
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


•*Mr. FlMtdeot, 1 offer llw» dieeri for tho young Mf who tas had the honor of Uunehiiig the Meteor "The cheers were given. Tho presidential party and the prince and hia suite did notjttmain for the luncheon.'Soon after the yacht had teached; the water the prince wrote a caU^am to the emperor, informing^ him that the Meteor had been suceessfuliy launched. The ca- ble^am was in German, a translation be­
ing as follows::‘To tho German Emperor, Berlin: iacht just launched under brilliant aus­pices. Christened by Miss Hoosevelt’s Ifixactly at 10r30 Miss Koosevelt broke hand. Beautiful craft. Great enthuaiaam
MIm Alleo Kooaeiclt, the Prealdewfa Dhewhter, Severed the Ropes With M Silver Av, Allowluir the Vessel to ^licle Into the Water—Prince Henry Was Present.
the cliampagne boftle with vigorous and Congratulate you with all my heart.elfective hand,-saying:, • “In the name of the German emperor, / 1 christen thee Meteor:” ^Guns roared, bitnds played, and the great cheering lasted for several minutes. The prince handed a bouquet to Miss
(BigneS) ' “HEli^dilCll.Present to MIssTloosevelt.•Kew York, Ecb. 20.—Before'the lunch- eo’n given on the imperial yacht Hohen zollern in honor of President KooMvelt byIfoosevelt, and then removing his hat, in a Ihrince Henry of Prussia a golden brace- few words acknowledged the cheering of ,let.^with a picture of Kaiser Wilhelm inthose on the main lloor. The launch oc­curred without any mishap. The presi-diamonds
-Roosevelt.was presented to Miss Alice It was the emperor’s gift todent’s daughter lifted a silver hatchet and the young lady as sponsor for the new ^fltruck the rope. It parted cleanly and yacht Meteor. The , presentation was down came tlie weights. 'Ihe wedges flew made by Prince Henry on behalf of- his
up and hilt. Tlie yacht trembled, started) brother, the emperor, forward and then slid slowly down into| The prinee made a brief address and the water, to the cheers of the distin- the young lady thanked him very much, guished gathering. She took the water!The bracelet is of very handsome work
fDAua ouBAKimaa. it is sald-tliere ip nine fek of enow at the Summit Plat; 14 milea north­east of Idaho City. .• f«“;PrelImInary arrangements are bdhg made for the eetabllshmeht of.a flrat National bank at Bmmett. '• Indian Agent C. T. Stranahan left last week In charge of five Indian dill dren en route for the Carlyle icSusjtiial school. ‘Mary Madison, a young woman Hr ing near Welser, attempted suicide re­cently by swallowing carBbUc acid, but will probably recover.The governor -^ha^^ name^ 'George
Chapin of Idaho Falls regent of ihe state university to succeed the, late Colonel John W. Jones.The Lewiston city council, has re­jected th'e ’proposltlon of representa­tives of bondholders to sell the water-
woi ks to the city for $76,000.Mrs. Margaret Tittlngton of Oxford, an old lady of about 60 years, fell into a snow drift one night recently while on her way home from a nelgbl^flfs’.* She was not discovered until the next morning, and died about’ 48 hours after, being brought hofne. • ' ' «A verdict of murder in -the first de­gree was returned by the Jury.Jn the case of^ George :Levl, a Frenchman charged " with the murder of Davis Levy, in Boise-in October last. This Is one of 'the most celebrated cases
in the history of..the state.
-1 Review o( BaRpenlnss laKaeteni aadl-Weetee» Heatishherea’ : '.Davlav the Paat Week^atloaal, 'Btstarleiri, Palltlaal amd pii^aaal i y’>^r ■ tByeate Teraely Bapoamded. ^
Count Tolstoi is better. – . – 5"J
safely and brought up in the middle of manship and the portrait of the emperor the Kill'von Kull 'witliout accident. in diamonds is well made.Wore. IMiotosrajihea:Prince Henry' and Miss Roosevelt were then photQgraphed.
