who disposed of biscate, poiytaaeed lots yesterday oi Orofino Impnn-etaent Companv, and County ComniiiiKioner Bollock left will imnyditfeiy erect a band>oaie, two this momhig for Lewiston, where he I Mory. ei|^ room bri^ iWUeneaa' The will, in company with Commiasioners 1 simctnre will be trected near Ibe Vt ing and Davis, canvas* the election j Jones' borne, on a commamling site reiurns as corrected to date. and will be one of the finest in the dly.
i KeiJer, left for Lapw* waning. – bi* loU is the Haste tract*. Day Ad.iitioa
General OAce. OreSne, Idako.
Buys White and YeUow Pine
E. N. Brown,

A r*v latHMUac lt«n Fna Ow BirtifM «f tt* nm»mt OMnr-itawNB A«ei. «wli m4 Tmamal Xrwla Mto Ra**—B«tMH 0«UMk !• OM4.
WAflnvoTOH im&TIm WUmu to«d Aomm will nMk • t«ul of tM.OM.aw* Houotot U. A. iTat
bif aiU At WImWiot gim opmtloAi IU7 1, Mooriiac <*tU* Uadoey, Tie* prMid* MaartM*T^di«lrl«t U tW irrifatl Om broak I M» r«BBt>d la tkt Twla ud k%wBb«r «d bnak«
I ia iaproviof tlowJ/ tnm ba
CW«7 • w«(«r M|it>7 «u «At oC Sotardajr. m torroau tr*m *m*tj kUl-MdM wb««r|od tbo rwwTotf.Un. WUAtmiM Lawm, wboM stad boeMM doia^od or«r criOTiaf orcr Uo dootb o< • dABfbtor, couiinod aoMido •t iAeotUe SumLj.Babop Loauol U. W*lh of Bpokaao, who baa bow ill ui Now k'orb, «o ofaia at bia work raiaiBg fuada for woowrah*j will bo aeareo botwow am aad tbo trot aottiac of tho aaw etap labfay. Tbo wtiro Yakwa wllaip protty woll aold oat.Ail tbo bodioo of >ba rictwa of tbo WoUiOftoo d.aootor will aot bo row arad for a »oatb, aceordiaf to a atata- •oat Mda by Baporiateadaat O’NoUl.Cbarioo Maraop, tbo l4 7oar-oM aaa •< Hwicbt Maroep, a farMr lioiao Ibrw wio» woat of Toaobat, waa m odoatali/ abot aad biUad bp a /amatar Kiabarlp to nld to bo 7S foot ia toactb.Tbo dlawTory of aataral faa abwt oor tailoo ooot of Rapo. oa tbo Lawroyo raacb, bM aaaaod axailoa Hopo. Tbo gM blMtol aad baraad a brifbt wbito Bobort Baim • MMiM of Tvla Palla. waa obM Mi«lM U Jarbr roewtir Tbo Ml bp aw roofor wba Mp|rt • dioputowith Borao erpr MM tawa lota Johm HoatoB waa acoidwtallp'tbot Toooatlp, wbilo bootiag for rabWta atoag tbo tlwrwator riTor. Tbo bullot fraai a Bbaalibro ravtrfoor Tbo badp of L. D. Sebwarta aad tUartoo O’Brioa. drowaad at Oaba aa bat Taoadap. wwo foaad ia oiaab a atio bolow tbo aaoao of tbo ao- aidaat.Jaba btoboa, wbo killod bio wlfo, bM baw toatoaoad ta tnm 10 to M poam ia tbo pwuwtiarp far Maatoagbtor bp dadga Yakop ia tbo aapotior eoartTbo badp of tba lata WiUiaat Wia- taro of BpokM, wbo dlod raawtlp ia Sow Yoab. will bo broifhl to Tiiikiai fcr Aatomaat, aad will piabablp arrioo tbota tbo latt 3t tbo woob.Withoat aa laataat't waraiag Hoatp Mapoo, obMt aigbt dtopatobor of tbO Kortbon Faei«<, aaa araabod ta di Baadap aoraiag wbilo atMaptiag .. ooatio a ooaeb aad Baggago car at ■MkaatbTbo parado of aboat worbiar M tbtaagb tbo otraata of Spabaao Taaadap aigbt woo aa aowt aorol ia tbo biaaorp od that ertp. Tbop waat tbo oitp to ratoo tbo aoato of wom froa 0*.T5 to 03 for oigbt boatHarrp B. Uaafocd. poaagoot aoa of Jadgo C. H Haaford of tba fodoral oawt, baa bow plaood ia a paddad ooB at tbo BwttU oitp ;aU, boooMag rio- laatlp lawae, aad bia fatbor lioa proa- tratad at bio boao aa tbo rowlt.AD of tbo ladaouial Worbon of tbo World diatarbota wbo baw baea do- iag tiaM oa tbo eltp roebpilo baao will bo rotoaaad boforo tbo oad of tbo proooot waob. acwrdiag to (.-htof of Polioo dalUvaa. Tbop all agroo to boop witAia tbo aitp 'a ordiaaaaa.' Dr. Ba^b Matooa, oitp bacionoOogiat of Panlaad. baa aado pablx tba fact tbal b# bad fovad aboat oao grmU of atrpckaiao ta a MaU portioa of tbo eoa- toata of tbo atooaaok of Mra. Edkh Pt- pooa, wboM baabaad, Qaorgo doobp part of tbo tbigb.Lafo Boo. wbo to allogod to haw bUlod W. H. IfcCliatook, aa Ada a«utp raaohor, laat Dooo«bor awr a aboop d«a| qMrral, ia oa trial ia Boiao ertoM. Balf-dafoaaa will ba tkwrr of tba dofoaaa.Wbiia wdwwriag to aaw a raopoa' aioa foot bridgo acroaa tba Baabe H< at Kiag'a Hill, aoar eioaa’a Forrp, eaatlp, two aiaa waro aw^t Into tbo ragiag water aM dwwaod. Manp wit- Doaaod tba swidaBt bat woio power laoa toEs Poatauotoo doaoo W. Boor of Oo«. wbo boa aorrod a aoatoaeo ia tba eooatp jail for appropriatiag faado of paotal - pbeid bacilli Into tbo oariroamoBt tbo Bwopo boaN.KB oim m PAiBBAjnu. jaU 00 Mokiag aAdaolt that aaabto to pap tbo iao iwpoood, aaoBBtiag to dbOrM. MOMTAKA WMWM.A local optioa caiapoiga, tbo drat of aap protoaaieae ia Moataaa, waa b^aa ia Aaaeeada Satardap bp tba Wi Ckrtotiaa Toaporaaea uaiea. Tba Pagot Boaad raOraad baa raamaaduaoagar aarrico batwooa Balto aad tba Pacile aoaat, afUr a eaaplata Ua«p of tbo oatiro apatoa for aaarlp two woobaWith 1800 utopboaao woooctod tbo Oroot Falla Aatoautio Tatopboaa aaw- paap baa joot aado Ita iaitiol bow to tba pabJic, aad tba bow aorrieo ia actiw eporatioa. aad a ehar^ w e pooa’a daath. Baabow of i witb lira. Po- tbo botoo agaiaat tboala roioiood roaoatJp at ' Boom of tbo ooaacilaoa 1« a dro alarw to toot tbo rototiwapood of tbo horoaa aad tbo ao MbcAo rbotioal aagiao. Tbo ■ado it >a a ■iaau aad a half aad wow oaKag foe a aacoad balpiag oata bofow tba aatoMbPo pofbd bto aigM.Jaaob Fartb, proaidcat of tba Pugat Bwad Eloctrto Battwap eewpaap, op-oratiag tba latararhaa railwod betwaoa BaalUa aad Taaowa aad oibor Itow ^ atiag frow tbo twothat tbo eoapadp will wt aoeagt tbo tooaat ordor of tba outo witooal 1
faraob bod wil aairp tbono mau law ^ iMg, a foado at tboAr ova mgma aad Iiraotoagi. gaNo aad hw% wbaw that/gmdaa btaatt laad ovaad bp a farMT. to aow bald to boro I wpoatod bp a liiltoii of tba alalo oaprawt aoort ia tbo aaao of I. V Iuiwap d waiac tl«a»ioa aowpaap, 1 cwMa of tbo lowor aoort. Tba aoort aapo tbal aador tbo law of iBlT ■aoa pap tbo arpwoa
qoartorip diridood of *300,000, which ■ahoo a total for tbw Aa .boUiag of ddl,mM. or »ow thaa bt ^iMO ita twiod eapMal of «3,UO,OOU.Jodgo CbaadU at Uwiotowa baa aoa- iwcod.Cproa'.A- Spaaglor. a waaltbp PoroM Grow •tockMaa, wbo killod Law* Bolaad bp braiaiag kiw aa bo alopt, to 89 poota.ia tbo poaltaatiarp.A harrtoaM which canaod ■aoh prep^ artp doMfo awopt orar Miaaoala Sat- ardap. Tbo roof waa btowaboildiag OB woat Proat atraot aad aigaa aad awaiaga all ever town woro brokoa froa tboir faaUaiaga.Pivo Uadalidaa ia oao dap to tbo r ord for tbo rogioa aboat Libbp. Tbo Ua otaap ■Uto at tba ABMriaaa Kooto- ' waa wiped eat bp aa OTalaaobo, Ooarga BtaakwaU briagiag tbo aowa Tkroa faauiioa lioiag at tbo aiao oa- capod iajarp.feared that a aarioaa dood wiD roouit aloag tbo apgor Miwouri rioor M acoeaat of tbo aaaoaaDp Ugh water t*r tkia Ubm of tbo pow. Tbo riwr alroadp to bigbor thu it baa boa* a« aap tioM dariag tbo ■oath of Mareb ia dvo pwra.Tbo largM dioidoad popaoat bp copper slM tbio pear to gddd.MO bp the >oda of Moataaa. Biaoo ita or- ^itatioB la 1U9 thia oowpaap paid diridoada totali^ dObMOMO. a m per oaot rMdra oa tbo tooaed eapitatlaatioB.
Tbo bodp of Leak Jaaoa, tbo actor, who died at Holoaa, waa ihif^ad U Kaaaaa i^ty. wbora it woo borlod Moa dap. Tbo ftMoaa tragodiaa died Sot- ardap froa heart failara, after aowcal dapa' iltaoaa. Ha waa CS poara of ago, aad waa bora at TrOTMat, ID., ia U4t.Silk traiaa, carrpiag 8I*.000,OW la Aaiatic ailba eoaaigaod U Sow Tarb MpertorO; tr« Ink -mm Bhtdr Boot ■otfataiM b
oordiag to tbo dtopateboa.0«adr.oatioo of tbo tsieo of gold told of tba Haraoa atriko witb aach t ty •ddltioaal iofonnetioa baa booa brooght ,t of •* tba Tea Mila diatrict of Idaho bp (Tbomaa W. Morrap. wbo, witb othora, ■a ideiitidad wilh tbo Baaiior, a propartp
Bear bp., . T———– ' bil of the M aaa #bo atrag-Lr lobart Patka, Paotew Motbedtot glod to auka aiaaa ia that loag biddw MHiber ef ParWawwt Plapa Haot , dirtrtot tbrimgboiit doeadae bare aaa- to Bz-Vtoa PnalMBt. ;ceodad ia a oarpiag degioa and are ia______ I* p^tiea to rmp tba rowaH that iaLoodoa.—Tbo aaaouBeeaMDt that aa-,*®*‘*« growing
Vico Praoidoot Fairbaaka waa aator• i P*Wie, tba rnah aadtaiaod at laaebooa Wadaoadap bp Bir I traaaporUtiob faailitiaa proam Bobort Parka, tba loadiag Matbodiat Mp- ^ taport froa Botto etatoa that ■aabora, ba.a,.po,.Bl«gBi#eaacola!?L*^"*J* ^ iartallod at view 0/ tba Pope'a rofaaal to roooiro' ***“ BodaoHoa worka for tba traat- biai after bo bad addraoead tbo Moth-1 “*■* ®* ** *■ Haa.dbO, aboot half
MetbedUt bodp ia tbo Uaitod Statoa. »«* >» gold aod tbo root aoppor.OB which aeooaat ho bn booa aakad to aad^ilrer. Thia w« briag the <^j&>' U* ^^*1 poar up to »3,a«0,It la tbio aoaatrp.” >Hiho prooaBt rate to kept ap• priaca aad priortortaiaod Mr. aad Mra. Fairbaaka 1
■TO ia «bo0 MoaUaa Aew little iap taaa,tba'•aatora Moa- Toagao riraraare oa a ra«pM*flooBUok. The Mtoaoori ri*or la mot ia badip jBMod. while .I an raaaiag bgab faD. Bail- wo ■ora or leoa doMaritlaid, al- tboogb tba Groat Notlbm to ona li-aoapolto. Ho tow roportod dariag tbafroM Hotoaa to I of li/o baa b^
■ado ta eoaoort wiad iaU alaatrMli Qidta a larga fam aaw Haabatg to botag aappttai witb MwMaal m
bia u taka ebaoga
looB. pawpa. aad oartoaa faiw ag^ aoMo botag drtooa. wbBa aawa baa-
droda of iBaaalmwt toa^a an Dgblod la ranoao abada aad bean oa tba farm.
