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SEXT IH BY KUPTLINO CO RBES^ PONDETfficUl boau)M8 at Lenore Mondaj.Altbongh Saoday was an esoep- tiooaUj hot day the Saoday school was well alteuded.MissLaora Powell has eogaged |o assist Miss Tolbert of Lei and, * the harvestiog season.J. Norris sod Nimrod See bar- Tested ^ heavy crop of hay this week. Mr. Norria is recoveiing from his recent illoess.
Rujaell RidgeBeo Trattou iett tor Mezporer Wednesday.Russell ridge has a corner oo beans. Watch os.P. A. Chandler has l>een playing the devil in Orolino this week.' l>r. Cochran of Orolino was on the ridge last week on profeaaional bpsineaa.It is reported that grain oo the prairie is saflfenng greatly from (the prolonged dry spell
|«sns«imm 9SS ii fl MM
When you Want ahyihing this line remember that carry a foil and……………………
8. Ball of AinericHU ridge was ’ Kdmonson Bros, have pnrcbased here this week otmlracting thresh-1 Herbert fNroi and will go into jog and will begin the fail ran on businessC. fowejrs place.J. H. Miller and F. M. See this week battled a lot of bailding tim- bers from Bald Mqoutain. The Utter expects W build a Urge barn this fall.W. J. Powell made a flying trip to Sonnyside to visit his family |a#t week. Owing to pressure of bosinees be had not been able to visit bia family for several months befpya.
The hot weather the past week has ripened grain rapidly and nra- chiues are in grt*at demand.Janins Dobson will erect a Urge barn in the near future. The tim­bers are already on the ground.The father of Sapervisor John Beobm returned from a prolonged tojoarn in Camas prairie Monday.Miss Rachel Richardson has l>een ill during the past week. Dr., i Mo«xlv of Orofluo is in attendancein
law, Ira Heodermiw,nnd fwnily
fixim tbe Colville reservation bonw im a vinit n^ii monlb.Messrs Reith have been hauling lumber from up the way to build atorebonses for their grain; also to boild eitensive bog lots.Mrs. Spores visited at the home of Mrs.atodghill the fore part of the week. She departeil for her home in Kellogg Friday.Joe Dennv of Melrose has sold ^ bis farm to Messrs Richardson and 3 McCarty. Jos also sold his photo- ^ graph gallery and moved to Wash- g ihgton. -Prof. Jent went to Lewiston the ^ first of the week and eipecta to go 9 go from there to the harvest field, ij and if his strength permits will rs- j ■ main until September 1. JHal Fleanor made a bosineas i 9 trip to Lewiston last week. IU-|2 turning he had the misfortune to|S collide with a wire fence, inflicting ||H flesh wound 00 the left shoulder of Mrs. Spores’ riding horse.Black Beas.Little Juanita Pearl, infant • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tum-lsoo, passed to its home above a Wednesday at 11:30 a. m., The | Usually found in a:tir.t cla« fuv little or.e lived but aeven days. The g „narr •tore.ClMUOEg BIQHT.
XOTIOE FOR PUBUOATiOH• I-________AJDWIVvOtl, »*—a*. 19U1 -Notioe la hereby Hym loWMs oamed settler hee filed 0I uTwias oamed M.ttW hee fii^ doM ef ' 5 hia iuletiiioD lo isake final proof is isp- r port of hie claiai, asd that aaid > wi 1 be made before the Hegisler asd Be- ;,loeiT.THt Ueieton, idabo» on Br“*—J OEOUG^wl'irONES. of Melross.I £ furUiel^^J.^l3,,lfiessl3.^ n r 1 w b in.
