

Tapskii. Km, Not. ll.-8heHff Cook of tkia co«at7 Md Doputy 8h«r » eftptnrod kjr two of
%r,Tteto U. PPBlIpo, are milM south of IMTU. m4 ImM tor MTdrsl hours. Tbs ecu nets, whoso uowm cm sot iMWMi. thM ooeuped Urough o 11m of isye—ou. oust.At t:SQ Buodur sfurnoon tome tonuor hoys amr PsuUne twcMit
SPOlAtod with the Chet thot tho 4 Tielt wsM to the Michborhood Md
potted to rua before the poeeu which wie ersaed with 21 caliber rifles, small pletole. chibe sad laost erery kind of omaU weapoas. The shrill sooa heard of the coadlUoa of affairs Md started tor Che oceae. He sooa cam« up tp the oouTlcta aad boU of thr occurs fired, wouadlag the mea but aot dfsahUas them.The eoarfets thea fled through a smaU space la the timber Mdrsa iato thf bouse of a farmer named Woeeter. The oAcers toUowed. Sher Iff Osok thought the coUTlcta bad run artMsd the house aad he darted through the opea door, thinking to sar prise them at the back door. But In stead of thte the coarlcts had gone latn the house. As the sheriff rac la he fell right Into the arms of the eoUTleta aear the door. He was or dered to gloe np hla rm. which he did neputy Shbriff Williams had by thb time reached the house, not knowinr what had happened, and he. too. wa» gathered In by the coaTlcts.
Before he was captured the sherlfl had been thoughtful enough to tele phone to Topeka for help. Chief SUhl utth eight offleers. hastened to th* scene Md arrfred toere after the of fleers had been Imprisoned about ar hour.Chief Stahl Immediately negotiated with the coarlcta to glee np their piis oners aad to surrender themselree
then managed ti get a gSB Md made an attack on th« coarlcta. but was laid low by a bkm Bom the butt of a rerolrer. The con nets broke Wooster's right band and cut M ugly gash la his head. The leader of the conrlcts then told Bher Ilf Cook that he would be killed If he made the slIghtea^fNnove looking to ward their capture, and he promised to he pood. In the meentime tbmt aithout proteet. He le amised ot iring the abot wUdi hit Kennedy. l>s|h .Ity Sheriff Aadereon took Stark to Uoi- • iile ea e light cngiae. which wae char lersd for the purpoae, end left here at 8 p. WL This action wae Ukea to avoid trouble which might arise on eceuuat of the hitter faeUag here. A. U Obooe, ea other Joplin maa who participated in the fracas, woe aleo arrested aad ie 1b jail
hers. He ie aecueed of pouadiag Ken­nedy over the head with a gun.Kennedy ia quiU low, and is not ex petted to aurvive the night The bullet entorad hie beck on the right side, just below the ehouldm blade, ead rengul downward end to tho Ish, prforsting both longe aad tho diaphragm, and prob­ably lodging in. the etoosoeh or intestinee. Peritonitie has aet in, and ihero dom not
to be one ehance in a huadred for
him to pull through.Many guns have been in evidence of bite, end the expected has Imppened. The •'opiin own heve eome down erenings and
uive gone home at times ehowimg sad flr- iug off thrir guas on the way.Northport, Wash., Nor. 11—Another JopUa nmn ia andor arrest He la a big MlssoarlM, but when he went Into Paul Podaay's eslooa Md displayed two revolrers be was thrown down, disarmed and throws out of the place. He started after rafaforcemeats Md more artillery, but was orertakeU by Deputy Sheriff Anderson, who placed him aader arreet Bd. Kennedy, who was shot yester Jay to Almtrom Bros.' ealoon. Is la a •lightly more eaoouraglng condition this morning. Tbe Internal hemor­rhage has stopped s litUe. be la some^ «bat Btroager Md thsra Is thought to be a good fighting chMce for bla re- i-overy. The bullet has not yet been located.
ef Jay J. Poffla> killed la tbeNertoarme fight, was shipped to OhI emm todar. at tho regaeet of hla msihar. Onari WaMrape, who was wnuaiifl la thsAeod. Is still la s critl cal eoaittloa. Ths bulWt has not yst been rscorursd. Ths other wounded are ruodag easy. Tomorrow moralag
new Oaee tAe Vault.Tnatam, Ky., Nur. 14.-Tbe reull of
the bask at this piece wm Mows open with Bitraglymriae by robbers, who se curMl the poaiolAee depaait box, conUin g fiflOO. The rohbecB Ailed to force the Bar reuH, and they aaoaped on a head-As offioere sad sereral citlaBaa wert ia- rcatigati^ ihe eoaditioo of ths asfe ea usexplodsd charge of oitroglyeBiBS wm •UecharpW, aererely injaring twd swa.Hank Bakbery fa lawa.Dm Moiaee. lows. Nor. 14.-Ths benk of PlyuMath. lows, wse dynsmited re- ccatly. Tbe asfe raiiH aad building were badly wrockad. Flftsra haadred dollers ‘ Imv-
flalelde af B. C. Oaae.New Ymk. Ner. lA-Cdwfa C. Or.De of Detroit, Mieh, rnmmirtad enhAA st tBh^ileey hoam bj taldi« eaihoUe acid.