-Etovea diBoroat iadtot- 1 Dr.
aott tnarko Bpda' hr tba graad jury.i^to wore for aardar ia
UinULUTUiO MERlMnwt.A. B. W. Hodgaa, roaidoat auaager of tbo Oraabp Coaaelidatod Mtoiag, Baoltiag aad Power eoapaap, Iteitod, the largaot reppor prodaeor la Britlab ColaabU or la tbo DoMaioa of raaada. kaa roalgaod, and learn about the ■iddia of March, with bia fanilp. for Peru, South Aaorica. when be4ma, rill, 01> April 1, boeoae geaeral ■ tbo Com da Paaeo Mialag ragar ofcc.-, T^».One ladictaeBt waa for _ r ia tba death at CbloBol
e Swept d I Ariaoaa aad Micblgao, laDr. Upda ia iadietod far Otta.ptiag »*ro tba laadigg atatwkill with tppbold goTM Mtoo ^ “* Of '•?!*•» taat poar.caret Saropo, Miw Stoito Swope. MtoaSarah Swope, Him Luep Uo Swope, Nora BoJto Diodoa, a gOYaraooo ia tbo Swope boon; Looaon CoprMgt, a ao gro nrvsBt; Miaa Goorgi'a Conptoa, a er, aad Mildred Foa, daagbtor
Tbo Adana aiao, regarded aa tbo Urgeat ia the Elk Oitp diatrict of Idaho, both ia on aroaa aad raiaoa, baa
booa bott^t bp Spokaae people. Tb# aum iavolYod baa aot boen nada pubito, bat tbo Marpbp niae. a partlp dorclof 8. Waller Foa. aad a frioad af tboi®*^ propertp of the aame C^ld,traaaforrod thia wnk for #100,000, a«-Swope fanilp.Tba iodietneata eorer the oatin raago of the ehargoa agaiaat Dr. Hpda, iaelodiog tba allogod poiaoaiag with aod tbo iatrodoctioa of
Body Tabaa to OMOgo, R. T.. m, unb- plaea, for Bwlal-Ba Waa Mot Oalp a IboSor ia Rla OwB Auta, bat m Kg. ttoaal ABaM aa WaU—OM Ago Sad- iMad by MatrlMtal Atatra.
odiet eoBMuaitpPorba, whoa aaoa by 1 aaid.
'r:of Walw OB-; ■ groad total for tbo poarFairbaaka at ,«*'*‘"g •»»•* W »•*» of #•^00^1. laaebeoB at Marlboeoagb Baaaa. ; Kortp aiao Anorwaa ntaw aad nodablurgieal worka, araordiag to rope ■ado diraot to tbo Mtaiag World…………………….. BtlMtwo noatba1»1#.——————- Tbo aiaafc af the Aaaooada Copperfoniga eouatrioa. la nroral for tonpaap baa booa uaaaforrad fro« tbo eiga eoaatnoe tbo totopboao nrrieo 10 unlialod aalaaa to tbo Uetod aoat alao govaranoBial aad aoaaoetod with; York atock axebaaga.tbo poet oSoo. Wo an aov loobiag *<*t*n*«t which aeconpaaiod tbo ro- ia thia couatrp at a groat aaalgan 1f« tbo ebaogo abowod that tba atioa of talograpb aad Ulogboaa faoiU- nraiage af (ba .eowpaap for au tioa. If tbo vaat ■eaapelp tbaa fora , *>«>np«rtaat ■ia(Bg deal U the bio-paWie rogmlatiea, aad it would bo ono- eiaUp adapted to tb# kted of ooorrigbt pnridod ia tbo BOW fodoral iuaorawa- lioa biU .atrodimd ia eoagraw Iwt ■oatb. Tbo oTolatiM of tbio aaiSod aorrieo of awift Utolli ■art roqain % cot
torp of tba Pbooaix canp. Aboat M fuB ■iaarat claim aad fractwaa are la- roAvod, located two nitoa from Pbooaix. Tba prioo to #12S,0M. ^gaaaai .Witb tbe leaaiag of the proport/^ But'tbo Idabo Ciaat Miaiag eonpaar to ahimot^ it to Mt aatlkofy tbat a port George Hoto. of Malloa, Idabo, a mta oAco dopartaoat doraloM •» thor lag deal whiab maao tba aatoa af thia o^goiag buatoaw Kuw map abuorb propertp witb-Uo Boulder Crook Mii – auitod totograpb aad totopboao iag conpuap aad tbo BUtor Boot Moai ICO. AD of tbia itoo ia tba futara, .taia Miaiag ooapaar proaorUaa wi_ It to W.U to lorti forward ao«o-, cuan»..tod. I. lb. fut.r. On. thn. tuaoo aod eoa«4« oar prababto too proporttoo wUl bo ..dor oao maBago- Macm.-Fr<« “Tbo Prognao of tbo amt aad wiU bo ooatnllod b^T^ WnM. la tbo Amaneoa Bortow ofiporatioa kaowa aa tba Wwtora Dural- Boriewa for March.«-.Z-_______. Nowport.-Boeoat roporta from tboaonoa of Tbttty DMA . Ooaquaot miao, aaraa miloa aortb ofSoattla.—Tbo bodiao ad W rtotima ef iadtoato that tbo pr^iortp wUI« aruiaueba at Waiiiaftoa, whiab » •^>Pf»*g baato dariag tbawiped oat of aiirtouoo t«o paaingor; «««»gtraioa aad killod nora tbaa 10# panoag oxpodlttoa baa baoa orgaaiaod bp
roacbod bno Haturdap aigbt, bariag'** **P«rt direr ‘ baea brought dowa tbo woaaiaiiaido "ub Ua of Bloda aad ropaa. Dopatp Cor ] '•«bo*a of water near Juaaau. AlaMa, Berthwtok wuod to Garaaor Sap-: "bilo bouad for BoatUa witb «S,OOOAM dor fnm WoUiagtoa; •< Kloadiko gold U bar rtroagbox. Tbo‘Tonibto atom ragiag. Inumaiblo illMtioa af tbo atoamr to kaowa, bat boop traU opoa. AD bodtoa ia tafa;*^* ^*P*b of water boo forbiddoa at Work of reoorory otoppod bp: *«P** •* ■#l»*go. Tbo plaa propoood AU iajorod doiag woU. Flaatp ■ to Uft tbo raani wlU a b#ga motal proriatoao boro. WiD loaro witbdtoo aooB aa poaaibla to atart. ’ ’Coroaor Sapdor bao rotaraod from tbo of tba araloacb# witb two orbuform ofM tbo oatoatr^bogripeia the; Tbo MacM ■# MttalM.Marp Gilbert baa retold ia tbo Mareb na for tbo pouag folko of aO ana. . _________ _________ -bo road St. Ntobelaa tbat-toboa aad caab to tbo ralao of mre * BMaiaa folblon. “Tbo Bamp-tbaa #».«M, takea fro* tbo bodtoa ef Horoo,” oao of tbo dear, aatlarirtiata. Baeb ralaaUo ia i ‘ ‘ **** • ^ •*ah ■■lag aiU bo taraod oroi to^^iM Kdtap'o atorp of “ Wlaiuf'Iroa of tbo dead the Alp#’* la ft toDp artiol*.--------------------------- ■art attraoUrolp Olaatratod, aad^On Sm AS Fm« ' >» pMpio Item tba# nmW“itbat tban an“ap to tba art.’
abick bad pi■aniaiag tbo papon itod to tbo moa. Horouftar tbo wltaoono far batb todaa wil. go er«r tbo papon with tbo
' may bo ladaoad ta to aon a baby.
Wan Oaran’a bCamy.Aatoaai Ciaootto aad Aatoaio Maai- aaktea wore arrootod ia Brooktpa *>Spd •ttb nadiag tbnataatog tot- MM M *tea Caraao dmaadlH #ll,- •jlMM^ anuigaod ia aoart aad ro-
.New York, March 7.—Tbomaa Collier ' PUtt, fomarlp Uaitod Statea eraator from Now York #ad for naay rear* a nauoaal Igun ia republieaa pclitica, dtod at 3:49 o’clock Seaday aftorooo# ia tbo apartnoata of Mr. aad Mra. Goa- Uva Abel# oa Beat Clavautb. nroot, from whoa ba bad natod tbra# roona for the laat four voara. Mra Abalt ha« been hit aurac. Tba fanily wore all at the badaldc.Tbe cauae of death wae ehroaic a^ aeuu Bright a diaaaaa. Tba bodp «a» renored to the bom of Praak B. FtotC. hii aoa, aad later takea to Oawege. N.Y, tba aoaaior a birtkplaeo, wbara it aa buried. Paaoral aerrieoa won bold odaoidap al tba Fraabptoriaa ebareb.. Oawogo.Figwa to MattgM PaUMe#Thonaa Colltor Platt, tba “oaep «m ’ of earlior and brighter dapt, wau for naap veara aot oalp tbo ropubUeau.
toador of bio Mato but a igun ta aa- iwaaJ pelitioa oboaMar to aboaUor witb ■oa of oBcb raak aad ropatatlou at tbw Uto Mattbow Staalap Q«ap of Poaaarl. raato.•TwoBtp Yoon la Cougnaa,’* Jama Q. BUiao doaeribod Platt aa a ■boainom mao of groat pooa#nl po^u- antp. Ma baa aa aptitude too pablic oSoira aad to a noa of a»na« toSaoaeo ia bia rtata. Uo la ao dobutar, bat baa roag. cuurma aaaaa aad qutok ndg- mont of ma."with aU bit aatira Judgmat. wide axportoaca aad abiU aa au orgaa-
ixor. it booam the fate af Piatt to wia remembraaea nan for bia ntmittiit with otborc tbaa for aapthtog ba did of bia OWB iaitialira.Twin ia bic lift Platt waa tba ceator of tbe Botioaal Kago—ooce whoa bo ro- tigaod wub Boaaoa Coakliag fiM tbo Loitod SUMO naato aad woo toataatlp
BiobaaiBod “Me Too” Platt aad oanwbea he iaduced Theodore Boonrelt t- f« rieo prMdoat with MaKialop, lerp muck agaiaat Booaeralt’a bettor ludgtaoat ia tbo fon of hit npntod itorattoo. tbat aottoag aoald iadaoo him to aeec^t tbo Boaiaattoa.Tbaro could aot bo a batter .aatauco of Platt'B akill ia ponoaotoa ate m- aiputotioa or of tba iroap tbat mibad bia ripen wiadoa. MoKiaJftp waa tbal Booaereh boeama proaidoBt ate tbo dap. of Platt 'a daniaatioa to tbo «ato
lapaod iato aoaiLtp.Hi. bodilp nnagtb dacliaod. Hw •tea a aocoMl ■tortogo, wbtob oteod la tba coorta aad bo waa aood bp Mao Wood, formorlp a dork ia tbo goTors- onptop, for a dieona a# the rtroagtk of a third ■arriage. aeror prorod to have tabaa place.OAMOSD a makattov
Ftotob TMtortoS. r##ft■teond.liMdoaofLagi.wdBteka SwettM.ta Praa«toco.–8ix taea aad aix womot, tottonag to coUapn froa aboor oxhauatioa, tboii foot blirtarod ate tbo naactoa of Uar toga ^daae-i aD through tbo hour, of Satur- dap i^bt i. a baU ban aad who. tbop faiabod oarlp Soudap a/toraooa bad broke, the world-• muratboa daac* roeort of 14 boon aod 41 alaatea bp on mrouto. Bbe. a bait waa ealtod ^ bon^tal,
when tbep an oow under tbo care af ’ miU dlrido tM jmrm#140 aaoag tboa. The aaaoa of tbo- daneort an aa followa; Mr ate Mra.
w. Cmi., UiM AA. r>u>. ..A Elmr r,i«m. ITra. .f iw 1-u.u taA h, Ik. ….tIJ— ,1. ,,eoIWapaa SO aiairtoa bofora tbo taiafc. •M giro, aa iaJoetiOB of almkaiao wktoh nvirod her, aod aba IjteiS»- * r.i.k ,, k^k ~. .A k., u« k.A w« ttAk#..Tba orebartra »aa dirldad ton tww •* **^ •«*• ■tort. TwoBtp paraeaa aumd to tb* tort. Eight wun aompolM r«iro afio, the Irrt few boun. too w»"oa boTtag fbiatod
*“’• "»7 to ogaia n aoarlr ^ to a quota tbat a baa baa boou Ptoood for the oaooad tteo almot with- o poa/' oa tba aoaoptaaoo of aow ro


Cifii i ttrik* AofBHaud Itf ITmtEj 1M.0M Otk« UBlcelsta of tU Ottr— Lobor PM»to IMM tutomt of Fib- Uc (NTtac Ttotr IMMM for Thlo n^x-On^j WiU Mot ArMtntOi
Philvielpbio, north 7.—The eolm of «be fuietect 4oj Pkitodelphio hoe ki oioeo (he torMoa’a alrike bofoo, thoo two week* a«o. woe broke* Suodoy oifht bp 0 aerie* of dtoturbooeeo whieh throe peroooe war* ehot, oo« fotaitTi aua/ vorvlj poraooe w •avorolj eiobbod by the polieo oo4 a. thoo a teare of orroota aoda.The torboiaoeo of the oifht coae oa mweJeom ahoek to the hope* of the oothoribaa that 800407 woa ta poaa withoot aoriooa diaeHoi*. Thia hopa kaf be«* footaref by tba 4aj'a paeiia aapMt, which io itaalf hod boom oor- Of. aa trosbla wa* oat It of the fMeroI etrik*.■tatoMwrt by atifkan- rrTiTlii The etrikera’ eoemitteo af 10 h ^aoMcd the foilowtag etataaMot:• ■ The aeeood doj of (he foaoroA etrik* 8ada labor ‘a fore* ailitoat, with oaorlp over/ argaoiood worker oa auika, aad oioB/ aaorgoaiaad Workara.■1* thoa* roportad ta kora oba/ad the atrtke proelaokatioa thooaaada willbe added Moodoj. who worhad batarda; to protect th* atoek and prupart/ their oaipioj'or*.• The poo^ are tkorooghlp aroaaad aa u (he aoooiag of thia dght. Thoj roaliae thht it la a atruggU batwooa the eorporat* ioUreota aad hootaa righto oa guorootead b/ th* eooautiiUoa of (h* Ltoited (HatM. Maaaiaaatiaga of oHiaaa* held duriag (ha loot 40 hoara diaeJaae tb* auihuaioaai aod datarmiootiaa that pro- raiie ooiaag th* raak aod II* of tho poopU, oad aloarl/ dooMoaUata tb* eor- raetooaa of ear pooitioo.- Haoliotag that tb* fght boa jaat bagua ^.providi^ tb* trootioo aoaapoap obciaU do oat iawdtotel/ aaitl* tbatr diapato* with th* aonaa* or eahoiit th* ««e la arhimtiaw). thia ooptaitia* U propariag far lb* of (be aabr* eitp.Tbe awtkora will bald a mawiaiiiiag tomorrow odtaraooa io l^ber LToaua bon. Th* earakta* of 10 today ro- eoirad word of aeverol iwportoat o* coaaioaa t* the rook* of (be atnkora. ikoMog tboa* who, It it etoiBMd. will gait vaah toMorraw ar* th* carpot leoaa aeaaeora, iaeolaiag *000 mm; tb* gUao- worheta, 1990, aod ahirt ood Uoodry hrarhara, MOO.