Ico^ete….9 * £ Idaho. J. a Weft, Regiater. •
road t»>Is to the Peck grade Wed uesday aud will commence work at once.Will Canningliaih took a load of lumber to Nezperce Monday and brought back a load of chop and flour.
having closed down, and will at once go to work with the Uaflffman A Smith thresher near Leland.J. L. Pipenger one of out prom­inent young farmers accompanied by one of our young ladies look s
….. U,l.*■ frieoaiT call. i ToM.lav, and acaeral o*b»r«F. M. Muoifar^ of Paloo..- rep- – tbin«. U.m in tba aa»crMCOtiDE Itli® Northwest Schl,Farnilur. company waa negoli.-! Serersl of our na.ghfcora har.fiof with the trnateea of Uiatriol. invested in « large amount of twine
99 for en order for achoolbonee and *'**(xtnret lent week.Dickson and Cbsodler have tnk-
I Kvei;> tiling |
feiUHiiJS were Uid to real iu the Melrose cemetery Thursday. The bereaved parents bnve the sympa­thy of all iu their stfliction.
KezpsrooBEd Caseeii will soon begin theen two loads of ice to Oroftno this week. The ice man is all right
J wrtra. .c.-erectioD of an oven on the Craw *bout time, lord lot recently owned by hhn and ! Miss Mabel Moody, of Moscow, will engage in the baking of bn ad. • who has been the guest of Miss The office room for the Hatter 1 H^ue for seversl weeks, returned feed y«rd waa this weak pnt up by to her home laat Tburaday.Crawford A Devine. The other bnildings wflj be built as soon ss lumber; cfi;j be hsuled on the gronnd. . * |Z. A. Jobnfon snnounces a tern-1 John Chandler, accosapanied by porsry shut-down of the mill, and 1 Edith Chandler aud Edna Pateben,• It I as . t ..MA uW'xnfr B*AAnmA/l from VMllAT*him.
to her home last Thursday.
The edging saw in Richardson's mill claimed its third victim Isst week. Mr. Cordell has s bsdlj lacerated hand as a result.
will begin ihfi wiotor’s ran abont Angnst 1st. Mr Johnson has rs- nently struck an abuodsnee of wpter at depth of 54 ^et.T|ie ^yeslher bss cutthe prospects for the piomised big crop for this year away short, say
a good many farmers. The dam- sgs will not be so great as has been repojrted, however.The creamery at |4ohler has been leased by the Hazel wowd peo­ple who will shortly take charge. The creamery is turning out s fine quality of butter, for which there is s steady aud iocreaaing demand.
An ialand four miles long aud two miles wide will soon Is* trapu- ferred from Missouri to Kansas by Mo. river cutting a channel from its bed to the bed of
returned from Walls W»||sThurs­day. His daughter Edna, will re­main in that section until fall.
Several deer have been seen in the grain fields in the lasC week or two. We would like s little advice from the editor on this point. Are we aoppoeed to sit ptill and let wild animals destroy onr crops?
..Idaho 10 twp
NOTILK ion PUBUCATIO.V. UrpartMMit of U« laMrtor.Uod(>■floi>at L^wiatoo.liiaho JaaaS.inOl. )i. heivbygihtntbaifkaloMoalaf-aaw- WbrnattM iio'irauf bia IbUqUoS to •mka li al prof In »Qfport of UadaiM. and iha< aaid |.ro.if aill laada baiota Vha Rag- IW<-virrr at Uwiatua, Idabtt, oa••far au.r tb* Nml-4Hwl-A, N«l-4dal-4 aac SS tfi SS >r I vbMHa aaaiaa tha loUoaing mUnmum to ■et>»ablaeoatlaooaamaidaoe.. apoo. aad eamva- lioa of. »»"i taiKl. vu Ci aJoiar F. Riaabart. Nm,ii.aZ fU.^hmrt, Jo. a W Tb««aa aad
Naliea F«*r PaRllaatla» IVpitrtioant til tha latarior. •dOdloaat laaiatoa. Idaho. Jaaa b, 1901. i. wiP iiaivo.v a.v-aib»i t».a loUoalas-aaw. ad amiiia tiaa 8»ad aufua ol bia ietaaWoa to .a SiinI prthol la PapjK>rt ol bia data, aa4 pr«>ol a III ba mad# bafora tba ■
– …..aaid..—–■ ( i-tar aod lta.-.i i Jalj 19 1901.
