

UTEBAUBOiD HEWS Ithat b« I•atboritj woalcl ha grasM. Tbe niaof'aaewdita Mr. Moliler with Iba •talemeDt that traius woaM b«WHAT DOES IT MHAN7— i (Matt of prM«»« broogtlt lo Ww' oo the compaav b» Porlliid bu»iii*«»mmrn M «. a.M . ,.r«. .»o«Dl■MAMMtoBolU L»wi,trto coontrl’. Uodo,t* t-iairtaa. j goaato the Sound citiea——– ' OTer the North. ru Pacific, anu ihaj petitioo. Ufiid. haa gone to Mr. Wbat nboul the railn>a4l nitoa. | Harrinian with an ultimetam from the railromia going to the P«>riland buaioeaa men. iMma eiMMrnetioa work m the PorlMbd, it m uodwfntood, will 8«U. ami Clearwater connlrieaj not object to haring Lmriaton the’ Tb-lWqnenUo««|that.erenowoecapj-i^ Lewiatoo. however, it could tha minda.or evarjhodj op thia * that citr itaw. Nobod? hot the railroad I t^rminuaJor^Tery lohg. p^pletheanmlTeacananawer them I ^ later iaane of the Tribune thev.won't. Howewar tba lat- 41,©^ following; ‘‘ThereMt iMforoialioo gireo out by the | railroad talk in’the oity
(Uil< papyri afema to jualify 1**® ' j^p^rdaf|r|ae to the receipt by brW that liefore many weekathw q 4 ,U dcrelopaaeoto in railroad,■Utter* that will eauae uo weeping 1 ^ _____________aad wailing »« thia rewirration. j frequently eipreaaed thatIn the meantime we will atndy the ^ ^ ^ jj wan"preparing to — and wait. pigj^e gradara on the Riparia andtwai.. .arMOMrarffor -^gtenaion. Inquiry atthe O. R. ft N. office brought out the iUtement. bowerer, that the •ebedule waa arranged
rarmeet Allamaft «• Taka Fifty D«wiaton. and the* Mr.
Drayya Baea a* flar^r«MJ. H. Miller a well known farm, er of Roaaell ridge, Vlied anddenly at Neiperce abortly aftar noon Monday.Mr. Millar waaa painter by by trade, waa angaged in painting a booenia NeapaMa at tba tima of hia death. AaaaiMteg to tha firat itolthaiad affair re.
tractors wbolwill do oooaiderable dry cuWert worh-oo thw|main line west of Huntington.’' Aa the O. R. A N. haa no dry cuUerU on ita^boal line into Lewiaton, aome aigoifimnoe meet be attaU'bed
M«Aler gate oot the | the eeiuling’of the achedule there.
To aecure pleatant homes in one of the moet
deeirable Iccalitiee in Idaho. Peck, the ’ ccming town cf the great fruit and grainseoUon. cftere eltracrdinary inducements , to homeeeekers and Inveetora…………………..a%»vii l»i*o|>A‘rt> 1^'OIT KaleAt reasonable prices and on tarms tc eult.
W. K. RATCLIFF. Pedk, Idaho.
The recent actions brooght by tbe United Staten against treapaas- era on governmemt land, for cot- ting timlwr. baa created a arroog impremion. A nunaber of farmata called at tbe UnUed States land office in thia city yeaterday, aayt the Stataaman. and aaked if farm- era or other bona fide settlers are allowed to cot government timber, they being under tbe impreaaion that they could not do ao. The officials informed them they could oot timber for ase in any manner on tbair ranches, but not an amount to excaed $50 stump Tslue. Thia amount may be used aunoally.thoa giving the farmar an abondanoh of timber for all pnrpoaaa, except possibly when fitting op a new place. In such caaea, if more ia ueadad, application moat be made to the aecretary of tba iuteriOT. Such a request ia nerer daniad where tbe oaea for which tbe tim- ber ia to be put are legitimate and tenda toward making a home of a newly settled piece of land.
Ba*4’a CrMk FlasemThe Eureka Pacific Mining m- pany, organized in Ohio, baa with­in the last two yeafs seqairad large holdings in tbe old Reads creek placer grooofl and according to lata diapatc4i«w ia pr«|Muing to «h* a lot of developmeot work this 8om. Fourteen miles of ditch hare beaa built, tbe water being brooght
caivclhate^ telaphann he aenn ‘ i anddady IbU lo tha aaaf- folding open which ha awa work- log. A nambar of mao at otoee waa« to hie aeaielinna bat life waa aiUgct haiaea they roach the east. foldiglP' The ftmi’i..wa* iw'ified. and tli^ rematei waia ioterrad in tbe Nexpeipae camatery. Mr. Mil lar WHS foNNtiy a roaiaaoea of the PoUalohcoMtry barlor tha pact five rmn redded 00 hie boaaeataad on Ruaeall ridge. Tba wife and nine children aarriva him. Tba bereaved family haa tba haartfalt aympathy of tbe whole oammadly in their sorrow.