Cboriaa A.
. Uopa, aoeratary of tb* C'aatrol Labor uaioo, pradUtad that 1M,900 aaa will b* oot tomorrow, ood that prwctically orory impartoot iadao- Uy I* PbOodalphio will bo tiod up. Tb* otrikara' eatimotaa *f tba aao OB Btnk* vary from 100,000 u 113,000.Amoag tb* laig* amployar* of labor aearly aU tba parfoTman ia tb* amriag pietare abow* aad ebaap raadorill* tbo- atara rotad tbi* aftaraoaa to aaoap aagagomaata wbil* th* atrika la oa. Thia aetiaa, it la taid, will raaalt ia cloaing maay *f the** pbeaa of amua*IhrMtor *f Pablit Safety Clay thia afteraaaa iaaaad aa aatimaW of laaa tkaa 10,000 pataoa* ia tho aympathati* atrika.Amaog th* amployar* of lobaraot airaetad by th* auike ar* tb* Bald- wta Lacomotie* work*, 11,000 maa; Midraia Staal worka. 0000 maa; J. Q. Brill Car eampaoy, 1000^ J. B. Stataaa Hat MaaafaetarlBg eampaay, 4000; Ibaataa'a Saw worka, 3M0; AUaotlc Bo- Saiag rompaay, MOO; Dobaea’a Carpot milla, 1000. .Otkor largo omplayar* of Ubar aaaSoctod ar* ib* Boll ToUpboao eompaay, tW Philadelphia Elaetrie earn- poiy, Craaig’a ah^arda, th* Wilbur Chaealat* eampaay, Foiwell Brother* * Co, aad tb* SaDgaoit Silk Maaefaetar iagoampaay.AaMog the eoaeoraa whoa* maa walked oat ar* the Paddaek * Mag** Taauk apmpaay, 1000 maa; tha Amori- «aa Laeo eampaay, 900; Joba Blood b Co., haaiary, 3M; Dormaa Bro*., Uatila, SM
maraia aawi imis.Ted Coy may pitch for Tale.JiiB Jelfrioi refuted aa offer of |40,- 000 for h|r^*Bek ia Borbaak, Cal., that ho bought for tIS.OOO.Aeeordiag to reporta Alfroda B., 1:14, wik eooB bo matehod to rare Mayo, 2.ll 4, at apokao* for 09,000.Kred C;r*el, boxiag iaatraetar at tho 8. A. A. C. Spokaae, will dl* hto reeig aotion with tbe elab diraatora 00 April 10.Jaek Jobaaoa t Ightiag iao«4 M aata partieularly impreaaia* mi% Ml Ua potia* aoart record la mm to uk* your breath away.Th* 1910 Spokaae batabalS tooai wiU traia at Wanaubea, iaetead of Lowie- tOB, where tk* ladiaa tribe h*a baaa woat (0 work off lor* araia aad paiafuJ ligamaata.Uwea Moraa, th* cWvar Eagliab foatkarweigbt, who loot the deeiaioa to Tommy Marphy ia a elooa lO-rauad dgbt at Priaeo laat week, baa aigaad to meet Tommy McCarthy tb* latter part of April.
Tommy Buraa, eratwbil* heavyweight
b« with Natleaal
ebampioa, i* goiag to tb* riag. Hi* drat dgbt will Sam Laagford bafor* tb*Sportiag dub of Loadoa, a«Joe Woodoua, Laagford'a maaager.Wright 4yiag aaaebiaa* coat aboot •0.000 aad Curtin maokiaa* a HttU leaa. Tbor* ar* about 9,000 -tehlae* ia tbit eonatry that kav* baaa built ^^aavar Jaft tb* grouad. Tb# pria
thiag ia
PAOmO OOkgl HOTBS.Buffalo Attack* a Maa.Sen Ptaaciaeo-—Attacked by a leioua bull buffalo,
Mountad PeIi««L 'Frank Black waa nved from death .NoJaoB Nonoa, game warden at Ool Oota park, roeoatly.Bara PaoUaad Btraatcar LAa*. •00 Feat Wide Swaape BTary- ^•ortJ*Bd.-B*port* that Jamaa J. Trout of It—Btallod Paaom-'*”^ Uroat Northani ialaraau had.«T,«. ..c „•d-Maa War* Wart-
that ia tb* inability togot aagiaaa.
Tho irat of a aoriee of matiaoo bar- m raeet to be pulled off at th* la- teratate fair grouada, Spokaae, under the directioa of 0. U. Or**r of Ual eity will Uk* plae* Doeoratlou day, wboB 01,000 will U aplit ia th* irat avoat.Fioidor Joaaa, faranr Maagai a Chieago WUU Sex, but owaor af oxtoaaiT* timber iatarauta ia OtagOB, baa eigaod u each th* buaa- ball aquad of tha Oragau Agrieultural eoUoge. ,^aa will bagia work with tU eoIlugfC^-Hba-JHtar part of tbk'AfUr my ight with •CycUaa Johaay' ThompaoB ia Saa Praaeiaae ia April, I will bo ready for a rotura ight with Ad Wolgaat. I will mak* a aid* bM of is,000 oa th* rotult aad •9,000 mor* ho eaa aat *top m* hi 90 rauada." Stieh wa*mad* raeeatly by Battiiag Nelaoa.Perhap* tb* moat talked of ladiaa ia tho-Bortbwoat today ia Paraoa Ifataaie, th* giaat Uaiatilla wreatUr, who ro- eeatJy wo* a raputatioa aad little admiratioD fr*m •porting poopla of PoadleUa by going oa th* mat with Prank Qoteh. wortd’* ehampioa, when tba Jaffriaa all-aur troupe appeared ia I athlatle cxhibAtiM.PoU Terway, the ruaaiag coach th* Y. M. C. A., eoaily woa th* hour rueaiag rac* at th* Y. M. C. A. Spokaao, Satarday, turaiag 144 Upa for tho *v*a- iag. to 1391^ for Jorry Boauehamp, hi* aoaroat eompotiUr. Torway wiaa th* thrawday ra«a with a UUl of 419Ah lap* to 413 for Boauehamp. Tea rua-
tor of Spokaao'a MarUwaaUi loogu* team for 1910—CaUhora: Oat- diak, Clark, Broaka, PUre«, Wright. Piuh«ra; SmithaoB, Baker, Hiek*y, Bry- aat, KilUlay, Calliaa, P. Brown, Boaaar, Wkiamaa, Melaaia, aaiia, IfcOaery, MoOiaa laMd: Nordyha. Oartwrigbt, Paadry, Flood. Graavill*. Oatield: Kip- part, Daria, Waad, Kaaaar.FLAM TO DBITB LABOBMSM OUT OF FOUTXOB
It waa etaud by a city oMolal that tb* atrika ia adding OM OM a day U tb* aapaaae of raaaiag the eity. A ta- part af tb* tr***it eompa*y nid that ap U yeaurday tba bagiaaiag of tb* third' week of tb* etrik*, th* total *o*t U tba eompaay had baaa betwaon rMAOO aad m»J»m. Aa oMcial, aaked how long th* company eenSd tUad tU oxpaaao, aatd “That ia Um tha* ht,000.000. Tb* 00m pa*y w ready aad wiiliag U *paBd mv •ml maiiaaa, if Boeoeaary to win aat la thi* ight. It ia a bag* prio* U pay, bat w* have to pay it to rataia tba pririkga af ruaulag tk* company uad mamagfag tbe property far tba ateekholdera and tho public.’
Tba paatal ■ariagn bftl wae paatad by tbe eeaaU by a vaU ef 10 u tt,*a ii^iaiou baiag on etn^ party lUaa
Said to Ba Peamlag Aa
Severai Mew Yor!: eapitalUU aad c«a- greoemea, wbo hare been oppoead in tbair diatricu for r* eloetioa by tb* Americaa Fodoratioa of Labor, ar* re­ported U b* bobiad a bow ergaai tioB f^od for th* pnrp*** of driring 4ha labor faetloa from polilica. Tb* •ew organiution will b* callad tb* Ka tioaal Labor AllUac*.Oa* of tb* plaaa of th* alliaa**. it a* mpertod, waa to provide < fund* aad ipeakeru i^ *ach wham tb* elactioa of a lag M Clear th* Track*. Wiaaipag, March Ca*adtaa Pa- eiie ottciala report that 99 mot death aad that 14 injured wor* in th* boa- pital ap a reauJt of tba avaUBeh* at Bogar* pan, B. C, Friday night.Aaothar alid* eeeurrad on tho bauko ftf th* Kicking Uoraa river near Paliioer today. It buried tk* track for a ioagtb of 900 feet to a depth of 99 foot. Aa>B ae thia alid* ia mauvad a weat- bouad puaaenger tram, etallad 29 mUae aaat of Bogora puaa, wUl ba hauled back to Calgary and tbe paeaaagora aad mail* ehippad through U (ho Ceaat via Modi- eiae Hat aad th* Crow* Meat Pam rail­road.Aaother elide ia reported from Tkraa Valley, a email point went of Bavelatofc*. Tb* alid* i* 300 font long aad 10 f*M do*p.Mbm *f tb* KaewB TlatteA'aa«ouv*r, B. C., March A—Of tbe 99 Canadiaa Paeiie traiamca, tmeki aad laborm buried by aa avalaBch* ia Bog«re paea, os tho commit of th* Sel­kirk mngu of tbe Becky moai am probably dCMl. FoJlowmg i* a tiat of tb* Tietima;B. J. Buckley, e/oductor.W. Phillipe, engiaoer.J. J. Fraaer, roadmaatar.T- Oriftth, tmmao.A. P. Potiruff, eagiaaer.J. Mat-UlUad, bridgamao.A. JohawiB, foromaa.O. Aaderaoa, foremaa.F. Wclaaader, foremaa.D. J. UeDoaald, bndgemaa.A. Mahoae, bmkemap.
enlatioa over eiaee the road___kaadi laat f*ll, *m bow po*itiv*Iy•rm*d.UwatlUs WaUra Bacada.AU^h Washiagtea
aad Idaho aafforad grout diaaator froi th* raeoat ralaaaa of wiaur'a ra Or^an omargod from th* hiwater* with aa lom of lif* and bat littl* lam of property. Thaugh U* DmatllU: rirar saanmad threataaiag proportioaa, ao airMiaa damage ia rapertad aloag
New Jaraey’e Ight agaiaat tha baaftniat 1* u b* praaoed to a ffaiah.tin *** nil* ar*ttill buraiag geaatiaaa ia Urmt BriUia.