•^aaiplete Bevlew •! HasMataere la Bwtk Buteri, ••a Ue.tern Skere. fpr tk* raat B’eek—Kalloa.
Pwlltiral aaS Per- ‘Tarsely Basaaaded.
Skere. tke aJ. Htesirlewl.SOBBl ^eat.
A riolent dUputs with Paul Lesser. RussIsb minister to Ohlaa, orer tbe ManeburtM treaty, appears to hare been the Immediate causa of tbs death of U Hung Chang.At BalUmore. Md.. Psisr Maher pat a sttddea stop to the cbampibnslup as- plraUoBs of Jim Jeffords of California rseaoAly la Um asoond round of what waa to hare bssa a tan-reund contest.At Omaha. Neb., the Jury la the case of James CallabM. after being iblrty-slx hours, brought la a verdict finding tbe defendMt net gulHy Tble ie tbe last echo In the Cudahy kidnap lag case, and Cattahaa Is acqulued of tbe kidaairiM charge- Mlnlstar Conger at Pekin has In formed the sUta daparupaot Uiat Tuan Sbl Kal baa hsea appSlated to suo caed LI Hung Chang as viceroy of Chi- U. aad that Wmc Wen Shao has been appointed deputy viceroy ot the same
Archibald 8. re of the preet- the Natiooal Salt company, was found dead In Che bathroom of the reel- dence on Elghty-aixth street recently. A slip on tbe floor of tbe bathroom caused her to fall backward, her head striking Ihe edge of a marble basin, fraotnrlnf her akull.President .Ie»«es T Hin will he the
of Ue AaerlcM nary ia prcieotsd U •laflc atiteinent in the i«,;oit ot Rear Admiral R. B. Biadtoid. eblei tbe eonipment bureau of Ue nary, that be spent I2.3S7.111 Ue last fiscal >tar for. 524.10 j tone of coai at sl average cost of |7.0l per ton. The repoit enys that this waa nearly M.815 re tons of coal than waa used dur iHC the preceding fiscal year.
Tbe corpse sent tO Little Rock. Ark., fiom Jefferaonrllle. Ind., as that oi Newell C. Rathbun. United SUtes re-
ently. is not the body of Ratbbun. according to Ue statement of Mm- iger Samuel Russell of the New York ife Insurance compMy, which com My carried life Insurance on Rath inn’s life. Mrs. J. C. Watkins, with •horn Rathbun boarded up to a short ime ago, aad others, also, say Uc .ody is not that of Ratbbun.
At 8L Petersburg the ministry of igrlculture has presented iU Mnum eport for the crop of EuropeM Rue :1a. The crop was below average. It s said, and In eome puts of the east qd south -there were bad placee .ery bad.” The sUple grain, rye. wav artlcularly deflHent. W’Inter wheat flee riisd'’ In the Don province. Po­und. and the Baltic provincee and mod only In Ue southweet. AH snm- -ler grains were below average and snged from "bfd to very bad” In thr east and aoutheast. summer wheat tad oats being noUbIr deficientReturns from forty counties la Ala­bama indicate that Ue new confuta­tion will be ratified by 25,000 majority.At Wenetcoee. Wash.. R. T. Murdock was Urown from his buggy. His hsad and hands were badly cut sad his neck was broken.Colonel John W. French, command­ing offleer at Fort McPherson barracki, U dead, aged 58 years. Colonel French WM a veteran f tbe civil war. the
EXPRESS MESSbiOER C. F. CHARLES.Who retnaed to open tbe express car for Ue robbers Ust recently hMd
kp Ue Southern Pacific express train neu Bngena. OregoB. His actloa prevented Ue robbers getUng a large sum of money. Mr. Charles srlll be transferred to San Francisco Md given substMUal promotion by Ue Wells. Fargo Express Company.
