

l:^ECK^ iPlRESS.vf'.*:. :1 :- .♦, . V^.*;
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PS:". ' K^ PERCE 'COUKTY. IPAH:, SATURDAY. ^OY. 15. 19C1.HO. 39
■ ■ ■ V HaSlf»07 LOCAL IIITEUSSrWi>«k. P«»*o«aI K-«r« i*-. tin. w«kpnrubnaetl the rezoaiiiiog att « lc of I. S. Sperrir aint fitmilv lefk'l.aal i I’mwford A Imcny. consiatiog Of iiv tbnir
C©W Weatlber Goods
'4 Thuraibiy f«>r tbnir nerty, Oitn;I Th« 'W.'otlineo cf l-U« place nr * having npplie.ew.a ^ . '‘'»8 itniebteilnegB of the firm of *STOVES , oTOVEliSj CUvInnl & Stn^ae w.n p»v the bynn «rvl up all ! ';bw.t market price for dreHHid ./'*« of thfthrm. ^d-div(ved at iVrli. See them I Xfcnvt linrulred men are ijoxr »*ro- )c h(v'Water ii drwwinff bn nod donbtleca many of you ronUmplate ' tariof MV healcra. Call mid examine car line t uti got our . pnem. Wealaocarry SASH and DOORS.
; JPloAV* aiiil rCarm 3Iacliiiicry■ ' t<M «• litm* with you wbeu ip ue«l of uui tkiuR in tliiu lii.e.1%' ■ ■ – – —————————————
♦m the Ncrlhern p.»c*i6Ji*.! tin* loss ofMrs. Nellie Walk. r, w'bo has HiCusniids of dfillaits on that:;Hb!
Trees! Trees!
I have a well aaaoried etock of (dtiinlard vert- ftfiew of fruit trees tendV ftir the fall m-irket. Home grown and carernlly atteruh^d. ' ^
2-yr; Apples…. iA^ais *atih 1-yr. Applee…. 71 etc. each Prunee frem 4 6 :t. hich r
Cherries…………15 cle eech15 5*0. (
,hoga 0*niV(vea at XVci*. if yod J. ivt* finy tt* ae|l. nlovedJohn Strode ami family, who Kendrickleft here laal»^ ear for ICanaas, re. t.;roeTheir fu.ure home.i.nin.-i, M-” tI:OC ________lieon viHiting her vister, Mrs. A. C. r.■ W.'.W«l»>. „l.rK,fr.,.- . – . ■ ' We’ve had •n‘nuinl>er of beavr de*xling on a vaennfrosts during tlie past week, which .iieas piirtirn of town. Tb* pou|trv | were forciMe rcmind rs that wki- altered but ths goose reniuincfl j ter ia ct>ming on nnd that the wootl I'^iinrelr picking tip ita breakfast, pilcmecd^ lixiug. nntif Chai lev Rurev brought Bhorlitvcnreor wilh a abotgnn. ''
This sitddsB change in the weather reminds QS*that Winter ia drawing on. We are fixed for the fall and winter trade with ^ a complete line cf
Mackintoshes .FOR LAI)Ii:S AND GENTS ji ‘ •
‘ wild goos.^ flying over a uing.s agii settled .Hmoug j f ‘ck of poultry that waa 1ut lot in the busi-1 '•
We carry the very Best Staple K
and Fancy Groceries' "
Pea:hes……….15'. each
in. Kou^i, PECZ-
Saddle HorsesSOur Rates a:.'9
■ I'
or Night|Reasonsblc
Travrien^driveo'to all points ondbe Prairie. First rop ill anil oxf^iitiiio oi::*
The work of Iforiug for oil has ^ coiornei.cefl oil tli- ivnnism fnrut News comes from llns>erla indications are f.irdrabie for Lmirence Ctmudler buul contest • ^
fniding oil at no greal depth. tL it on Snndav lust numle r. T ■ • 1 went in M IkkIy an 1 iuovftil' .Kirl^ |.,t for L-w^lon f ,1,^TueMtuy, u»l^ piling to go to r«irl- h ud next day :..oli«-bv ,li. Trihuno K<1 It. Hfpk'r. iiiel iiMl |i*h1 e^itate noil
Opportuiiiitieso o o
p i, iiirein:e>nu'i iiiH cuccis irom iu« ‘ . "^**1 remis,-s, l.'nviog tAmn«i!er lu pers- j s aaioo. Our iuformaot states that 1 Lsorenee baa nuiionnceil !ii« iiiteo-
To aecui’e pleasafit hemes In cne cf the meat decirabls Ucaliliss in Ilahc. Feok. the . ocming town cf the great fruit anj grain- seotion. effsra* extraordinary induoem.enU- to hcmeeeekere and inveeters…………………
i''JL''vvii l*i*o|iorty l^or NaleAo rcaeonabla prioes'and cn tarme to euit.