S«M Ofiaa aa Baal.Saatll#.—Niaotyaevaa •va-tsal of opium warn diae«vorod ia a eloaat of tk* Great Mortkara etaaa Miaaoaou by euatoau oMeora opium weigh* M pouada, aad ia Uaitod SUUa ia valaod at 940 a penad, or 99,000. Followiag tk* aaw atatuta, th# opium will bo doatroyod by Isciaara- tioa.
i* u haT*,tb* loot Uachora ia lalaad Bmpir*largoM gatboriag of eehool Usehora .. whoa tTcmchara’ aaaociatioaeonveaoa horn Mareh 93. Dalogau* from all diatricu in eaaura Oregaa, aaaUra Wj Idaho aad MeoUaa will b* ia atuad au9* for th* aomioBB, which laat fear days
OnSM Oirl tilrtdai,Dallaa, Ora.—MakUg a aom awiag oa which ah* end k«c brath«n and *i*ur* played. Mary Want, It year* old, baagwl horaeU U a tie* a«ar t bom* ia th* uppm Salt eradt. It bcllared tb* girl
Twelve of Bridge Fbroma* McDoa- , aid ■* men, aamw uakuawa, aad 37 Jap-1 »«i»ia*d h*r aga.^ ih* would di* of aaaaamptloa a* did rtor brotbora and aiatat* whea tbar had
paaiag t a bliui
Thia afternoon tba bodi«* of oaly eavoa moa had boon raeoveraA They wem tboa* of BoedmaeUr Fraaer, Fir*- Onfith, <'«adacur Buckley, £agi- aeer Phillip*, A. P. Pottraff aad A. 3U- hoa* aad a Japaae**. Th* work of ra- covoriag tk* dead aad of opoai) track i*tkat ia blawiag 'tkraugh th* paaa « *l*e a>otk*t big »iid* *f •BOW aad rock tki* moraiag a mil* *a*t of the apot wh«r* tb* m*a w*r* over-'b*lmod. It dcatroyad * porrioa of a aaowabod aad buried th* track for MO yard* to a depth af 90 foot. Thar* were ao victim* ia th* laat avataach*.Today'* eaatbouad *xpr*m left k«r* at 3:19 *a n*aal. Uatil tk* track* hav* b**a cleared paaecogar tmOc, *a*t aad wmtboDBd, will U kaadlad via tb* Ar­row Lake*. Molaoa k Craw* Mari Pam milway.Oaaa With Mola* Lika Thadar.Tk# accident occurred ooar *a aaow- •hed OB* miU weet of Begem paao *ad at th* actaal aammlt of th* Salhirka. Coaductor Vie Buckley aad g.gi»^ W. Phillip* of the work Jraia, handed raUry aaow plow, amre kiHad.Th# moa wor* working crew aa- gaged ia eloariag away a email alida which had com* dewa oarly in evening. Tb* me* war* apraad over th* did* end workiag a r*tary it wh*B a large
Ixapaclal TaUay Land.Lo* Angel**.—CommiMioam Daaant of th* geaaml lead ofie* ia Washing- toB ba* raodarad a daeiaioB which prae- ticBlly eoairam titU U alead claims ia Imparlal dacMoa at aaa 1 'majority
of mor* tbaa 9M,OOOJMO worU of property which wa* ia jriipardy.
Aaraylaa* Fafta.Portland.—8*v*ral paraan* wi verely injured at th* Ceaatry elub ground* bare Saturday daring tha avm- tioa meet, when tb* Hemm* a*r*pl*a*, driv«a by P*rr«*t Smitbaoa, aa amateur, became namaimgeibl* aa it w«* baiag •UrUd aad plaagad iaU a crowd of •peeUtem, iajuriag fear. Th* auchia* wa* partially wrwiked. SmUha*a waa not iajurad.
——————————-Jaka W. Hay*,graad maatar of tk* EaighU »f Labor,
ia aaid to b* iatcraaud ia U* auva-
Chaag* AffpU Bax Bffl.BaprmaaUtiv* McCradU af Waahiar tea ha* iatroducad s bill laUudad a* • •abatitau far tk* Ufaas ap^ baz bin. which providoa tkat bozo* aaad MippUg apple* from Waahiagl Idah* aad Oiagaa *ban bav* iaaid* mmrnm t« by tlH by 19H l««kaA aad tkat p*ar kaxaa la tkaa* aUte* akall an* uky tlH by • laakaa.
Alii^ at Fe*Um»A Pcctlaad. Oa*.~la vima of kata MAM aad 79.000 paopla, wk* kal jeor- aeyad i«a aiUaa eat u tba faiigriaada, Cbarlo* K. HamiKoa. ia a Cartim bl- plaao. made mvaral auceemfui ffifbta bom Saaday. Th* ariaUr niTitaiaad perfect eoatml af hi* auahi**, tkangh b* atumptad a* M*«to«alar f**u
•*gta« ov*r it wh*B a larger alid* IBM down sad rarriad them to their jdoath la the aaayea below.aa tb* aaw* raaebad Baval- atok* tha trabaU waa aauadad aad withia half aa hour th* relief traia eoBvayiag phyalciaM aad aime* aad over 900 railway rnca and other eiU- aoua waa apaodiag out U Bagar* paaa.- Thirty Badlaa Takoa Oat. Vaacouver, B. C., March 7.—Thirty bodim bare been found ta the wrcckaga at Bogem Pa**, ahum tbe cvalaacb* burUd 92 workoMB aagagad ia «l«ariag the (^aaadiaa Paeiie tmek* of wrock- ga broagkt dowa by an •srlier elide. 'w*Bty-twe of tho bodio* ro«>ver*d arc thoo* of wbiu mou. th* *th«r bring th* bodio* of Japaaom omtioa maa. Th* locil oBco* of th* Canadiaa Paeiie ad- hem to thoir *«imaM of «9 dead. They **y thoy kav* carefully «h*ek*d tb* Ikl sad that th* aumbw give*
Saa Fraa*i*eo.—AfUr 15 year* U tha •orvic* of th* company in which h* had bagua a* aa office boy aad bad work*d hi* way to a poritiou of r*- •poaaibility, BartholooMw H. Fotay, 30 year* old. caahi«r af th* Pa«ii« SUUa Triepbon* A T*l«grapb eompaay, la un­der arreat ekargad withH* ia aeeuaod of haviag atolan 99,too of tk* oorpomlioB 'a money.
I* correct.Five kuadrod m«a ar* at work eUar- iag away tk* wrochag*. aad th* railway eompaay oipocta to hav* th* Uaa opM for tmffie by tomorrow light. It la *■•' peetad moat of tb* bodio* will hav* bM raeovamd by tkat time.
Tb* daagor of other alidaa i* Imad- Boat. Baia and aUet kav* baaa falliag i*r «b* laa« tw* day* uM 4*aigk9 a f*a:;;;'^3.?: 3:. »-
ih« !~wond JudJplal District of • paper fnm-mn.^to Uip .‘• utc of Idaho, In end for theReoMBbcr ,BMter Mrvtee Snnae^, _' Apr^ Spc^ BaiMr eoa£* “** *^”*’“' whcrwln^ ANS.^JlntterHeldU ChriM did Ml'rha Ibiai the deed'* Judirrmeut end decree of tore- ■oe U an impoetv tm €• BMc ia a ''iMurr and m '
•. ~~- ,,—-«■ “*« i~cronu juuiriai Ifii«ri!M,to .‘•tale of Idaho, In an X^founty of Xai Perce. oQ tl rtec Snnhay, »llc*rT7 oortb-: ^ h«, ,h»™. d»Ijm cou.^ wi.h th. p^ble ex- i p.,rt, «. ™ltoj ..rf »„k oi-«lKta ceptkm of Idaho, which has strong 1 fg (},« weend
rl?Xd'?'“.;irb>v‘r^ rO N«lx«»«lchoi<.audCl«»n». •>» !i—>».' R-oi™*Th. g„.rb.ttl.-"O Will then be the middle portion of ,. .___.th. tt.t.. Ad. county h. .t. ‘ ““ ”•ON.il .troughold, uid from Boi» ""<* *"'■wiU coin. th« n»dicin. to h. owd “1..' ch.utrf with th.h, th. hig h.ok.f. hoorn... in > .“-dphUnu" W. B. Kto,-.crrying th. middl. coootin. ._______________From all sections come refwrta of _ with every sack of Prlueaa*
■s;'f.j'?r;.r,.o’d-of February. A. I). 1010. for the of fHvvi.U) tkoaidex accruing Inu and coHte. which ton. according to the offleial plat thereof on die in the ofili-e of tUe Oounty Recorder of aald Nea ^rcc County. And the North halfiN. 1-S) of the Northeast qnnrter IN. K. 1-4» of t*ectlcn Twenty-one (2!) In Towiwblp Thirty-eight I North. Range Two (2) East of Bol«c Meridian, together with all aod Mngiilar The tenement*, betcdltaincnld
North Idaho Title Gwnpany
. „ .. , . appurtenancee thereunto t.e-dgeided to favor of the afim- longing or In any wise appertalnlitg.Rnhlfc notice l« hereby given that ;urday. the Sad day of Aiiril. ), at II o'clock P. M. of that
no eocooragiag nature for the pop- Pluar you get a coupou.
BerryPIungforSU*:Orodoo now sees the advent of ■■one large corporatioa into its midst Strawberries, Clark's and is likely to ace another within ling or Hood River)
SatuiA. D. Itlld, at 'i o'clix day in front of an< door of the t'oiirt Hou«e of the County of Ne* Perce, in Lewl«t..i,. Idaho, 1 will In chedien order of aale and decree o .^re and aale.«c|| theabovedc*crib.-.t — property or «o much thereof aa mav I be i*ece*«ary to «atlafy aald judge- iincnt with intercvi and co«t, .•tc.. to , Ifhe higheat and beat bidder, for the Seed ' Inwful money of the flnltcd Krataa.. , ling or I Hood River) Blade oKo. w. wklkkr pCTmanent offices of the Clearwater J*”?®*' dT**??***’ r>ated March Pth. 1910. ^Timber Company at Orofino and nernes. Blackberries, good, l-p-n-1-
SURETY RONDS TRUST COMPANY BUSINESS_______Addrem: I.ewiston National Bnk Building. Uwiston, I.Uho
the Cboicest of Fresh and Cured Meau gnSq the
Palace Heat MarketWelts & Palmer. Proprietors
ry. Fish. 5Iui ways on haod
You will get whet roa want when yoa place your order with
The Palace Meat Market
rimber Company at Orofino and l>ernes. Blackberries, the erection of a brick block, i* strong plants, but a foreruuner of this company’* for i r:ce« write !A- WHITE, cab«t.
w. M. Chandlerl
Netlee tor FiiWtoMlan.e M Ltwiaum. ISsIm. WSfca
ago. the timber of the Clearwater dVl , ^/ZU/ZC2t&/'i P«*-«^MMr»<.^rk>
>'“^den,toU8^*neTa. ^ Buving he- Loans and
with tbe^resBk*t^^ bon- INSUIifA^CE I
Rutc 9 Rs«i BMW Mrrldiau, and
dred* of thousands of dollars were distributed throughout the Clear-
is today in comfortable circum- staoces owing to bis ability to di»-
notary publicXeAval Baliaia
''ngt . —pow of bis timber at a fair price, r a With the beginning of active oper- Netiee
tor PwaHeeWen.I«mor
House.bcr^»hav.3l«n tiwuer Mlv “insM iw>M> huatd tr,( al liii.uu anri th» l.r.,iS»» je: that Mid apyheam • .II <,afcr Saal preef .a . _____• -aap^ or hM avpivaiion and ..oor* atat«a«u Mlb«*stb at Hbartp to prataM thia pwchaaa£^S'u::,'.-Srt.5r;':iS.;S'.S:“W ttoM -hl«h -old
Oro Feeno Lumber Co.
^ ailbert, Idaho
ManufacturmmRoush And DrwMmsJ L^umhmr, Uath,Shinslem, etc.
waaw,"’T. H nABTLETT. Ra«(R«r.
he added to by other enterprises ^;
soon to materialize, is likely to see buodreds of men bu-ty developing the riches of our aectiou. aod a period of aoivity opened which will mean prosperity for many years to come.
Dr. J. M. Fmirly
Pbysicin and Surgeon
Walter C. Brooks. Plaisllff V*.Will the rcpobKcaa Idaho tioo?I^aiu. .put in t..in .nd .How ,.l,: «nV ofthe dcmocTBC)-once more to take,of the Hocond Judh
the rcpobKcaa party (rf; Walter U. Dymt mud Teno« rcatber the rock of local op>: h*" Itofendanu.or uv. .u. ; oA:?:.rdiu%;.iuSUieM order
the reins of power from its graap. This is the question now being Tnuoariy arited b* party ' 'County of Msreb aetten
econd Judlelal DIotrfet of > of Idaho, in aod fee (be 'f Nf* Perce, on the Brd day
^ dry ihronghoot the the alx.ve named nlaintiff obtain^ **•*“ a»i.- V!.. . . .. a judgeinrnl aud deciState. The bitter feeling engen dered by the local option fights; throughout the suie. will oaturany hu wUafall a heritage to the psTty. “ the party io f^er
aearwater- Telephone
LineCoeaecU with Pacific Telephone an^Tciegraph Company. giviiiR Sweet communicaiUHi with all outside as wall as ail local poieu. Uuick, prompt aarvica a specialty I respactfuliy soUett r Nei Perc«*. on the Brd day tmameas.u'trJn Snyder, Pmprietw
and Tenneeaea A.. —- -…a defendant* on the _republican,of FfdiruaVv A. I). l»iu, for the sum,- .bealdeaaerraing lutereat lB0r«filt6llto3l«fsBCkaiMtk
Orofino Feed StoreFred L. Frazier,
ProprietorCarrie. . generel .lock of Feed, Grain, Hay, Ac Chop mill in connection.Handle, the Celebrated “Gold MedaT end “Queen of the We.t“ brand, of flour, made by Nezperce Roller Mille.