dominating Influsaoe In a new eorpor* ation which to Co cake la the Great NorUera and Northern Pacific. A large nnasbsr of Ue reorgMised board of directors of Us Borllngion, probably half, will, it Is nnderstood. repraasat Ibe Union Pacific directly, and that eompMy will In any event have a half voting Intereet in Burllagtoa affaira. 'There will, of course, be po extension to BaU Lake to meet Senator Clark’s road, or to My oUsr polai not fully d by Ue Union Pacific rep-reeeafiaUvos la Ue Burlington’s board.The democratic party has adopted General Bartholomew Maoeo as Its caadidate for Ue preeldeacy of Cuba.It Is assertsd that Ue brigands have recently been treating Mias Stone with more severity la order to exercise pressure and to coppci a more ready srcepCMce of tbetf ct^ditioas.Fire broke out ta mine No. 7 of tbe Pacific Coast company at Franklin Seattle. Md one minerJacot Rose. Is mlselng. Tbe oUer members of Ue abift reached safety wlthont dlfflcntty.N. R. Murphy was drowned or suf­focated to death. J. W. Russell wss scaldSd to death Md James McMahon sad W. B. Hoover were each badly scalded at Ue Kaaaaa City patklag bones oT Scbwarschlld A Snlsebsrger. while attempting to repair some pumpig machinery below ground.The French foreign offlee has an aouaced that Ue sultaa has signed trade for the executtaa of his en- gagemento wlU Ue French govern­ment Md that the FrMco-Turklsh dis­pute to at an end.
At Valley City, N. D.. while an omal bus waa ton Its way to North City, it was held op by masked men. Half of Ue 18 psseengers aboard were robbed of money and other valnablee to Ue amoaat of about |400.
IrelMd's hopes Md alms were tol. In dramatic language to fOfiO men aa- MechMlcs' baa Boetoi. FMday by tbe Irish eavoya John P Redmond. M A. McHugh Md Thonuu OToaaea Tbe preaMent of Ue even tag was WlUlam Uoyd Oarrison. Hit rddrasa was In keeping wlU Ue sea ttmsat of the evening.A atrlklag mustraUorn o< the growth•l^aatsh-Amerloaa
war 4md the war In Ue PhlHppineaA flow of oil has been struck la a wen at Bebeque, Col., at a depU of 200 feet Tbe prsesaee of oil et sach abal- low depU to regarded as an iadtoaUoa that a gushing oil field to about to be developed there.One Rohlln. the Akroo glML who Is to meat Champtoo Jamee J. Jeffries oa^ Friday might la s struggle for the heavyweight championship, to growing In popular favor and has crawlsd up la the scoto ao that the odds ara hold­ing fairly staody at 2 to 1.President Rooeevek has aot yst bsen ible » And a toam eg horsM to hisable (liking. He Is opposed . of docklag the tolls of 1the practice Md will »f bang­tailed Mimals. ao msMer what other quallAcatipas they may have.Tbe Loadoa Dolly Moll gives an­other alleged peace scheme which Mr. Kruger to said to be wllUng to con­clude. Ttta would be on a basis of graatlng autonomy to Ue two repub­lics under s oonventloa guaranteed by France Md Roasla la exchange for oaaaloa to Great Britain of Ue Rand dlstrlet Md tbe gold fieldo. whleh shoald be regarded oe Ue total Boor Indemnity.Newell C. Raithban, who aos sup­posed to have died ia a Jeffersonville, lad., hotel tost wssk. was arrested la Lootovllle. Ky. Acordlag to RaUbua, the corpse that was shipped to LHtto Rock for barial wae the body of W. L. Tsaeyke. The
maht ships wnx whicxxd.
LIV W— LMt aaA MaaS t.iMfcie Freserty oimtrmr^ Rivar TrafSa at a BtaaS-tlll- Haa-ry IUU« Kall-»—aaat Taw- »M|lar waa*.