13UYJ.V 110311^1 >W . .
Propertr ~ b, wcorri in PECK, at reaaooabhe pri«’e*. Desirable locatiuna for bailding hamaa, raising gardena. orebardu and vin^ yards. Climute hcnlthfnl. InTeatigatioo inviteil.
JROI.l.Ilil c;, lillMtV
A t*^lepbooa maaange was raaais- ed here Monday from Naapafca e»- noobciog tbe death of Mps. Flor- eace £. Black, which oocorrad at the family home at that place about noon Monday. The deceatad was the wife of F. M. Black and the famii v formerly resided here, where gbe bad many friend* by whom abe ■be waa highly esteemed. Mrs. Black had aufferad for about two years with liter trouble. Last fall she went to tbe Moecow boa- pitd where abe onderwent an op- After remaining at tbePeck
capitelinta wiir^ kmgtr be iaeooTtaicaeeil by bating to pat rtvenna stamps on tkair bank checka.SKx^TEMBKR 10 TO 21
Me nkav Will te HaU Tkta —aWltkMaay H«r TFatMM A4- a«a. It^Uaa Baa*.
The Eigth Annoul Spokane In- *?raCata Fair be b«*id in Sep- teiabfer thia'J^.'ar, bf|jiaaiae oa tti^ lOtbandaloeiagon tha Slat It will be held on the new fairgfoand reeentlr purchased bv tbe Aaaocia- tioo, within the enat city limita. to which there will be ample electric and steam car transportation. It will .comprise tbe following de. partments:Froite, grains, graaees, roots and lU
hnapltel lor aeteral mootba she re- lamed to Peck, removing with her family to Nezperoe thia npring. Xhme aedined to be no material impr.^vemant in bar condUion nn.uha^lAuU liifcwagt; iha crew bet­ter and hopes were entertained for hernWmnleieaotery. The change
Art, needlework and floriculture.Hbraea, cattle, sheep, swine etc.Maohinery department, showing all the latent ibrentiona.
A tall intercollegiate and iodi- Tkloal nthletic meeting levering tba Uat two days of tbe fair.Nine days’ horse racing, for which entries sre being recaired from sU tba prominent stables be­tween CaUlornia and Minnaapolia. and for whiah $10,000 in puraaa has bean set aside.Tha Royal Italian Band, the graateat. mnaical orgauisaikte on tha cootinant. 60 artists, will sop- ply thw mnaical attractiooa, at a coat to tha management of $6,600Thia fair will ba under tha di- ractomof a newly organized $90000 joint Block company, and ia given for Ih.; bf unfit of all of thacWasnaof the Inland Empire.ner hihhwv ————–………………… —… ——-proTedo»l»t»»po^- Thabo*clesr frem the bead of Reed’s creek., baud and four children who aur These old placer diggings, wbieb { xive her bars tba sympathy of all coutain 600 acies lying up *nd in their hour of baresvasiant. down Uee meet of tbe aa-tiooal holiday.Tbe lor«oou exepcieee. while short were fpropriate and eicellcopy render- •d. Tbe allegoncal pert of tbe parade, tbe liberty car with Miaa Plureiice P.irke ae Colniabia, Dr. Lyle as ri.o« Hem and
tog a new $60,000 home ana iney ers for laaoo are mm. a* a. 1 proaada were beard by wore uian ewpropose lo dedicate in a manner of Nampa ami E. W. Johnson of Tba able reading the De-dm.*cb u liM o«r*r ba»n d.«n,«i o( Boi«. Mr. Kirby >.*«• »h.» be ofin tbe Pacific Northwest before.. will endeavor w'bile away to^are * B*f;^ii,erfaDd all the other nnm-They will have a 15-days jubilee oocorring during the time of the Interstate Fair, will initinte a class of 200 members, give a street fair and midway, and generally paint ibiogs por^. Their new temple rUU>* the firat one ever built en- tirely by an Elka’ lodge in tbe U.8.
Pai a Drugs and Patent Mediciuee, Druggiste* Bumlftet,
Perfamery, Cigara,r8poogaa,laod Notmoa. Spaeidl^
Care and Attention Oivea to Preacripliou Work.
Best of Accommodations.
Bates Reasonable.
tSacliiU' Hoi-weiujit all Time*#.
Bnroyeww Wkeet Crep SkertIn Europe, tbe wheat crop is short. In many sections it is prac tisally s failure. That means that Europeans will have to import more wheat and com from the CnUad States. The wonder is that the European crop aituation does oqt have more of an effect on the wheat market. Tbe difficulty is that there ia no orgaoiutioo to protect pricaa. It b*a been abowl in tba caaa of corn «bat oaa ba ao- compliabad in tba diractioo of raiaiag priaaa to a fair laval, and tbe expariaBca aboold aooooragr d ID wbaal to organisa, all over tbe world, if to eatebliab prices for tba grain tbnt wUI ratam a profit to tbe pro-
C. F. Parhina. tba wall known OoldSprioga aitkieo. waa in Peck over tba Fourtba
a sash and door factory for Peck.