Just a Word
About the
Simon Piano
Special Pianos
— -wx., V Ilde« acprol._„ …………. . ______________0« Irgixht™.*o^“ir – '“Hon.'will return to their different faiths' liO«a One (1 > and Two (»> InHee- I and questions at iawe wiU be Townahip [3»|- – “ NeMh of Rug* Threefooght ont a* of old. The tecent victory of the drya ia in ne aeoae a! rcpoblksa victory,, ns the dry forces in Um upper csnntry were
erSelaalleritUu;an* Ual^ fitatoa. ctending tie
wean, that vm take no chance* in baying the Simoe Piho f J50.OO to |J5° oo. Alaolately the graatmt Public at-Factory price*.
to our own———-J A TENwhat thip mean*? It . . the SiBoa Piano. Sedd forgraateat ralaet ever odcrad to the
We are the Wbolennle and Retail Distrib­utors for the Inland Empire of the
MeUaie Onrk Solo AppoIIo. CombinoU, Recher- ole, and other Pkyer Pinnae, MASON A HAM­LIN end other organaWnw for Caulogttc*. or call at the wareroom* of
The Simon Piano Co.IVtOS'r toRLJAHt-CS61S an.l IVwt, SPOKANR.WA.sHINi.TmN, or leave t-.nr ordeT «-ith theWHITE PINE TRADING CO.OROKINli, IDAHO
9'SX:Ihk! OROBy
Dated MarehMk,
ORGE W. W1____LOl lb D. 0GK£
; Itj^madaidewalk lumltr «i„l -h Money to loan fo .SMlffnMaff. a*c the Or..iin.. Mectnc Eminire of J. M. LcCuiJ Camtmf. ^ I Idaho.improved fame, 'uraey. Orodao.

I lWT« •cr(Un mnd M« M bT tit* Orofiao T»aie« Ca t.______ ^ ^ ^, MRS ADA HOLMBBRG.C. S. MooenwuBall«roetbcb«tteta! ……………………….. ,Bondar- GoreriMt Bradr rWtcd Lcviatoo thi*Mra Neine8Ioc»«rWlt*db*rpar«tt^ anec ffon tbc outside w«re JoRo CrMo.Hiact7
oa display, mine •od ms^ • St th*
Oiofino1 bar* a stock ot H illiacty prepared to do re-trimmf bats. Call sod Tridiog Co.'a.MRS. ADA MOLMBBRG.
Dwight S. Wkmmt^k
OROFINOthe moM natural mt/T, rompnsiae rc« Cr *
EmiU OgpUgtr
IDAHO■»ar to the Paaum* Claanrater the Nccpcrce Prairta aod
Ask your grocer foe Prin«aa* Floor’tad Snadar.Gorcraor eself as satiafled:Bd Cody is at work cottinf wood for with th* political outlook throarhout tbc Nebabo Lanbcr company. th« ^tc. He left Tbaradar ^Mraaon ,Alfred Peteraow sod tbc MimesLoaetb Irr atace h« ,
lalohRa E Linn. Frwpriolora Snocoaawra toF. Z. Lamber CompanyLumber, Lath. Moaldingi Shingles. Doors. Windows Hillwork and Paper
All w .pUns and sbecifi this oOce and at the :itiont on fileof J. H. Nave. Lewiaton. Idaho.
Wn. Ckaadlet is impi: hit loti;{•eai.]
Snow fell on ncaday and Taw.ml l.ch«. ^ _A ear of Fnrwiriirc juM arrived at Oro-: a certified cheCk for five per cent of iu ' fiwo Trading Company. | amount, payable w Chairtnaa Board I^ I County Commiaaioners. of Nex Perce I , : County Idaho, whjcb shall be forfeited 1 loadaofdirt' to the County if the bidder refuses or,i neglecU to enter into s written contract Ogden. See DeConreey if yon wnat a loan on 1 for the work a* per terms of hiapropoaBl. ' PiaitrtW
AttoM ay haad aad thr stal of the OMikiCowt vf the 8Nawpla4m la said actIwB a Urges, la gea-, that for aicre than toa aioath* lot-,ptoumlr i^brai aftb. ‘
__________loat.th____antarfly scarrati-tl rrom ; said plalBitf aad Mill c ! sad vetaaiartlr shaado ■iMdrfeadaat hm an tub af (datatrg S' d • • yof
brea aad ahr to aow a | ••••,
Hay and Grain for Sale.
b^d’t the rut ly able i.
atufallyaad Avri- Oatdaaddrwrtrd
Bars 10 m. wtllhiUy Dd dtmrt her; ihai darlsa the awrrtod
Oscar Anstin has a force of men at work this week on his new Ay.ooo gallon reservpir, which he is building on I hill near the Reeder residence.it here as soon as the freightCtockwte ts raised.Week ■agwto an Brawn WteHteg
C>pwn. drrrwiaa thr foHowlB( dawrlbrd real ‘, ralBW, lo-wH; l£r SW ^ of tbc SW. g of Sec. ,: ri.aadlbca. fa of the S. M of the XW. n of thr ‘ *v gofarc ri.alliuiowashtpstN B ig H ,! M la Rrs Pmwcaautj, IdabL., to hr lh% rolr :
ded IB thr ctMBBiaiai.AtirM BV haod and the real af the Dldriel C -art of the iecond Jo-rial ixuiand far Net Pvrea Cc
day of Marcn. 1910.« L. CtTPOan.ByC. B.1IOHTKITH,
IVpijfy Clvrhgaa A Mergaa AHaracya far
» County,t.iMplh! M la Res Panwcaaatj, IdabL., to hr i:
Cu.tractor;oi;::ri:L.,orceofm..iS??^^mworkernmvating for the tonndatian ,of tht new brick block being built byl«>. PtetatW ^E-. N. Brown at the corn** of Johnaoo l^ii^.d .lldi' -s w-and College Avewnaa. ; l^L?Si5Lf52i*IS5l?SIy®"**-tom witk kia aagla
moradae. Idaho
I give ma one,” I a at koma."John (VCont tiilliard, dgsr
••tot IdT^«?d*Sl??toV«tepfa??itgbl» toft mins' ■ I wHh M-^rny owntd by aad brlaagtag to plaialig . w
Mr. Kennedy nnll enterge on the Im^ tar* 1# on each kai. iM.carried by Mr. O'Connor and proposes Vos are herrhv dtraetad to apfirar aad aaawar —————————-ton.iuUi.. oub- "I I..I .7 .11. u. rliabaient. Mr Kennedv and wife haor IXatrtol. aad wtobialbrtp te^eayatfsarvad riae-Ware tsJkiag over our sCsin oao day jiaoHicm. mr. n.concuy aan wise nave whrra. aad aatoas pan aa apacar aad aaawvr. ..4 „ that it had eoata ta tharuoma at W. W. Crackott'a , Ow a^totlfaSSt far the **
WiU Open Bhart Oadae HsMa.Bllb Small and Mrs. B. M. Cvehraa will open up a slwirt ocder ho;:^ in tbc bniidiag reccuUy owned by Peter PU- mnr. The boildiiig has tees painted irvngboBt and the inUriog t appearance. It is the
Orofino Meat & Cold
Storage Co.
Prmmh mrbd Cutmrsd PoMitry
wCMl »okS
wherr, aad aatoas PenJtoi^iiCd‘faT£2Bl_Attmnl^iand siut ih* real of th*
lecAi-i 4ayerMBfW.fa»a Nntfao in Crndteee.
la the Prehat* Canrt *f Nr* Petaa Couaty, al tbaaautcofCanaa O. Haody
PModfar aad ratodrw addrera Uratat
O. K. Parlors for CaruHes. Nuts. Fruits. Tobaccos, O- dors. Post Cards, E4c.—Lunch Goods In Connectk>n.
Agency tor The Lm
ORIN CROCKEn. Proprlotor.
intention of the managenwat bo eondnet I catrictly np-to-date bnsiucaa where the.
, *eaanaviac clataa agaiaslI audarsteard ad-
Notice is hereby given that sealed bid*_____________________t by the nadersigned. for •( *■*,
ia tear awnraasAar tbs ana nMaettea it ihto. aortcv. to the said AdaBaltenUr at Oeaana.iS£ r.sK.'Sf 3a^,;“o.a=:
VoIImer-Qearwater Company Limited
—————————- I itoh day of .pril 1910*1 I o'clock P. M. , AdwtetatraiBr.,I at wbkh time tbc aaid bids will baM opened, and contract awarded to tbc, lowest respoBbibte bidder All work to Motkers will lad Mn. Wlaalow’su.—rv. ‘ssf s„irstock of Spring and Snmmer Hillinmy ; po«l must be accompanied by a certified watkiag pertod. to tied up somewber* in the weaboats chcck for five per cant of iw
imtei.ry •• ten Way. Mrs. Maryto inform ;
aenrt yoar order nntQ you caa look …. A . ………………………..over thto stock wbkh to th* meat eom- ptete ever brongbt to tte city.
Com- Louis Jaa kmariea $ 8on* of tte foremaot af died at
Snrcarsfala Farta faro'll ^ra^^hnn.l „> tuii — ■*** ■- Anttaa. asasysr *M PI aim..■iSrs;. srtJTte. sst
maa. haa compounded a new formula plana tor maktug paint. Mr. Bucachcr takes
Ck to 5o per cent of contract price Oa: Stea ar Ostpar. fl.OO. XaUlac an- completion ^cwtract acecording to jjjjjjj ^ aa^ra yUranaa.Kteate^S^tiae to which tlL'work ' N'#ttoi“toX FuWiaMan.
We ar« lieMlquartcr» for Grain, Haf. Flanr and Feed. We buy aikd sell at prices whidk arc reeeonable and juet to producer and eote* sumer. Thoee wiahing anything in our Hno vriU Bnd us either at Faxmer'i Warehouse, or Orofino HoteL
M. C. ADAMS, Agent.
aaeananrv to mixtoe “* a.«|iiiiiu, ■>cotor J s£is,*::to^*^.^ru2cpaiAl «r gtotog I UnamThe nae of tea aorgaa gieea
of Unanrd oil. te nae* horgnm pletod. The right to nlact any or alt bid* to raarruad ^ tte Bo^ of CountyttepaiM addWoaitor to caac ml antreaM huager aatea. }oha aay* teat while the dtoeov- cry waa aceid«ntal te totend* to gto nat a pataat «w the aiintnrc to tte aear fntar*.
V S UaOO''Sa^ ii brrrby girao thatWALTMA bokmra '
-nil-:.. ..u™. w. I,. oipi*o«D saafers “"JSr‘£UTUJsaORD. ctete.,By W. B. DAOGBTT,Deputy. ■Dated at Uwiston, Idaho. March ifith.
I. n-.»terrl^f**a.OBB___________' to, OB to* tteh toy aTAyrR. Bte-
Everything new and Strictly up-to-date White Help ordy Employetl
lOtetnoBtoctrk.Coogieg.FARM LOANS—Mcana & SEaldt, Lawiatoo, Idaho.