U,ido- Nov. 14.-ViolUt alad, rsln dad -uuw •turau are reported from sH ths COS.U oi the f«itsd Kiagitom. A flares gstou blo«inf ia Us ehsansl sad a uiijvuu, am* nianiag- So last Usa half t daacD small vemsls wtUia sight of IXiver BIB flying ^ diatraaa, sadthe l.fUosU sro v.inly sttsmptiag u» rvech tbsm. A rocket apparatus has bM tent tu Us oenU Irstsad, wbare sa d-
miraltv vernal b oa Ue rockot wiU Ua
crew ,'liagiBg to Ue rigging.6ev.-rsl vwsBs have loan diaamatai sad toga «rs rwcaiag craft which wcie driven sabore.At . thcr channel ports there were eimi-verywhere iwith the BrUMh LeU V.jOTMos OB bis life, but ho dsotos hav­ing killed aayoae. ^Colonel William A. OllphML reprm
rtmaraaaCarnmimaaaBammBm.W’oohiagtoa. Nov. it.-Oa ths iMom.msaderioB of Gtssrsl Chsffos.———–1mg ths divieioa of the Philippii- Uo secrotory of war hao im«Md em oZ^ ia, tha rooigMisstioa of that divtooa. Us to this time tho divieioa hm ooamrkto four mUiury diviskoa. •« foUo^psrtomat of Northern _______by Major Oenerei Uoyd Wheaton de- periasat of souUsra Luzon. by Brigadier Geascal J. R Viada-, dmirt———-— —————-nundtobyalS^MS; desMtaNBtof Miadsaso sad Joto, MtI by
Brigadier Osasrsl O. W Uvto
«iU the preeeat setioa of Ue war depertmrat tha. divieior. wuj be divided into only two military deport- ownts, to iaduds within Uelr limiu th« entire Philippiae srehifelsgo. They wiU be kaowB aa ths dupartaeau of aorU mad souU PhUippiam. 'Ths aorthera bo Iamgtoi«li to 9L Loum and
praaoente him oa Us ehsxge of lorgi^ ihs dgasturae of bank offldak Bdera. Thk ease and that of Uo wooua. Imam HuJIion, aUl bo pnseated to tho federal
grand Jury next Tuatosy for wtotaver ae- tioa they naj taka,tOmam Vmmna to Be tow ex«4.Lewiston. IdshR Nov. Ifl.—'Ths lomi load office has roodvsd aotim that bids for eurveylag M towrahips of gova load to Idaho would oe reerivod I veyor General Parra uKr 60.-Of the Isade to he surveyed 14 are towaships to Ue Lswis- Um lead dktrkt sad over ItBJMID eerm am roverod wiU pine sad other vslaobk Ua- ber. tores towaships ia thk dktrkt oom-
■isi to Istfs part of flao sgriculUusl sai Bsi^lsad.Ssweg BIMt Hws«rM Ltwea.
Now York. Nov. 12.—Flre to ths esrpst mskiag pleat of the Ptoaet mUk to Brook- lea oadsogtrod Ue Uvoo af 800 wemea at work oa tho upper flours of tho bulldii«. but they wore ail goUea out William Stewart, sa elevator msa. koph s oage golag aatU tho lost wooma had rt Us buildtog, sad Usa leH aasoawtoas tram the emette sad fin foams he had to-
haled. Urns fireoma were everosms by Loss mkjaoo,Twwtre CmatwvM.M Ctty. Nov. ll^Armsd fosedS at amay poists kept up m aaomriog
saafoh to Us wnsds sad ea Us klghways bstwoen UavenworU and Kansas Oty aad Ub Kansas river fer Ue eoavtets flee­ing from Uo fedcieJ pvtom at tort Lear- eaworU. As s rwolt of ths day's work Hmes were UkoB, uasreeri. This total of It oaptwad tfom for. leavigg 14 stiU et Isigs.BIM the UmU mama.Yea Wert, Ohio, Nov. lA—Wsnra tk MaHadj, night epeaetor st ths Ftorayl- vsais ototioa hefu, has boon snestod. ckatgwd VtU pilfering mall poaehm bn to hk offlee over aight MMtody eon feeeed wbra eeafreatod by the oMoera Many srtkieo euppoeed to heve besB I wear found to the bemmeat ef Ue depot sad at Msltody's room.
Tesgswese *4 Pwrte
has appointod Willlsm F. Wtttoughby oi Ue Dktrkt of ColamMs treeenwr ef the ktoad of Ptoto Rlen. Mr. Wlltoi^hhy wM Id Jeeoh Bettaador of -IforytoaR who reetoaei eome lime emx_____________________ __________________ Deals Iw the Flaeaea.ummotod one of the Urgeot mining uu were nneble to get iato riprim^iU, Mo, Nov. l4.-Nosr Meri-leoto In the uletory of Ue Klondike, the tele, whero g47/ttO wae depoeited. oavOto Mra Oeoege JuotAS ImAed herpurehasiag 214 Odd Hill clolme fer a 'TWy only eecurod fli. Tha eeaeaeelaa two eamn ttdUimi to the heme aad wentconaldorailaa of 1716.600. Tho earn partialy wrookod the bniaiag. a comUcnble far water Whmainolndee a eaah paymeat of I3M.660.——————-^ ntmtmaA tha «——————————————waa to a——————the remainder beta, la dock of Uo n. I, Nev. 12.-F1« duitog ehildrraeompMf. Oertala government prop- , was followsd wlU the de-eily. laeludlag ths toad oa wirieh tho atnmtlaa of _ . .braoodlBthoaalB«•- eevosM of Ihs Ittty.Tho king la

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