
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


I#."-; ■'
BY Greer Brothers Publishers.
JAMES R. QREER Editor and BulneM Manager.

^Application has been made to enter the Post- office at Fierce, Idaho, as Second-class Mall Matter.
aupaCBIPTION BATES.One year………."…………………………Six months……………………………………Three ihonths………………………………..Single copies 10 cents.
Advertising rates made known on application Locals ten cents per line first insertion and five cents per line for each subsequent insertion^ Legal rates will be charged for legal notices.
■ For^launchmg the Miner upoD • the journalistic sea, we have no appoligies to make. Beleiving that
the Pierce district lias a bright and brilliant future before it, we have cast our lot with it, and shall en deavor in ouij.way to help in the , building up of the same. ' There is -not a larger or better mining dis­
trict in the “Gcin of the Moun- ‘ tains” than Pierce. Right at our
' door is the largest known body of
white pine timber in the world … Richer fruit land, better agricultur­
al land and bettej. stock range can not be found anywhere. What
mor.e should one want? Tlie Miner shall devote its time and space to
' the’building dp of these industries.
We would invite those who think
as we do, along these lines, to give
us their assistance in this work.Publishers
Wh.vt the Pierce mines need is
more capital. There are, doubltess|
some of the richest mines in the northwest here, and all that is ^needed to demonstrate that fact^'is
a little more money to work on There are hundreds of properties here, that with a few hundred dol­
lars expended on .them, they would
bring thousands of dollars on any
Let us all join hands in . helping
to bring the Pierce district to the front. -If youlcnow of a good strike share your'^ knowledge with^ the
iner and it,will impart the good news to the world. If you know of Rn important transaction that
the public has the right tO' ^ in­formed of, don’t be affraid to speak
wp- . . ■ ■ . • ■
■ It was a sorry day for the citizens
of south Shoshone county when
the state of Idaho weut into- the trust business; ■ , There are hew
tpwnsliipB that w^ f>pen for
•l^ing in June. For over three years the State has kept the bona- fide settlers out of these townships. From it will. select. 4b,0(X) acres, and along with .the thousands she already holds, it will give her . a very neat little corner on the timber
south Shoshone.
U«.«rdiAK Ftrear»«.- As an Illustration of how closely everything' is watched in Russia take their syetem of registering firearms. When a weapon ^ any kind is pur­chased, a permit must be secured from the local, authorities. The name of the man who makes the purchase, with the number of the weapon, is recorded. If the purchasei– ever wants to dis­pose of the weapon ha must notify the authorities and cause the transfer to be recorded on the books of the firm which sold it. If that weapon is ever used in an attempted assassination, or in any demonstration against the law, the man reeprded as last having it in his possession is held responsible.— Washington Post.Beltevea In the Rod.Prince Henry of Reuss, in Germany, pardons all the boys and girls convict­ed of any minor wrefegdoing in his small dominions, provided the parents fiog them in his presence.—N. Y. Sun.
Sport in the I«rttleh Armr.Our-'garrieon towns represent a state of things utterly opposed to the idea of a vigorous prosecution of the war. Numerous ofiBcers in possession of staff b-'.-ets are snugly ensconcing themselvp-s in‘comfortable bungalows, obtaining “lodging” instead of “field” allowance, and drawing ration allow­ances. In fact, the liberal allowances to ofiicers in South Africa seem to counterbalance their desire for the ■^end of the war. Sport is all very well in Its way, bnt on ^tive service the care of golf links and tennis courts should not exercise officers’abilityan^^ attention, while the thousands, of polo and racing ponies kept by of­ficers throughout'fSoutb Africa (fed on government rations) might prof­itably be used to augment the parsi­monious supply of remounts to the mobile columns.-Letter from South Africa in London Spectator. . < DAHL. -/;d»enePaI Mafchant ' I: W'"-i- '-i:m mWater Proof Miner’s Shoes that, can not b^ beat. ISell-^ . Tobacco for men folu A OMraaMa Toamsl.The subject of a tunnel connecting Ireland and Scotland - has been brought before the British govern­ment, end the project will be pushed if the requisite financial support can be obtained.' The'estimated cost is ^0,000,000. The , route provisionally ’selected is from Straurer in Scotland to Belfast in Ireland. The total, dis­tance is Siy, miles, of ^ which 34y, miles would be under the' sea, along a line where the maximum depth 480 fes^ Electric' motors would be used to nrive the trains at an average speed of 60 to 70 miles per hour.— Youth’s Companion. V E.B- McElwaln TONSOBIAL ABTISTs All, work is neatlj dQne; put shave a^d shampoo. Hair M:.Ten^fary, quarts :are-^:%e ^sort. ; ,. 4.^ vr>;V: * 4
Clothing for the naked _• Glasses for the blind '■ Shoes for the barefooted ■ Gloves that are lined Calicoes the finest ‘ * That never fade ~ -Woolen goods for dresses Ribbons for old maids
We are o4 the Opinion that 1902 is going" to be a very prosperous year for Pierce, and are preparing ourselves accordingl. • We have just received our first, shipment of sKoPs, rubbers and artics to fit men women; children. Water Proof Miner’s Shoes that can not bP beat. / '
pandies for the ladies – – – -1 Toys for the children Bibbs for the babies ‘ Medicines to make you sick '- j ■ Medicines to make you well 4;I sell everything the ■ ^Best stores sell. '4 . ■ ./'
:■ ; '….I';Hot and cold baths 25 cents.
Aiv • ■ ■
. Lodging 25 and 50 cents.
Wm. 1)ahl. V
■ i'l’ -•‘V *
j; Reasonable rei-tes
maple for tooard and
lodgi ng byday orvveek.'
"Feed.Stable in connection.
John Lane, Proprietor.
£R'o toe nt Gfaffn ey,•-
Prop ri il.
i:,, …………………………… .. . ….
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