Mwm W Zam If«w MBjr clerkf kioi» Imw t« !•<« a •b«a eornvtlr? Tk« fr«at majotitr t>«- Ji•^• that tk« U«i«|| *t a ako« baa bm lltil* tv 4o w:tb tbe aaia. aad j«Cae «lut7 w mare laiportaat. To lara a4ko« •SBC '* qniablr ia ■ diScitv uar. TIm lte«4 abac ahould, tba euMaaiar paaaea jo4fBi«Bt span it, tw -witbaut twist IB tba a«nl asd bow
<>r« baa oud« laaBv a «l«rk aa axpert la tba lariDg or a abaa. Tba Uffh aboa ia ra^lparsliTair aaij to laca, and rat to ab»w tba aboa off (a parfaatioa aaada tbaaa aaif-auM twiabaa af laca aad bow, M^a Boat aad Sboa Baaordar.Is tba kifb abaa, iaaert tba aada aad rail tba int twiat, aad at (ha Sana tins naka tba aada of aaifonn laaftk. Laea ap orar (ba taMap wxh tba cnna atitek, thaa to tba boobs aad iboa top. Prsetiea will «atarfaattj 1
maats are ia diffaroBt Cantona tbroBwh tba f^afodaratioa.Grant Briiaia is tba largast porabt of Swiaa eboeoihta, takinf aboat < half of the toUI anorta, OorMar, a)^ aad Fmnea baiac alao lar|a In- » top.oiaka arar/ strand lap part Bona prafar tba loop st^a of 'iaalac trbara eaah brara of ofalau ara fcr tba edrd boriaoaiaU/. Thin Iwtiod IS pfMlaar, but ukoa aMra tins U do.Tba prabniaarj loop ia auda, tbaa ana aad of tba Uaa la iaaartad ia one of tba appar a/aiats and drawn short, wkila Ska otbar a«d Ivmgm aad ia loapad bori mataUp, aadar and arar, to tba Cap of tba laatap, thaa la«ad over tba books •a bafara. Tba baw, naat diAanlt of all. ia tba aaaaatial faatura of aa attraetiva foot oottiac, wbotbor Oiford or Ufb ant To tia tba baw earraeUr ia not dAaalt, and 7st aiaotaaa out af twaatp darka do it arroaf. After tbe drat knot is nada aad (be laft loop fomad, ewLag tba rifbt cord aadar laatead of tbo aeoal orar aud tbaa «p aad in as enston has H.The soeret of tbo borisoaUl laoo ia this rtramal spatan af nakiBc the aaeoad laap bp briafiag tba card orar. la- ataad it ia braaafbt aadar, nakiaa a «at Barfaea far tba knot to rant oa. Ha bow aafc are aow palled tiffct and tba "‘TT’ .waii-aqaippad factories, baaidaa a aum **®-bar of anall ooUbliabmoata aad iadirid- ' Vattoa — Draaaad wathaia, IfHa; nal naanfaetarata, wboao proflucU ara{«*«*> lonba, lie.iataadad for local narket oolp. Tba 20 Lira atook—Teal, tamer, s»sti i4« 0 kaa* ——-'■' • – ——– ••rgaat factoriaa _Kra^ri^witbCaatoT*if VanI, vWb 1^; t tba Canton of BMo, 700; tbo CaatOB of IwM. with 400; aad om in tbo Caatoa of Laaaino, wHk 200 on- piopoa. Ofbor laea '
tbaUl, wm iShire 'in tba of VanI, wHk 1^; tbroo inPraiU aad '-PoUtooa, SOe
porters in tba order Tka pear 1200 waa a proaparoni ia tba Bwias ehoaateU iadvtrp.:port trade Bbowiag aa iaeraaaa af •out 0000,000 orar Uat of tbo prorl- ons poor, aad tbo nnaufaetnrora cap that tba proapoaU ara paonniac for a still craatar iaeraaaa doria( 1010.SbBM of tbo naaafaetarara baro aa daarora^ to iaeraaaa tkair export baif —■ ia reeaat rears bp nakiaa a e‘
……………………………..t this pUier grade of eboeolsu, bat thie plan hM been abaadooad, as foraiga trado has booa eoUbliabod aad nalatalaod bp tbo prodnetion of suporior ^ialtiea aad tbo eboapoaiag of tbs gradeo aad lovaa- ■ ng of tbo sUndard bnaga tbo Swiaa prodnct into eonpotition with inferor 'aU nannfaetarad ' Foraii
ewt; applaa, $l to 0140 por box; ear- rota, SOe ewt; beota, la lb; drp oaioaa, 1 1-40 lb; hoaaaradiab, 12l6e lb; aab bag., 2« lbBatter—raaek, 2«c Ib.Ckaaaa-Wlaaaasia aad Haaalwood. lOe lb; donaatie Bvin, lOHs; brlA araan. lOe.Hap—Baled oat bap, OlO tea; wbaat hap. 010 tea ap; alfblte, 019; tinathp, 021 beat grade.Oraia—Oati, 01.S9 per ewt; barlop, 01.05 par ewt; wheat, Ol.TO ewt.BH». Bgp aad Ohaaaa.Kgga—Stenpad egga. 4Se dea; loeal raaeb, 40e doa.BaUai—Haaalwood, 45e Ib; Takiasa, 4Sa Ib; Edgwoed, 40e; M^alaaf, 40o lb; BiahaUae. 4ia Ib; Baaalia, 40a Hpaa. 40e lb; Hone Brand, 4Sa lb; sap BaU. 40e lb; Praninn, 4Se; Mas Her rest, 40e Ib; aorarbloon, 40a Ib.Paal prton.Paal-r^wod, Unaraek and ir, 00.2S; piaa, 07.50. PnJl laagtk, Unaraek aad ir, 07 and 07.50; piaa, 00.25 and #0.80. Coal—Carnap, Skaridaa, Tabor, 00 tea;
fL'TbTJ“h '■ 1.^. 2; “ f" •”..b.. .iu u. ubi., „i i ». „„ , . are tba Swin spaoialtiaa. | Portleed-—Track prieaa: CInb, 01.08;Tba total ralao of 8iHn eboeolalaaBanian, 0103; tarkap rad, 01.07; BcoMdip, like naap otkar rirtaaa, ia to tka United fhatea in 1000 bloaaton, 0M2@1.14; fortp-foM, 01-00aonctiaua ta ba fonad ia atrnaaa 0l»».000, laea than 3 per o-‘ ………………….. " "placea. PoaaiMp aaa of tbe laat ptaaca t*** ><*!*> exports. This snail you woaM expect to iad it woaM bo oa *•« “ <«*• ‘o tka deTolopneat of a paairp sbalf wall ttoakad with aaary ekoaoUte iadoatrp in Anariea la —. , ptera. tba bonefactoyou woaM expect■|a!f wtltr… k.V. .L*
If tbara ia sap oae branch of te which I have fonad it prodteble to tarn np atteation, it ia this matter of •pwee. It IS ao anal! art to bo able fa take a teagh, cheap ptoeo af auat. carofaUp cook tbe teagbaon oat of it
•r Caor taror thaa ftUat of hoof : «"*•>*• • >«P. saistakiag it forK aap one hiata that that ki.d «r' karoaaae, aad was dricaa from tbo plaooK aap one hiata that that kind of I karoooae, aad cookorp u raallp a daooit, I aaawwr I ** iMteat later bp a torridc axploriaa. ampbatieatip, Na. Tbara ia plaatp of' Oaeo oatildo in safoCp, be ramanbatad tongb naat oa a stoat that is naek! that Joaaph Karwia, bin earatakar. was nort aaarMiag than tba Wadar per aalaap iaalda, aad raabad back tkroagb tioas. u it eaa ba osadr palatable, whp , tka dames to rsacoa tka old «.a — abjaet benasa it laa't .1^ m,t Wall, ha fo^rToa I U sdn.t that I doat np nnch aba.tit to np faw^. The inagiaatioB kaa * “ * •*”>ka. Laiabeote aar-1
, Flaxaaod—Na. . 1 aaotbwaotara, ♦J49 12; Hb. 1 oirtkwaatara, |2.1tl-2. ta hv Timotbp aaad,td2.70.u» U. iSrf,La Craaeaata, John Laiaboata.i Short riba, sides (ioooa), *12.27 l-t@ ■ 12.97 1-2.Short elaar sidaa (boxed), *13.27 l-3@
powarfal ag 1 na Up np baada aa. Wbea «a traeal, or wbaa np friaads UbtoI, I make than bnp na aabaard-af apieaa fran aaatbara coaatriaa, that aavar reach qa ardiasrilp, aad I am partiea- Urlp kaaa an Mqxicaa apices. Aa for tbo gOMral staek, 1 ardor from
' aed at *5000, was daMropad. 13.50.
Butter—Steadp—Croaatariaa M@Sle dairiea. tl@25c; agga, raaaipU, 4494 eaaae; atroag at mark, eases laelndad, 19e; trats, 20«; prime irate, 21 l-2e; cbeaaa, atroag, daiaiae, 14i-4@17s: twias, I6@l5 1-2a; poaag Amniaaa, l@17e; long boras, 15 3-4@l?e. tU—Market ateadp. Baaeaa, *5@14 3-4i
ooimroTHXATIE ATTRAOnon AT SPOKAnBB AtnnrOBniii; H. O. Hapwan
tea rMrai staek. 1 ardor from np gro-1 Mareb 9 aad »—Cbarlaa B Haafor ear. Tbara >a ^aatp af rariMp to bagia i> Aamrii•a right than CaUry nh, s4l.«r^-1Marebi wnp |c^„.Lord, aad 12-Mta. Laali
Qearwater TdqAonc
LineCftnaccu with PactSc Talapheaa sml Teiecrapli Conpaop, gtriag diract commuaieatiaa with ail ontside as well as all local poinu. (^ick. prompt senrke S specialty. ! respectiullp solicit poor bnsinaas., i $AAMUiLJSaxdct..KrMcktoci• r iadoat; No. 1 aortbara DalnU aad No. 2 bard wlatar, *1.27 1-t xomiaal f
a^ te doMadiag whollp oa pep , aad aalt. Keep tbam ia
tightip-1 •lUaa, aad thap will'
> basirss 4aaUa sasu. i
aloaei canskeepMrs. Laalla Outer.
50 1 44. MaxUaa dollain,Imaal daaWra report more fsTornbU bnlaan aad a daridadlp drmar tea* tetba copper market, wHh Lake qaoted at *13.52 1 *@1147 1-2; aUatiolptU, *I3S7 12@13.521-2, aad oaMiag at__ Thaatergoere will aajop one of tba iatrcMgtk. UarU.'aoch as saga aad bap pranat tbaatrUal aeaaoa! "Poi qaotad at *22.75.kaarn, ehaaM ba boaght aa fraah aa ’ •> Tbatndap, Fridap aad Satardar' ateadp, with apet qneted
poniWa, aad U maS^anatitin. ‘Tbaiaighta. Muah 10. n Sd 12^ I•• of aaaaaa-imatiaaa Satnrdap, wban^ tL' Aad?! 'P®* •»••***^t|terinm. Mra. Laalia Garter will prodao ' yFjiiliiiiwtny
“P- I Bensirs. .Sfedles and SnppUes. >•
lags is that yea earn hare a diCs….. Baiar far meat disbas dap after dap.Itus pranwts the saaaa af -a——-naf diet wbaa tba aama meat is aaad aftaa; tad if tba iUbaa ara skilfoDp prepared ia eartmu fame tbara wffl aftaa bo aa snapieiaa that it U not aona oatuolp different meet. If pen want 9o kaow what eaa bo doaa ia tbn hae, • xaaaiao tba matbods of aana Wg hotell3s Clearwater Foundry
Vaata Haras, the abaraeter partrapJ ****’'’' bp Mra. LooKa Carter, ia a poaai Loeatad cm First Street, next door to womaa, who at tba time tk« pUp opad Telepbone Office. f'kaa alraadp aebimrad a rapatoti
are aansdnad tba las«t ham- Mpnarteos laffasaan, aa mpstla 4»• p^ppv >*«rt«'M*nufacturer of gang etiger*’^•ooktag far ill parnana, BUak pappar: Tbaaa ialaaweaa, If pas t w- • * ^is tba dnod fraM af aa East ladia tba abaolnte daatmatioi Tmninen.kkrab. White pepper is from tba
rite the eater black sball of tba•hrab. fmM ranaoed. It Uaek. bat tba Mar.
Uaar{ks U a farm of I popper made ia Haag -p, aad kaa t the Blroagtb of eapuao.A venaa^ idea of a gaaloa la n nban aaMttin natA bU an
Tba pUpars aagagad bp Mrs. Carter' aieatioa for bar sapport are aU wall kaowa and ^ prenlaaat la tba tbaateieal world. Tba PH« aa
Spnial cable aad telegnphU e
i tbaateieal world. Tba E. J. Badeliffb. W. H. Orapbin, Lank MpU,
aagu ia arailabla eap- . ad with pt.Ylou a^eooat:Wheat—United BUtaa oaat of the Boakiaa disMaiia »M,0M ba.; Oaa^ uwraaaad 1924*0 ba.; total Uaite4 States aad Caaada daamaad 127400
bu. Aieat for aad U Earopa i4,300,000 bn.; total Amorleaa aad Svo peas aapplp iaaroaood 4,113,000.Oata-Ualtod Suua and Caaada ia- eraaaad ..M400 bn.UBT or DBAS Df SLIDA
Ba Batanad te RU Bona Un aad rotate Mr. J. r. 1When Ho Bateharad.
ont at the irtbora railroad te Ba Dead.
aim Mate of the la)nrnd aad Mteteag.Tbe fetlowiag iim of easnaltin in tbo Walliagtua avalaaebo ia tba taouBtaiaa baa been givi otteaa of tbo Grca^, Nort
A. B. Vail, Trinidad, Waab.B. M. Barnhart, Spokaaa.Min Nallia Sharp. Bpokaaa.E. L. Lonnaa. Uuatera, WaMi, aadMrs. Ada Lonnaa, bia wife.W. H. Map. CbnaaSaa. B. C.'^A»aa MaNaep, Baattia, a wall kaowa atteraap.Franoea Starratt aad LtUiaa Starratt (ehudraa. maun), C’bamaiana, A C.*@loyw WarwB 9b Ba pnod.Traiamaatar A. A Blaakbura. Eagiaaar J. o. CarroU.Brakomaa William Daratp.Btakanaa A. A Dapp.Mshanaa Cbarln Jeaiaaa.Brakonaa J. KaUp.A. A Loagaop, aaeratarp to Baporin- teadeat O ’NaiU.Bagiaaor T. L. Oaberao.LowU Walker, oook oa Saparlatonl- eat O’NoUl'a ear.AU of Brorott.
Kaaaaa Citp. Mareb 7 —Fiadii r. UlUi, a nillioaaira local baal bia borne wbaa ha arrivodag Jai akar, iat aa aarip hoar, Jobs P. Cadahp, a waaltbp packer aad aoa of Michael C'udahp, tka Chiugo nillioaairn, is al­leged to have eomniittod aa anaait apoa iba naa which ted te bia arrcM oa a charge of dicturbiag the poneo. Ho waa releaaad on a *100 band.LiUu is ia a bospiUi. Hit eoaditioa is nid to be critical. Cats said to bavo been iadicted with a kaifo ara aa hU Uea, limba aad one arm. Tba cate bava base auda ia eriss-cron faabiaa. If bo roeovon ba will bo diadgnrad far life, it is averted by pkptiai Bafora eatting LilHa, Cadahp to bare boned LilHa with Oaa of Cwdahp 'a ebaaffoai At the pelieo arrieod throe U tba roan. Proateate aa tba dear Up LiUia, half aoda aad boned arftk n rope.
Cadahp U and R A• ctroagrepn X ^waaprnaat V Iraa naa warn V^te> (ks I..
