
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


*nxe Ohio-Idaho baa installed a %'^iant drill on tKeir ‘property and v^.will start it up before long. This is the first machine-.drillin the
They B«o*me ak«»*MlTa.
in' Oin
^*td • nih – ai^ ■ 'Crosscut l4n»^fc?..5^
London Spec^tflr., .itTCill bitea’fly in two !jhUh its jawa k*tt;,ge.ta»to iU way on o 'p^ane,'.hut' it- docss notuse its sting e.Tcu whoxt ti-ying rol^ ; a beehive, and “tackled” by.tho bf es^ Tho^ latter will push a. w»sp -away five or {rix; tiiines, hu?t^i'ng .it the fp^rtl^oard, • vritheut:.pSavol{iJ)g,. it; I to: iih.b^;.en4eavora ^ sting The; tVMp? it ithen grapples with'dt and stings btelc, killing or behumb- ■ingvthe insect almost at once.; Brit­ish .-wasps- are ^ftlssyi 'and excitable; but not vicious, like njany ol the "In­dian .Wild beea. Htowever crO;wded or dnc^foMable they may' Be, they very rarely quairel vtfh or' sting 'ea<^' otheVv ' as, for instanceV -when a' bh the s'aine window and^ anxious ifp- '' get Only when 'the “ehtraiice’ to' ^AKVTHING............................. ,;v:- VOM ■■p yjpmi downon for^^ie la tl^hewere stinging it at once; but not toi^cfi the their nest is threatened- do 'they be. come actively aggressive^ and then as a ;rule the attack- is hot begun- till the person who excites their fehir i.n.;' terposea between them and the en- trance to the nest. A setter dog.-wa8''.__i noticed to ‘turn and bite itself,, whim­pering with pain, just as .the party were sitting ,down to a shooting luncheon by the side' of a wood in Yorkshire. The. dog, being tiyed,-had lain down on the hole of a wasps nest, and flye or six of the yellow in- 'i^Pirtt-GlaM ;^dbnfection^Aries, Hardware;.Iltuj)ber|:p6oJ^^^^^ Shpes, Hay,.Qi.ain. gnd Vegefiibles. '. '•'r.-T ■■■'hiltr -■’•viS'.;'.JiiPtFr^MeliVery of‘ine^l^ within . rddius of tor-teade.v^:.&f ^5^ ■ Samwn. SrydbB''Jb.^ .. . persons git-ting close by. ABOUT THE WpODCBtJp£ j ' The Atttmal'ka a t^asln of «he'8«htr- " rel-Sibepa All Throagh the .{ ;Winter. ^ ' V im ;^ring Vm^'but.sh^ no^ _and ;.;foi:^:and ^nd ^M#^cWtekn :: krhap, „„ .Vila 1. mar. f-j:.up4be^$2'yWare at miliar to country people than theW„.deh„0k. E..„ hiu.idd ,.d-i,u,.d. . %by; deaT'frie^T heT'e^yeclescerici to put ^is name prft.^our «r.o^aL-'listw: iPjrin^i^ '■plulocrat-‘anti jkau-per-^al^;%^ ■look'alike'to ul?."'"-' t ■: :' Smith & Sheehy have opened'.up their drug store and arh'now prc-> jrared .to: attend to' your wants.
^ 'Hiey have their goods arraug^d’ in
a very neat artd attractive manner.
addition, of thisfnew .iiriu-U the Pierce ,buBines.s,circle.wili prole . both profitable'and pleasing to the ;':jpdmraunit^^ young'inqn' of energy and enterprise;: If-.you
: . are whittiug anything in, their line : • be sure^nd call on ‘thtfiii; 'and :titey –will treit; yon
.hto ilide-aw^yiole on tb^^^oytli |Fork to iooftt^the C. •^'Johe^■^property.,^ Mr. Jpues failed to -d^
I his asse^;|^l»^:lWlast year and;|thc Prt^^i^|w^'p6n to 1^4 :*:.tion. “.property ;'on
;jwhichcm^4^fp $7o0;OO5t worth 6t.;duig^tf:iin> three days:M r. J ones was;- Sec b^ly engaged C-with other. .miking ventures lest • yeai*i that be did not have time; to 😕 work Tiis 'a^ssment. The proper ty..' is valued $100,G00,0W
■- – •-
iP > :p
woodchuckow'ts dotted with the* small piles, of earth which mark the doorway to his home. The woodchuck prefers a hill- firde or a-kuofl in .which to'dig his hole, for here he cam easily make the end o£ his den higher than the begin- • nu>g*.thu^,avx}lding the danger of be? jng'drowned oht. ,,What could be more unlike in gep- Iferal appearance than a woodchuck and a squirrel?* .Yet they are cousins, both belong to, the same family of mammals. The.trim bodyi sharp ckpws and agility of the squirrels .make it possible for them to Iciul. an arboreal life, jumping recklessly .from-branch , to branch, while the flabby form and short . legB' /of. ■ the ^yoodchuck/ better adapt him/for -digging thaa for run­ning or climbing, .The ’nature of/the fopd of the wood­chuck is such, says a writer in Country Life in America, that he canhot lay up stores as the qhipjmT^ks do, iior i‘s ;it of such a kin^ thpt' it can be^ .ob­tained during (he T^e/ca^^this creature during the winter sqems j to he/’f herefore/oh^ | >>■ -soundly or starv^.’^^; During th^ win- j ^era sleep or hibernation life proc- €Ssea^^go*on very kYosVly. Rreathing is j ^reduced, an^ the hcaft-beiTts .become 1 ^ .so slow an.d^feehld that- they cannot j TTsfr-be felt. • Thefy come from .jhelr win- | e
'iy-l,yy – '^'..-^'rV
;' ■ -' ' ‘ – ■ ■ :-■ ■ ^ ff
i -i- ■ V
………….^ ^
. #iP*If you wunt to'spenij'a qtiet and pleasant evetiing; conxe ' to '
the “Old Comer.” ■,■,:■•■•;/.., ' ik'; … •.. ■,.■„■ f'' ^… ../'-‘-r '