\ S. RATCLIFFE. Peck, Idaho.I W
will bii.’d fimi mnsre there tiim fVl.iUpi aMhrrHte'lT ’r^ecn mihs^'!; Mr. llepler, who uj connectcil ^ faster, leavii gthe f.vrrv here, is one of the wnM ^prominent fxrmc.iH of the 1 utbitch. j, jp|j ^ t|.„rnte wh-ch rcacrvaiiWr Tin* rugim-r' liNtl pr.s>f this ’‘'•^fireman snv.41 tbHnselve.'i bv tnot U h eg iicfore the! J”n'b’n^r " hen th«v aaw thceigiua. all bn sl edetl. Wh. « , Iall this big .sc- pe of fine. terriL.rr ,l^meMaxsb • the coffe^^ of qld , ,,ropertvNhz IVic-will le tilled to
5 5Uli^ IIOMIi: > o w
settlers srfall it will not lie I» cg bo
lands i.iJl ail bn «I 'eiletl.
Residence or Bu»ine»a Property can be secured la PECK at reisouable prices.^ Deairabis locations for* buildiug hornet, rnising gardens, orchards and vies, yards. Climate bealthfums.luveatigatioD iaSitsd.
iftiutid.- He Irjivesflowing. 1 lively and avpiaro[up be^)^e Assesla^ar.
connt-y, where thhy^wlll ^tia"'
I ftVpiKnnd non Tlvde B^hor gel
Lewiebleft lliis weeMfir the North Yafci- he'^»Hb'» next Moi .hiV R.iJ will I c- raa connt-v, where th(>y‘ will hs»k L'« w izirg and selling without anew Wati* « «.fcl V Ub.t.Ktcli i« ouu. ..f; * ,the liewl treekiv newapapers in the 1 Ami Tbe Pack Prtn bothitoiiliwest. It is fisll of general kOtl fwlegrapliic newa, p.diti«al and Slid puhliahea c )mplvte For «U>0 iu adneur
M-*lrotJf several to A. r. MeUartv. Tl follow him to Ilia ncr home.
riiJiniicy Wallnc-e, formerly a sif fl correapondeut of the S^Hikes-
man-Review, iu now in cliurge of the Cul de iiac llegi‘.ter. Biliv Tieach haa gone to the Souiwl to tike charge of a pap*r there. Chan, ia a pof logs, it b.di’g his intention
to build a i.ew hoOfie on bis farm. The sawmill will run all winter.
The Parks sawmill, which was run IftHt year on Central riilge, hat i)ccu oiotihI lo the Thomas Ogl^
place, wijoiuing tlio Peck towusite on Ih- wont. Mr. Parks has ss- cure*! a tine location for his mill as this is one of the fiobst Imdies of fellow pins timber turn.
mil car- hical
farsi pewa, sikyear to aijr aJUn
ssartH reporliI you will get both papois fur I aoj ia 4«vut«ilIbeprisf of oo«.
T!)a Inler-MounUm Farmer ie • h»ir. nal iiaMialuHi laoeth’y at Moeeow, iiU, iigi icsiltnrel and ton.
Y'akiiua country irt a fewa solong been in vogue nnd knocking oot xniddlenKWi’s profits. Thi^ Is a gratifying announcement, as the elmrgs w ill enable carriers to get j
ig of t'ao ii ti» hereafter sllO,
« 1313 vcjt o «"roRii: j .'r
Pu.u DtuiiU audi>ultl)» Jltdiciauu, DroggiuU* 8obJrii«.‘ “171 !
Perfumery, Cigars, Sponges,ja^ Notions.]^;8j;>ecial
Car* and Attention Given to lYescription Work.rge1 letter saltiries.
Under a new rulin, rior departmeut Nil/ Perce reservation sot commute ou homrsteads or excess- { es will lie required to pa/ 2 per | cent above the U3.75 per acre, or j $12 extra ou e.ach quarter section.
This hitter amount is the commis­sion of thu register and receiver as (be departmont holds tin t the gov- ernueiit must receive $3,75 per ^icre net, which allows no cunipen-
feRE : any ■:
Yi hem
, , t'AF? ^W«^W^3fllSES?4tien for the ofliciels of rtie local **" CASES OF
j DEAFfiESS OR HARD HEARINGNow does the new store Imildioi of Gnvlord A Stronse loom posiugly ou Slsiu^street aud other v«*eli w’.il Ilip i iu
1 ceiling, wMe4«.r^* Gorlon. Burgess, Rog. | for inun. W …….. |j,,
nearly or quite
which vrdi be atuph^ ra. Or!y Uiaw t»uvn deaf »r= meurabK
rent to ]all Melrose farmers, ewristou Mondftv for the
THE PECK PRESS. Peck, Idsho.
dr. a suhircta It jfiyeii spseisl *rtent{..u j p^oof. to dairvixff, fruit stuvtng, ’.ivs mi 11 tgricaltu *al iutertsL in it«*:»«ral. t>am. ^ j pk eopiw may W SwU at CUi4
[Vise of appearing liefore tin- office next day to make final H^rl’erl Nicholslake fiNichols went to aet HH geperal care taker haptroue.
iidcrably enlarged, rger stoi;k will be i ‘boose is bnioie conatiucted :it the rear of the building, itmuch lari A suiokel at the rear of the building, it l«|Hug tbe Intention of the proprietors to of pork ill {. other I>«si7engage in the packiug conuectiaii with theirOrr trraimeH%^foo9 net intr^^cre frith ftour usutil m

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