Miaa Katbarlaa O'BaUJp, Bpokaaa. Mr. aad Mra. 0. L. Bank, PUnanaf , Cal., aad three ekUdroa—Enna, MarioaJohn Barrk.«. H. Batkal, eiril aagUaar, BoattU; wall knows is Now Tock «ad Caba. Braoote AnateU, PortlSBd, Oia.A. BoUi, Mobarip, Oat.J. Brookmaa. Watoryilla, Wsab. Patriak Bma, Barliagtoar Weak.Jeka T. Tin. Barliagua, Weak.Sort oral A Vaali, SaattU.H. D. Chaatrall, 7aaaoaTar, B. 0. Niak Ciai. Barliagtea, Wash.Alex. Chiabolm. BoaaUad, A C.Sol Cohok, Evortet. ,Mn. Anna CoYiegtoa, OIpnpik, Wash.Ooorga F. DarU, Baattia,^ 2-paar old daaghter, ThoUasL %>aa Ebert, SaatUa.Vila £11. Saattla.C. 8. Eltiaga, Spokaaa.L FUkar, BoaaUad, A C.Oolord Oat, BarUaftea, Wash.Mika Ooghein, kriiagtee, Wash.Joe Onimmaaaati, Barliagtea, Wash. Luigi OninnaaoMi, Borliagtoa, Wash. Oaorga Uarna, Saattla.Mrs. L. M. Latseh, SaattU.John Maekia, Saattla.A. O. Mahler, real aeUta dealer, Sa­atUa.Bfrt Mathawa, Ciaeiaaati.Janas Monroe, SaattU.A O. Thonpeoa, Vanaan«ar, A C. Bar. J. M. Tbompaoa, Preabpteriaa eJargpnaa. Betliagbaa^ Wash.A W. Toppiag, AabUad. Ohio.BiteiMd —Haae Bteteate]___________ Zaland.L. Forapth, Maaroa7 Waah.’~ Mrs. Starratt, Cbanaiaaa, A C.Joka Orap, Naakaack, Wash.Bahp Orap. Kookaack, Waak.Anan Orap, Noakaaak, Waak.HiA Willian Map, Ckanaiana, A Bapmaad SurrMt, CbB. M. VaU, EraratL A H. White, SaalUa. Nona
of the noa aotUod Uadarwoed. LiUU groamed aad tagged faablp at the cords that beaad kin.■'Doatdo it, Jaat PUaaodoatda it." ho pUadad.Codahp did not nnawar.Boahing oror to the trU Underwood •* • Cndahp: –
Porter Laeim Aadonna.PiTMteo Sanual A. Baua.nnatear WiJIUn Barriagtoa. MaU CUrfc A. B. Haaaal. Spokaaoi Firaaua J. D. Karlaa.Fiianan Oaorga NaUoa.Brakanaa Bow PUliipa.
Porter Walter Snitk.Eaginoor D. Tegtnaiar.Condaetar M. O. White.
Tka train anpUpas aB lUad : Braratt.
What daaa thlamanat" ba qnarted." Ho'a rniaad mp home. Ha’a rained mp home," eaid Cadahp, toraiag te the oAcar aad making no attempt at raaiet- "ica.From tka bagUniag to the aad af th* affair Mrs. (Mdahp was not ia aridaaan.
Cndahp'a friaada admit tba gostenl facte ia tba caw, bat ara newiUlM te r> ikto daUilaMra Ondahp Bxpatea Tlndle«UnkMra. Cadahp was axtramolp anrraas. Tba reports that hare naa ■~ii|nte have parturlMMl bar graatTp. Hownwr, aba wpn aba >e goiag te boar np as bate sbp eaa, aa aba ia poaitiva that ia aha will ba riadUated.It is uadaratood faaarallp that LillU will not proaacnta Cadahp, w the earn* map be dUmiaaad with a amaU Mma.Biaeo Cadabp’a aurrUgs to Miw Edam Cowin, who was a sosiMp baiU of OmabB, oa Dacombor 29, 19M, tba familp baa baaa prominat tbara. Oa tba dap of the marriage Cndahp ■■ fathar made him manager of kU Kaaaaa Cityteratta.LUHt U a baabaUr, 47 peart oM. Ha is maaagar of tba Waatera Exehaagn bank and pramlaaat aociaUp.
• HMtiilnii M4** far I (• fraw flewa WsM-Othn OrMShllng With Agn
Expraaa Maaaaagar BaagU.Flramaa Baaningtea.Mail CUrk Aahard C. Bogut. Coadnator GampbaU.Exprana Maaaangnr H. J. DUhl. Spo- kaaa.Gharlw L. A. Due, nail sleek. Htete Barnard; aiagU; 24; teteer la SU N. T.i twa pann is Spakasn Forter Danena.MnU Qerk John Fox.Fireman Dan C. OUaaaa.ICnil Oork Oowfo Haafar.Engisaor J. F. JaraagiB.^nkanaa W. A BorlllnBrakanaa JtwoU.Flramaa Jaska. Firawaa Joaaa.
Candaater Bd liaMay. Fnglaaar Freak Martin. Coadnator Parrpbox. Condaetor J. L. Potttt Brakanaa W. A Baperoft
MaU dork John Tnakar.T«>> oakaewB mail Trsigkaip. Steaogriphar, ear A-M. Porter, ear A-IAn’t naeh teat If aho nte*l • maa to mQ bar that aka
With rararawd attaatioa tba hooaa lioteaod Sotordop te a Uttw wrlttea bp tba widow Bf WwkiagteB and aUa oaa written bp the widma of Liaoota. aad tbaa otdarad tba axpaaditara af *1400 far tba pramTatioa af tba maaa- aaripta.Tba tret waa a Uttar from Martha Washiogtoa, written in 17*9 ta tba •paakor of tka boon af rapnoaatetivaa after bar haabaad’s daath, plan af iring Waahiagtoa's raateiaa from Manat Varaoa to a arppt la tka aapitoLThe aaeoad. from Mra. Liaoola. writtoa ia 1259, plaadod for a paasUa. The paaaion waa granted, and aka draw ♦5400 a yaar naUl bar daatk.BapaaanteUra O'Caaaall, a danaamt fran Mateaakaaatta, who laewalad Ua Utten te tha bonaa, said that af athte ralnabU kUtorUal .’ aranblUf with ago~y
rrantah Sparry af Coaaaatiaat, aged •I poara. tha aUate naa U aaagraaa. Bade what wiU ba probably hU Uat Weaek ia aoagraw Satnrdap. Ha baa aa- aaaaaad that bo wUl ate ba a aaaffi- date for ra-alaatios and teak tha laor Batardap for tka Irte tine ia aararal n. Tha rateraa nanbar apaka la w of a traraUag aUowaaaa fa wap naU elorka. Ho doalarad noah faaUag that thap rataabla pabUa Barrasta. _ aa aratUs whn ho *-*irhtilOhrtteUa BwaldHtMae manNow York, March 7 —UuU KUowk. editor of tba Chrtatiaa Herald, aad kaawB tba world ovor tor hU pbUaa- thropp, dUd at U-.SO a’elaak thU norm- lag St tha Oomaa hoopitaL"What did tha niaiette proaah abeal
brid^> **“^***^ ** ehaating at

No Appetite*-I M*k HM4-1 ImmmiM* I «u• «OT7 «ek k«d k« kV»Mll* vkM-•*«. m4 «mI4 mi »Im» sort ihM tkn* • •icbl. 1 *M »mu4a4 k7 • Mm4^ try tMk i«. b«ul«* •( It. m4 tl iJ«* •( It.
^ DavMpon, Im
7 tk« vkeU cytMB. ]t piuitn Um•CtkM. tfc. «14* W4 r*It Ikl*
IHM Otnt ta t u u SBf*. rAso ODrmm u rumtmi t«I. Bliad. BlMd ( Pil«4 >■ « t« 14 dl^IM Mr MM *f iMkiairsIf »r Protrudinf Pil«4 >■ 4 ■ MM7 r«rud«d.
•‘Why do yoB poat, firlf"'' Ho wool 4«oy witboBt kia t”"Hottor poBt wbiU tho youag naa oroBOd. R« night toko the hint.”
Have One
No sense in running from one doctor 10 snother. Select the best one, then stsnd by him. Do not delsy, but consult him in time when you trc sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer’s
Cherry Peciortl for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, iust as he says.A W*
W» a«»ll*k Mr r»ra
Aivavt herp a boa of Aver'i Pille in the boBM. Juet one pill at bediinte, no* aad then, will ward off many an attack ol bUiousneaa, indigeation. aick headache. How many yeara baa your doctor known Ibeaepilla? Aak bim a'l about them. .— MMhrlMX.O *MT« Iy.w.n
Try a fscksgc a#—
TWy'arc crisp sad vbaliaaat. il GrMon Sal Tkam. Mf|. by
t^aad Eapwa Bmc^ Caapuy. Spakaw.
Hopkins & Ryer, Inc.Baubiubwt iMi.BROKERSNew York atoi-ka,Chicago grain, mining atocka, local iMtaa^ ao- caritlM.Privato Wiiwa.
11 wad la SlMtar Blk. Spokane
La^r, 1Baal MiMtiri cf Tate.r, not gold, ia tho m—nn of Btoah of a day’t toU la a loaf ofbrMdt How maay hour'a work ia a ahirtwaiatf 2ka dollar of parap^g brow aad aeling flagara aad fagged out braina ia tbe real ataadard of value, aad the oily one by which the eoet of liviBg of one generntioo, of ono individual, can be eoapared with that of another, tayi HUo UanUnge in Chi­cago WholeaaJa Orocer.Uold, eboean for waat of a bettor thlag, i bat a meehaaiMl eoatrivaaco to a.u ia tbe eaehaage of nroporty. It It an ineidant, not the fn^mantd fact of ppoaperity, of poverty, of the coat of liviag, of the nbiUty of two man to bay wuh hie labor tho prodaet of aaotber 'aThe abundance or aesreitp i|re told, hae i * ‘ “priea of come plentiful, aad pricet of erarythinglemu of gold, will be hl^ . ____logical. The world'e annual prodnei uf gold ia about twice wbat it waa tbir- teea yeara ago, and in that time pricM bare about donbUd. To thona who look no farther, Ibo rolationahip is eloarty prorea.From 1890 to ISM the pricoe of eom- moditiee made a vary material drop to tbe eicaedingiy low point wUeb made poaaible tbe apectacolar riaa of tbe laet decade, and yet, during tbie period of declining prieee tba world'* gold output elimbod na fnat, and on a porcentage baaia a good deal faatar. than during the recant yMre of ntcending ralneaprice of a commodity ia latino acareity etunpared with gold, egga, barley and bananaa, the production of which hna laenaaed at a gTMtor rate than baa tba produe- tioD of gold, abooid bare abowa a ra- ecat dacliae In vahM. Bm neb baaa tbe caaaf Oo and aoe.6ineo ISM our wbMt crop baa in- eant, a Sgnrc
of prfee larele doec not procoed ani- fermly, but rntbar aftar tbe tebion af • boon being drirea on a barfal; jMt now tbwa la a foaling that the hoop baa looanaed sp on tba farmer'■ aid# aad tbnl tbe citr conaumar .* being pinched nceordingiy.
Tas Om Oas Allaa'i raoS-Ban FBBBWrite Allan S. (Mawtod. U Boy, N. T.. for n fTM aavpie of AUta ’# Feo4 Baae. It curea awnUag, hot, awolloa, aabing fe«L It makaa now or tight •bon anay. A d|rtaia cure for aorna lagrwwtng nnila aad baniena. All drag giata aair it. SSa. Don’t aceopt any rabatHte
ereaaad more than M par cant, a Sgore that pretty aeearately expraaiaa tba inerenaa ia tba amount, not valna, of eommodltiaa geanaliy. Tba laeraaM of………………………………… buy each» inereaMof the atoek of gold with which to bay tbom.But rappoec Gold baa become cbMpor, a CicreUnd qaartor aimply bocomaa a Taft half-dollar, aad wa eaa roadjnat the leneea in onr aboppin^ ayaglaaaaa nod fill our bnaket* ae of yoro.The trwiiMr t* ibet *he rcadjoatmegt
Hotel TouraineSPOKAXB. WABH.S4 Mooroo Bt., oppoaiU Boriew Bldgmw AHBBX dim OraMBO. All olognsUy faraiabod.Hot aad eoid water aad tolepboan la all room.AUTO Btnm MBBTt ALL TBAlirS. Bataa. SOc to SS.BO.Special rate* to etoedy gneata.WILLIAM KTOW. Frop.
CONJD HOTELN«« ticwli'lufTiljhil h"t»n4cel>«l«r Uhl i«lci>bv>oc Iti everr ro.d H ia cases of Poor appetite^i Belchiag, Sick Head* a c h e Indigestion, Cost­iveness, Col^ Grippe dk General Weakness. Get
Tbe aainal trainer baving been taken fuddenly ill, uic wife reported for duty in hi* *Uad.“Hav* yon bad any experience tbie llnof" naked the owner of tho en* and menagerie, with *oim doubt."Not jnat exaotly in Ui* Uae,” the •aid; “but my bu»band manage* tbe bea*u all right, doaui't bbt”“Be certainly do**. '“Well, you ought to *ec how eaaily I can manage him. ’’SB. KABTSL’S FBICALB PTUU •MaiMaa Tann tbn BUodaiS.Praaeribml aad raeommended for
emaa ’• ailmanin—a neiaatiSeaUj pro- pnrad remedy ef provM werU. The re- enh from their om i* f ek aad perma­nent. For eale at all drag atorea“I want to get n good novel to read on tk* Unin—eometbing pathetic, “ said a woataa to a book-aalaeman.“Let me see. How would “The Lan Days of Pompeii dof' naked tbe saleemaa.I never heard of him. haI'm not qaite anre, ma’am," plied tba salaamna; “noma kind eruption, I've heeid."lOO Tenn d eed ie-Pettt's Bye Salve for Over hea bean saad for oongaatc flniaed eyea, removea ilm or aenm 'er tba eyes. All draggiats ^r How- d Braa, Bnffnlo,. W. Y.A political oficc in a email town in Iowa wne vacant. Tbe oOce paid SS50 a year, aad then wm keep competition for it. Tbe democratic eandidnU, Eaek- iel Hicka, waa a tbrewd old fellow, end e neet campaign fund wna turned over to him. To the natoniahiiioBt of ell, however, bo wan defeated.“I cent neeonnt for it,” enid of the domoerntic leedore, gloomily.