atore.ClMUOEg BIQHT.I —-0-0—- 3
ARONI. IlLArK.nfFoutbwlatr,g|f.rtl.a.tiH-l4. Sal 4Hol4aa<- SS ———-i Narl.4aa« a.’i tpSSar I wb».Ha nauiam tli# fulloaiag aiincaiM to proaa
Idmbo,*?!!Idaho. !Ul-4
(TuktoFnezId tbo msttorIN THE PHOHATECO 1 Parco Coiiuty, !<Fllaoii^, ———–to sbow caota why or, ahould Bol bo Idaho
— ———-Fatoto of KIkonor Q, Rstoiifio, Order 1tfUffe, I.: KUadminwlrstor leaoorO. Rstel^odt^essea, uaTiog niru lu •uw
oatata fur the pqrpoow tberom set li. It ia theraforo ordored that oil jona iuteroaUHl »o aaid esti^ of.a ^ Kliaanor O. Uatolifiis aaid Pp.bate court on tha 27th day of
July, 1901. at the hour of 10 oclook a.m. of aiud day, at tlia court room ot court at the oonrtboaae in tha «ty spf
X …
PULLMAN Sleeping Cara, ELEGANT Dining Cara, TOURIST Sleeping Cara——10 —r-8t. PhuI, Minneapolis, . ,Duluth, Fargo,Grand Forks, Crookstoii, Winnipeg, Helens, aud Bulte.
Ltwium’ rooor^ of Nes Paroa. HUto iJiilio. to abow cJkUae why aa ordaahuiild uHl»ar priulad and poo* habed lu sai l village of Pack and oouoly , beins neareat tha lodahi/of Nea i'erw, beins—-of aaid estate aa aitualed Uutad th
THB0U6H TICKETScuaoty, Btat day of July,
To Chicago, Washington. PbiUdel phia. New York, i^ton and sil points East snd South.!..
Ice For Sale.
Any of It Will Mil )0« .PoooJ or . WMfon U»d *»
1 ct. per Pound
Angel Ridge
Albert Tumelsou has fouu4 "sweetheart” st last—it is s bee- tree.A new road is being built across Jack creek from Mr. Miseoer’s to the Berry road.Dr. LePard, of Melrose, was call- wl to the bedside of the elder Mr. Knith, who at this writing m v^rj
Fioa Clearwater lea.I I FAIRI FT……………….Pwk. Ida
Through Tickate to japan and CHINA
iu bed lo lb« Ud of the. Pl.lU j„ p.r«lj.u.river eight miles above Ft. Leven- j rinoatnaworth g«p. I Sl.riDg.toBMr. Springiton eipects his son*
yi.Afltsirra A!tD
‘‘I Saddkfii't
^all work guarantteu-
WkJ^Cab and luvtwligate.
IC. Walker Son.
rt» Umoot Perckwoa Sullioo.MoDdtrt *od ToeBd.f. Bl BUek b.wklwu.P«k We4pe«U>».wl rhursd. » J. W- lh.>»B»’ !!<•'•» u C«it •• iidge, ' f 'he•eek«t u,« |,i..ceBO l.iw*-il'“«ela-All »|w»Wit*h»»» Buirmtobe a 4 f reek. Id*
LOCAL TIME CARD.Arrfrom Lewiston………………8;46a»Arr from Btaart…………………..Daily ascapt Sonday.
J. U. iin CHELI^. Agt.. Pack, Mkho. A. D. CBAULTON, Aa t O. P. A.,PoflUsd.Orafao
ta lath of Jane. 1901.W. II. bsiaa. Probate Judge.S( MOULHONI) sale Notice ia Iteca of richtK,.——Htate of Ida..11, C lerk. rH‘*^ivo aaalad bide dred (filiO) dolUta aoapon hot m ton (10) year*, beariug inte_ for ais han- od»•• A* yelov into elroi p, well boilt ani msU. Come iu on ibs sbove dsts and let ns talk tmsinesn.Tcimi.rr. B.U.fliriTF.
NotaryPublic'X'lioai. Kirljy,PECK, IDAHO.
Insarshss OollaotiuoaTO Loos
J uaiticoo( th*Ir^eaoe
Legs! papers drawn, sU walk given careful attejiliou. OlHta»yl, P.'K P'e»e..
j 5 . •!
*“ I *

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