Navigation is again open on the St Joe river from St Maries to Chatco- lette. The steamers Dew^ey and De fender made regular trips this week. As yet there is no indication when nav­igation will Be resumed between Har­rison and Coeur d’Alene.William Walters, a prospector, shot and fatally wounded William Haddln on the street at Hope, recently. Walt era is popularly known as "Bogus Bill.” He. gave himself up and will have-his hearing before a Hope justice
Monday. -A jury at Boise acquitted John Steiner, a civil war veterjin tr^d on the charge of murdering Mick^Rey- nolds, a barkeeper. – He had a fight with Reynolds md threwshim, the lat­ter’s head striking the Ice box. death resulting from a blood clot on the brain.At the annual meeting of the Nez Perce County Pioneer association the following officers were elected: Presi­dent, Charles G. Kress; vice president, C. P. Cobum; secretary, W. B. Stain- ton; treasurer, John Lindsey; direc­tors. John Sllcott, M. A. Kelly, E. Pearcy, J. D. Martin, R. Grostein.'
Eleclnlon of Supreme Court.St. Paul, Feb. 25.—The announcement of the U^ited-^Statea supreme court’s de- cifflon against the application of the state of Minnesota for leave to file a suit against the Northern purities company
was .received in thia^'clty today without surprise. President Hill of the Northern
Securities company refused to discuss the opinion of the court, contenting himself with the remark that it wae no more thanSurvey Nearly Completed.San Francisco Feb. ^^United Statesanticipated. Governor Van Sant
’Ihe prince presented .Miss Roosevelt. Jlr eompi;th.g Ihe"final ^rvey* for'hk IT* T
‘’S afl.r II,. laim«hi»8 the prasijential' p.to '.“f llk’a ‘Sty 800 ^uld bring a4 against tl..party and the prince proceed to the hall., miles. Six hundred miles have been sur- Northern Secunties .company under the where a luncheon had been prepared. I he veyed and a portion of the road built. It
health of tlie prince was drunk and then i, estjmaled that by paying cash insteadof rai (»n
'A*rinec Henry said^rrra lor Preatdent and Prince.“On this occasion 1 wish to call for Cash three lienrtv cheers for the^president qf the United States, Mr. Roosevelt. Hip, bipl-hohrayf”As the pririce spoke!he waved his arms a.s .a signal and tho buildipg rang with rcsjKindiiig cheers. Then Ib'esident Roose­velt raised his right hand, and* vhcn there wiU silence said:*T a.slr-^hree cheers the. gyest who has* already won our/bearts, Henry oi I’russ'ia.'' Now, a .goqp one." ' ^, President ItoosevTft’s “Hip, feip!, hoo­ray!” was drowned in.the rwr of applause that greeted the calL for cheers. Then .. the prince . and president stiook hands ■wannly; and as the party started to leave
*—;the hall some one among^t^e^invited . ' jguesto shouted: – > :
esHmaledraising money by a bond Issue, the road V built and equippe'd ffiz_ $20,000JM>a. i is being raised by assessing ttti>
Peculiar Trusedy.New York, Feb. 24.—A peculiar trag­edy has Occurred in the reeidence of Wil­
liam J. Simmons at 'Caryl, a sifit)urb of Yonkers. It resulted in the serious
woimding 4 Georgianna, the 6 year old
Simmons girl, and the probable fatal
wouhding at' her own hands of Amelia Foscherj^ a Hungarian servant girl..