C : ; ;'1nie brand of cigars, brandies, wines and, other liqtiofs always on – : v;>/^: –
Give me a.''call.” .
■■}. ■T'' –
.-tK/.': y■ – '.;!■■■■> i -y ';y"
. i’:■pu*r
Jacob Gisel, proprietor.
///^ ’ /' ’ ’' ———
ter’s »l«ep about the lUt bf', March in ’ k,5- New York.' ’ ^ ' I . ;'
A FMt Locomotive;
■tXSjrliV •■;'>;:■ • s; •= 't
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– – …….. :;-v -^'•..:
■ 'Ifxyr
^y-RebusoViabie board ahdijpdg'lOffBatavia has been trying the Amer- by .day or week- When you hungry, then renoerhber ’ican: locomotive, and-likes it, all , – …., ^ . "t : ' * *^ ? • – ■cept its'‘^unearthly'screech.” Our en-;V.T gines are somewhat vociferous, but -.7.. j :they 'Bieed to be,' in orfer to give fair '. ' ' ', ' >■warning of their swift approach: It ■was an Anferican-e-ngineer who told j
•;, ir. v'
VPiM-j i ■ ,',, 4^- ‘- ^'-'^= ;-A. S. Wabbbn, Proprietor;..'-nl'.,..,: rvV/.. V.- . ,-,. v ■.- „v – •
of the exploit of'a locouiotive of which , be once had charge—that it ran so fast ' IPIf^F^ bafh in Cdnn that it neached the station ahead of ' / ' ; V ' – • -the sound of its».whistle,-which caipe
• -r4– S t ’
r. . -U ,-if!.,■:? -■■'■,
along a second or two after the4rain had -Btopped.–Troy Times. – . „U:.',wr-'yp/.-f^yy-Pyp.;.—

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