Tbe new bara on D. M Wing’s pla^ ia nearly completed, and ia quite an addition to bis other im- provemanta.J. P. McFaddeo, of Sontbwick. brought a load of cherries in from bis PulUtch orchard Tuesday. Ha stated thst the prospect for a large yield of all kimla of fruit in hia vicinity is vsry good. Grain also looks hur and the country geaaral- ;y inyx^ .Tatr preq^mma si*paar- am*e.Mr. and Mrs. Hemw and Maa Kirby drove after to Kendrick last Sonday, rStarning next day ac- compaaiad by Mra. Barton Strain and ebildren, wbo came over to spend tba Foortb, and Sam and Nellie Hall, wbo bavabeen in Ran- drick aince early apriog.On my return from Portland I expect to boM a aeries of anciion ■ales of every tbing. Farmers bav- iog anything Ibey wiab to sail can bring it in and it will ba aold free of charge on sale daya. Tbe first sale day will be Batardav, July 9D> and will probably be every Satas- day thereafter. Tboa. Kirby.F M. Blaek and Nelson W.*v have purebaaad two lota south of Charley Miller’s blsokamith abop . and will erect thereon a livery and feed bam 48x»firot. They are at present eogagfed in banting lumbar for tba building which will ba erected as soon sa possible, says the Neifaaaa Berskt.A dispatch says the two mea calling tbesaaelves Beeaer and Smith, held for trial at Lewiston
''V eb'TL’V rf .'•♦He areJack Reed and Frank Viakery, and are lK)tb well known in tbe Moscow cwuiitrv, Vickery having been re­leased from'lba county jail early in May.Mr. and Mra. E E. Hatter, pio­neer resideato of tbe Vollmeroonn- trv, came over Sunday for a visit with the family of their dangbter, Mrs. Pnulsbop Peterson. They like our gentle climate and think have a fair proepest of lieoomiog a good town ; they may conclude to locate here aud go into bosiuess.L. J. Herrea ba.'i prepared a pe­tition to be pnssented to tbe board of commiaeioiiers at tbeir nax«t nan- i sum, nakiog that a alight abanga UiM 4«o! ^ ®'*‘*'* *“ Rii^roll ‘■wig®where it croseea his place. Tba change as proposed will throw tba toad about eight rods north of the
n* JnMFk'vThe Indians had u ——-tion at Neapelim, (’bief Joaeph’a borne. Nearly all the nortbweat- aro tribes were represented -big dalegatiooa. Horae racing, foot a big parade and a barliecoe ware iba featnras of tha blow-out 'The celebrationa at this place will lie a regular thing hereafter. Tbe first wa# bald last year and at that aalebratioo a pathetic incident oo- eurrad, said Profeasor Meany, who ia writing a hinlory of Joaeph’a life. As tba old chief sad bis band rode a nambar of widows stood by. When tba depleted ranks of Ibqonce mighty chief filed past they broke down and wept in tbe f of former daya
n. Mikl m*a w**wbers 00 the program were reoeivaa with
t hearty appUoaela the aflemooo tliere was a hall gasM big celebra- between Ahaahk* aud Sti'cle. tbe tonnar wiaaiae the gsmeliy i talli.?#.Tbe raaee reeoUed ae foUowa: Meneraoe….lK. A. MeKaar…..aj. H Leal*.Girls race;….1 Avis TkoralM ….S.da AttabeiF. ….ILnU Hall.Boya oaoa 1 Charley Traai 2 Floyd Ogle.
be veported ae ^——tbe home is oaptnred.
Owing to tbe preaenre for time we aiwnoable to give an ei tended writeup oC the celebration Ihie week.
D. J. Wsnn took a trip to the town of Mohler sad return Sunday, riaitiDg rolativee. He aUted that tba paopla op that way are in good■ptrite. Crops are looking fine, al-tbbogh some of tbe ranchers aaem to think iaz ia beading a little firemainroly. Tba Mobler butter ia ronaing and ia turningi Inctorv [oBlafia fine dnalily of butter.
present right-of-way and then par­allel! tbe right-of-way for 60 rods, tboa making a more gradual grads and avoiding a long stretch of swampy road.
I LADIES: . The Fourth is drawing near.>Ve have new lines of Indian and childrens hats anitabJa for the Fourth. Babv bonnaln also. MILLINERY STORE
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0«m ia Skelkoni Building PECK………………………..IDAHO
R. M. WALKER 8b SUN._____llANEFACTtW OV——–.
Hames, Bridels, Holter, StrAp
Wurk Etc. and so 4th.DEELER8 IN * ‘yLether Coler Palw ^ BlankitB Salals Spirs .Kurry Komae Kure end eo 4th end so fourth.BEPARINO NEETLY DUN. 8HU8E HAF SOLDRalerodo Ktroet.r*oolc, I<lalio

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