Sherman act, the ^tate officials here have
looked for just such a decision as that now announced by the United States su- prcme^court.' Such action by“the federal officials W'ilj not be allowed to stop fur­ther action by the state of Minnesota, but no definite ■snnoun6ement baa yet been made as to' the form sych pro4eed- ings will take. '
' Itcductlon.T^ashlngton, Feb. M.—The house ways and means committee has adopted a reso­lution declaring it to be the sense of the republican members of the committee that a reciprocity arrangement with Cuba, not to ekceed'20 per cent reduction should be.The cause of the shooting, which was^«> per cent reaucuon snoum bedone by the seiVant girl,-is supposed to^"W«at«^ the president, action to be have been an insane fondness for the child, i »‘^bject to the approval of the republican whom she feared being separated from her caucus which iS to be held Tuesday night, through dismissal. – . . .'————————– T “No,” Mid the surgeon. “It's not spe-Flktteiy is not 'worship.. cially amusing to dissect a funnybone.
Only.a few workmen have responded to the call for a gwieral strljie at Tur- : In, Italy.At Leadvllle, Col., Sam 'WAllasea, a-'
16 y;ear old hoy, was accidently shot ^ and almost Instantly killed while at a party- – ^The condlUon of Jystlc^ Gray of the supreme court, who recently suffered a stroke of paralysis, continues en- . couraglng. – ' ' ,The condition of young Theodore – -•Roosevelt continues, to improve, and ■ he is progressing steadily toward com-’ ' plete restoration to health.Howard F. Brewer, the Pacific coast ^ swimmer, broke three more American middle distance records at the s^rts- man’s show at Chicago last week.,The house committee on territories has unanimously voted to report favor-’ ably bills for the admission of the ter­ritories of New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma.Daniel Alexander, aged 68, manager of a, shoe store In Salt Lake, was al– most Instantly-killed Sunday by the- accidental discharge of a revolver which he was cleaning.At Mount Vernon, IlL, Richard Gil­liam, a young man, was. assaulted while returning from church, by two men. one using a beer bottle and the other firing a revolver at his nead, killing him Instantly.Snow, followed by'raii{ and sleet, created In New York and vicinity the most disagreeable weather conditions known in many years. During the early hours of the day hea'vy wet snow fell in great fiakes. This condition prevailed for several hourS.At an evangelical meeting of all tSe Protestant sects In Cuba, at a mission­ary conference In Cienfuegos, it was voted to have only one religious de­nomination in cities of 6000 inhabi­tants, tW9 denominations in cities of 15,000 and^thr^e denominations In clt– ies of 25,000. BleveaVects were r^re- sented.A conference’ of ministers in session at Madrid discussed means or sustalB- Ing public order, The situation Is' greatly improved, the labor societies having declined to jdln the strike. Of­ficial telegrams declare, that quiet pre­vails every.where In the 'provinces.More troops have bebn drafted to Bar-, celona, but It Is hoped that the worst of the .trouble is now over.The American consul at Liverpool has been supplied with Information by the police as to a variety of gold'brick -frauds by Amerlcan^swlndlers on .peo­ple in England, according to a London dispatch to the Herald. The executors i' of deceased people all over thd country have received letters from New York, Washington and St Louis proposing 'an advance to thd .writer on thb strength of great gold dlscoverlbs -on the estates of deceased, persons ^Angered because his. persistent de­mands for dowry sufficient to give start In hdusefeeplng were refpsed, and^STOklngr revenge, George Child- rose, a stenographer, Sunday' shoVatfd ' instantly killed Henry Meyer, the girl’s father, and slightly wounded Em-' ma Meyer, his sister, at Chicago. Her mother and another sister .escaped oth- ' er shots Intended for them by rushing'..Into t^ streets. Believing he had killed the-whole family, Childrose sent a bullet Into his own brain and fell dead at the door of hls sweetheart's " own room'. …
cieve^d will Not Attend.Washington, Feb. 24.—Grover ’ Cleve- – land has declined the invitation -of- Prear-^ * dent. Roosevelt. to attend the banquet at the 'White House in honor of Prince Henry – of PrusBi4,"aasigttiDg'aS a reasonfll bealth.

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