'' With that money w* ibooJd have How did yoB lay it ont. EMkiolf" “Well." naid Enekiol. alowly polling hie whiekeri, “yer aee. that ofiee only pays S2M n year enlnry. an’ I didn’t ■M nn BMiM ,m payin’ S900 out to get Mugbt me n little track
THE APPROVALof the most
CASTOR IAFar laluta and CkiUrsi.HiKUYn HinAtffifslH|)l
> *nid;“Boy, do JOB ameke “i d-de n M*ittla, i
Tba manager aatared tba oBco face clouded, bis brow wriaklod _ ■ ngry tbongbt He enHsd the oBoe ^Beg^iag tba yontk stsraly,ameke eigartttasf’- rtr’tba youth.
Tbe manager fixed him with bla angle eye.“Tbee give me eae," be aeid.left mine et home."1 T» <3sr3 n CMd tn Om Day Teke LAXATIVE BBOUO ()uiatMTebUte. ----------------- *;fnUe to eura.I tnra ie on enek box. pisirsk the word to renwfcer wlMyouared arnardy i^Cdogiis^Couis CHEAP IRSURAM6E Triml Botll* Fr It yoD mSar froe B %nMn. odbaM cUIM»».y wtit rvlWvo I_______do I, to MBS (M a Ftm Tfhint, Oaarm Oder Puro Boo4 aad^Droa Art, i rNo.teen. nomawrr - ■ aa4xi*«AOaaMa< Br MmU F'OR grain growers"^Voodlark " Squirrel Poi«on t< (be moat reliable and destrurtive egrut yet deviM^ (or the extcnninaiiofi of Gofdwrs, Sqwir- reU, Sega Rata and Prairie Doga. It iw (he cbeepot iwurance againat tbeir ravage*. Every hernci i* warranted tm kill. Ctimeiic cbaugca or moisture edtbw Fwi'.of iiejmMo. earth do not destroy its nre»|[yh. Ke- quiree NOUixiNGOn rmErAnATWX. !• always ready for nse. No Mbcr is am good. Dealers will refand the porchasw price if not as cteiwed. Pamphlet free. rfhlMBMUeorCr.MtT'. alw •Sil*UMaa4xiv«AOaaMaawt>I*tda4enM 'M. f. N. MT. Ml Niri SlrnM, lo* Tort
Uovt Cbuucai. Co., Portland. O>*com•mlairra* , w-a ha Buat.lia4
[adeedl Why |I anved a j,
Tattered Terry—I’m a men, but I can't- get a job.Lady of the Hauee—li netsTattered Terry—Tertrain frtmt e terri ……….. …….ail de editern bare been eore on mei ••Ta. ever einool 1
To be eupplied byBBiTHAii * oaamu, m THB POWBLL-MBPBBB 00. WhnleMl* OroeerB Spefennn. Wa^ or by the Mnnnfeetnnn
A men harried iate a quUk lseakquUk lseak ram celled te thm“Uiv* me e kam aandwich." air," Mid tbe iMiter, reaeUn^ •andwick. “wiU yen ant it am
I vioB* reply.sneipoeted bat ek-
* -at!??. i “I remember that my wife aad Tr .**'V:- I w… tmlk,., o..r .i.i„ .. 4.,■M4 he*« M in~m ^~mt uuiu ** agr^ that it bad come te the •rtes tMmism md Miry 1 m • w«B : point where w* mBSt both economte' ’ – BM4 ; “ ' Yea, my deer,’ I aaid te my Wife,•rael I'we mu*t both ecoeomiM, bolhl’■a M* tanm — — I “ Henry,’ ebe neid, witiTlTter.LSTiSf enbmienion. ‘you *be«.OUT THIS ODT. *_» kM4- Did yoB */••bhave A littU doM ef BemUn'n Winwd
!a tired eir ef enbmieaioB. ‘you *b ^ j yourself aed I’U sat year hair.’ ’’Did yoa ever bevo a good, old-faahien- ed boy ’s *ta^ sebef Of coeiss yea
vs. Quality' In the flutter of food you can t aflord to aacrifioe Quality Sir Cheapneaa. Economy , is right and good but inferior food products 1 are dear at any price.Oil wUl eh., my ■ ..4107 ,.!> I. tk. Stomach like megle.’be men who looks downwardirsBssd WiU kia ows grMtnsm, b«t ont who looks upward neliam
Motkare wUl find lOs. Sootking Bynp the bem i aee fm W ekiUran «< teethiag pmied. Helene Setardey, feliewing nn nttnek of keen feliors. i. ir^-' i Is economical—not Cheap. it The best at any price a your money back.JAOUES MFO. CO. Chlcado. mU. Oae I Owuol 404 Umsin *«rh mIMiA Ba(M ler all Fw Fwod tnwn >f job sort eedOcrbMsto g*a*Ml Bsak.Tba nverage men no tooncr iBROWN*S ^.1 ^BBONCHXAZkTltOCHBB “■Sara Sm vafea•a*e«. *SfhLa is nohMg so sflacWSTMT.X'tJ'i.PUlV
mm^ PuTWAW'TTDTLTss. dyes' Color more gnede bHgMer end faebar eeteen Una any ether dye. One tSn equelHi well end le •ueraMeed to give perfdet iwevlta. Aek ' 'I Wrtw'fer free bMktol. hms to dye, CioMh and i( mix e*lnr«.« MONROff BRV« CO.>ne t«s pnaknte ediara M, wm» mM mmm }

Millinery Millinery
Mrs. L. A. Torsen has opened up a
compkte and up-to-date stock of MfOinery.
Come in and bring your friends, .at ^
Next Doer to Qm Wbito Hm Tro^inf Co. I
– –
i •'
. H. Le«p«r rialtad SUtca Saaday.uw* yma U«* StMk «itli ]. M.
Caab paid for cbkkcna at the Palace maiXet.1W Small «M a Uwiataa riaitorTaoaday.Noparcc Floar foraate at the Orofiao Peed Store.Ue CaatrU M op frooi Aheabka Moaday.Aek your groeer for Prtoeeoanottr •W-Ben Baah. alatplMd aakrtor. «aa aa Orofiao visitor Sunday.CoBie and ace aa al the Palace market Why noL>>. oTAI
at WeiOioiBM visitor Moaday.
Batty Watrath nadc a baeam trip to KaniUb over Sanday.Ask your groeer for Prloeeaa Floor ouopoaa.Robert Swadeacr viaitaJ Lewiston Saturday, retaratag Taceday.
With avory aaek of Prlaeaaa Floor you got a oaopoo. ^Wat Keeioobach. the ^.ewMeo cap- iuliat. virited reialivaa bOe over baa- day.
Wm. PoBoyar, at ooe time a reridaat of ihia place, vieited hie Mar here Seaday. yFOR BALR, two beavv lumber weg- ona. Hnqaire "* “ *
Aak poor groeor forPrlncoee FloarCoupons.WrIlaMB-McRoberta Co. have the Myer* Knapaack anrg«t to gat FrlaeM I ith every aaok of FHl
aiMrm Min and Alenaader Hamiltoa arrived a'etinesdey from Moscow. Ther brought e haatl of horses as far aa the North Fork, but were onahle to crow the river owing to the high water pre­vailing. They report tnarh damage throogh the upper potlatch coaatrv, oj^ to the tfeery rain of Tneeday
WiU Ds Drayiag Bwriaaaa.■ ■ r1 deeirv to notifv the raeidentiof Oo-; Sao that I am in the SeM for all etaaaas ! of dreying and will hanl anything from i a Mitim toatoo load.Yoare for haaineaa, ^P J. NoatB.mUr R. H. LEEPER
iao. Idaho.• Snyder. Oro-
DoB't forget to get Prfneeee Conp^ wfih every aaek ot eaa Floor.
lUnI Estate Far Sale.
4 miles from Orodno and acres 7 miles from OrodtM. Good frud lands with bearing orchards and springs on both. For drees. 1
Jeba Lewis came in from his Immm- staad on the North Pork Monday. He reports the North Fork steadily rieiag and predicta entremeiy high water in May. Mr. I.ew«s says theta is more snow in the high mSumains then he has known for a number of i ee'rs, end this__ , IS being added to and will be for some MOtedwllh every aaek of PrlMeaaFloor weeks to coam. with!yeofuiaooupon. _______^>'1 **”“**^ ®"Two thoroughbred Jersey celrcs for i sad stop at the BOLLINGER. Portv i Jh -1. ch«p .1 ukn U OK.. Frooklonnoo,. bon bo„ .ddrf .od oo,, All of IA,o«oipn»..«u..«oA .—ooNoio
Harry Wood and Oscar Mender, of Tfuy. vieited Attoreey Ogdea and tarn- ity this week.Notloe is hereby given that I redeem the follnwing Hchool ranta of Nex Prove f'uanty If
Pi 1 c tic al HorseshoerGEXEUL BUOmOIHUffiYours for First Class Work
Clearwater Lime Cat? Lt’d.
1 for payment 1 eixty dase *Ity If pre- at m.T office I date hen«f
honney. Oroftao.With every aaek of Priaoma Floor yoo gel a eoapomByron Pbcipa. who has been ehacat seka fa Portlaad. Orqaa. re-
Be sure and _______________Co.'s Jiac of pniners before bnyiag.Gaa Grab departed Wednesday for Lewiatoa. where he will serve oa, the trial jury now in aesMon.Boy yonr sidewalk Inmber and ditaea- •ion staff of the Otofiau Klectrte Com- PWf.C. R. FUk left Taesday tnoraing for Lewiston, where be will serve aa the trial jnry called to meet Wednesdey.A ffne pieMre goes
with every fear Prlneeee Floor eoapotm.This scctiow wns visited Monday aight by a WTcre thunder storm, which is something onuaual for Uu* season of the year.
Orodnocre^ was oa the boom tbisiffith. IVUB. week, aa a result of a few days of warm
mmg jnnk and followwheos it makes the last tarn < into the 1 ity. These fogs censed i-McRoberU water to break over the bank the old channel across the causing nut a iiolc damage )>i the wash­ing awav of loose articles in its pathwsy. A fow charges of giant powder started the drift aad the sraler soon rcsameil iu old cl
Dated Feb. ffitta, IPIO.A. E. HINCKLEY, Treaiurvr.
DtaUrs in
Portland Cement, Hard Wall Plus-
ter. Lime and Hair
1 channel. I have aI have a stock of Millinery on display, prepaiad to do re-trimming and making hats Call and aee na at the Orodno Tradtag Co.'a.MRa. ADA HOLMBERG. OUR
Mrs. M. J. McLean, ef Rai
—————– • I and is Icarpet weaving loom and is prepsred m serve the people along tbU line. If . yon have sny weaving to be done send The Bollinger Annex, with tu forty i your orders to her. makes this famoas hoatlery INetsse af SharilTs 9ala Undue Carowtsoa. . McOraaa. the laaSlrod, thfokT^beM is aeae to good for his friemls.Dwight Wbeslock departed last Ssta day morning for Spokane, where be wi M his wife and baby for a viatt wii Matlroa.
Jadfc Hogne departsd Moaday morn­ing tor Lrwlaton. where be Diatrict
Court y virtue of
an execution
butaaiala the ProUtc court. He Uter nepnrtea for Boise where he will rcainia for soma time vinitiag relalivaa.FOR L%t&E—aoo.ooo acres s •chool font fo Hex Perce county. Will be al LewMim from March il to April 3. Call or write Chna. WalUcc. State Lead Agent, ome a( Ceaaty Trsnaarer.Mm Mm • apnr tar n. W.U. maa-Mcftoberta Co's. line.Mra Mary A Groves has agaia rwted her raock key^ near BUke to her sons, B. H. nad C. w: Grovas and has coawto tOWD 1sssr'Mrs. Fred W. Luttropp 1
………………that all stocka he kept off the stracu doriag the "ad bv law. Owaen are d that the stock ordiaifl(hy nod ati Stock not token can of ^ ate owner will he token care of by the WHagc.1- DELANEY. Village Marshal.
issued oat of the District Court ol Seomd tadicial DiatritX ia and for the Mes PIM State of Idaho.aod to BM direetad aad delivroed. for indgeamnt rmdared in the Diwrict Omirtef the Sectmdjadicui District, of ___ Nax Perce Conari,^ wabo. on the 8th day of October 1IO9. ia favor of Bert O Wmtrotdaiutiflaad agaitisl Ike Dykes. S et al defoadants for the sata olfl000.70.
We h«ve just received • shipment of the well known Cohen & Freidlanders RED FERN line ol Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits, 1910 models. An inspection of same will convince they are right-up-to the minute for style and prices; bet­ter than yon can get elsewhere.
tawSU noncy of the Cnilwl S„___ .gether with costs of suit snd intercM. have levied on the following described ~ the records of.levied on the Iproperty, sunditig o _ _Ne* Peres county in the nsme of J, Right, defendant, w wit: Lot two (i) |Foathwest Quarter (6W 1-4) of the I Northrast Oirter (NB 1-4) aad North ', Half (N 1-2) of Southeast Quarter (SE I lM)of Section Five (5) m Townsbipil (J6) North. Range "
Half (N
——–sttnate and lying in t]^?U*BL1C NOTICE ia hereby’"' Ihodt «f aad at the from door of
the I k a

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