
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


*•1 bad a teiTlble eoM and coaU
How will
be tonteht? worse,. ^ ably, wr it’s first a coW, then a cough, then bron­chitis or pneumonia, an4 at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by takingAyer’sCherryPec- toral.
Boer Foree S«iFeb. 24,—A dispatcU fro»n Xord Kitchener,. dat^‘ Pretori*7^Fridar.
February 21, aaya Colonel Park', with 300
mounted natire soouta, recently surprised a Boer force at Noertgedacht, Transvaal, and captured 164 prisoners, -tog«thet.5i^, a quantity of munitions of war and a“, number of horses and wagons. There we.-e’ no British casualties. • The prisoners in elude field Comets Joubert and Dejater nr d Lieutenant Viljo«i.
Stau of Ohio, CltT oriwedo. L«om Ooontjr.Saak J. Cheney make* oath that ^ to- the aentor partner of the flim of F. J. Cheney O Co., dolns bustrteas in the cit] county laid ‘ state aforesaid, an will pay the mim of ONB.H . for each and^/cannot be cured byBwom to before me urewnce, thle 6th day of
Hall'a Catarrh Cur* hi taken Internally lad «cta directly on the blood and mucoua eiir*. . 24.—Fbs biTthe FUk Avaarie hotd and the Seventy-flrsk regll- m»t armory, thk city, resulted in th« loag
of 15 Uvee and the destruction of property
valued at $760,000.. Hie dead^rsomi were all ^ests'of the
hotek named wiire flret diecoyeied in the arn^riy-.and 45 minutee later it was' found that the hbtd was on Bie.A revised list of the dead-and injtured follows: 7 Ui:Norman Acton of Alsbania. • vv;®.Colonel Charles L. Burdette of Hai^ fold. Conn.,Lionel First regimarii.of the
national guard of that state. . ,'Mrs. Foster, a Tombs priran nossionary. Frank S. Hovey of Lyons, N. Y.; ,Thmnas H, Thome of Demrer. ^ " -John H. Iverspivci Hanm; ■Unknown women, ^ -‘ 7 S-Charles Underwood O’Connett of , NewYork. • 'Cblonel Alexander I^per, U. S. 1., ^tired, resident of hotel. : > iO. A.'Robbins, lawyer, of Selma, Ak. ’ IMiss Esther Bchlessihger of Chicago, ; Jacohh Spahn, a lawyer, of Bochestei',
John E. talker of Oolumbia^Tenn. " ‘
William H.‘Bamhardt of Chicago, r O. Unknown woman, body, found onjtiie sixth floor; wpre five ring?’bn the left hand. ' 7 |Sophiq Beach, 61 years of age, a. guest of the Park Avenue hotel, -who viras burned .about the fact and body Saturday morning, died in Bellevue hospital Sunday. This makes the nineteenth victim. All the other vic­tims in- the other hospitals will proh-i ably recover. ' ' ';!Memorial .services were held in the: Tombs prison Sunday for Mrs. Ifebec-,
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