
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


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Art impan in«tten which ti» akin, liTer, kidneys «nd other orgsns eeo not take of without help, there is mA an aocamnlation of ttem. ftey litter the whole'system.Pimples, boils, ecsema and other eipptions, loss of appetite, that tired feding, bilioos toms, fits of indlge^ tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them.
Hood's Sarsapatiila
and Pills
Bemore all humors, oreroome all their effects, strengthen, tone ax d invigorate the #hole system.*•1 had Mit rheum on my hand* eo that I eoBld not work. I took Hood’s 8ervspMl«e and it droTO oat the hamor I eontlnned )ti naa till the aorea dlaappaaiai.” Maa laa O. Baoww. Bnmford FalU. If a.
Choice SelecttoB of Intercatlna Itema Gathered Thronwh the Week — Bverr SeetloB Shovra General GroWilh-.Maay Aeetdeats Oeenr- Peraoaala.
– 'WASHtHGTON HBWS.Walla Walla convicts can not be taken out to break rock.The North Yakima high school ca- dets this week received 60 stands ot arms from the Springfield arsenal.A rear end collision occurred on thd Great Northern, three milest west of Wenatchee, recently. As a result Lee D. Ferryman, head brakeman. Is dead.The biggest gambling war In the his­tory of Seattle is on. and from tlfe way things are now shaped up It is not Im­possible that "King Faro” will slumber for two years.Bx-Unlted States Senator John B. Al­len of Seattle has been brought out as a candidate for secretary of the in­terior in President Roosevelt’s cabinet by Senator Foster. It la generally ex­pected that Secretary Hitchcock will resign shortly.
By a vote of 18 to 13 the Commercial club of Yakima decided at a recent meeting to Indorse a resolution exclud­ing all stock from the Rainier forest re­serve after 1902.Plang for a gigantie excursion to fait Lake City, to attend the session of the grand lodge, to be held there August 12. 13 and 14, are being mad^ by the members of the lodge ot Elks in the
The lumber manufacturers of east­ern Washington are getting from fl-50 to $8 and |10 increase in the price of some varieties of lumber over what they were receiving from eight to twelve months ago.
Spokane County Treasurer Mudgett reports that during February collec­tions of real estate taxes were |83,- 279.99 In exc^ of February of last year, and the personal tax coUecUons were |46,830.21 in excess.J. J. Lairton. a tnisy In the Asylum for the Insane, at Steilacobm, commit­ted from the Soldiers’ Home,.At Or^ .ting, two years ago, was found dead in tte woods near the asylum recently. He had cut his throat with a Jack­knife. He served in an Indiana reglr ment.The fate of -J. O. Stonebumer, the barber who so mysteriously disappear­ed from WaitAiarg, has been cleared UD and he will socm be plying his old trade in Wsitsburg. He states that he is at work in Lewiston and will return. The misslTe tells a tale of peculiar 4e- mentia.The United Statee transport Dlx. Captain W. W. Hopkins, departed last week from Seattis for Manila with a carfo of 11,000 tons, consisting of 86,-
000 bales of hay. 66,000 sacks of octa | The DaUss baa determine td oon- snd 1600 sacks of bran. Five head of struct iminediatsly alxwt 20 blocka ofhorses were also carried. The Dtx wlU proved direct to Manila.TWG .highwaymen entered the sa­loon of ^emaa Hyde-at Franklin last Saturday nlghV. and without any wamning, shot and.. killed Martin Johnson, the bartender Twelve men were In the saloon at the time and they were ail robbed. "The burglara escaped and have not yet been caught ~Frsink Church and H. O. Jacobs, ad­vertising men of _ the Bverett Daily Record, were drowned Sunday after­noon by the capslslng of k sn«kU sail­boat in a. sqauU. John Costello, a boy. was rescued. As the boat over­turned aU managed to cling to the. gunwale, young Church cheering up bis companlona Soon Jacobs re­leased bis hold. Church following within a few seconda The were not recovered.
IDAHO GtBAHIlfGa.■ The business men ot Council have organised a board of trade.Cottonwood will probably have an electric light plant in the near future.'The Poet Falls Sash, Door & Manu­facturing company Is a new InstltuUon at Poet Palls. 'It is reported that practically all of the grain in the Lewiston and Clecu^ water countries has been bought. Manson & Scott. Vida (Idaho) mill- contemplate starting a box fao-
taaway and rolled down the tain (MX February 8, the chain
tory and a lumber and shingle mill at Kendrick. tOrangeville is circukding a i»dltion addressed to the district co^rt asking the court to csdl an election to vote upon the removal of the county seat from Mt. Idaho to that city.The supreme court has banded down a very Important, decision affirming the' constitutionality of the law pro­viding for the organisation of irriga­tion ditches. The case cams up from Canyon county.The Wisconsin Log ft Lumber com­pany ha sincorporated^^ Wallace, with a capital stock of |600,000. The North­land Pine company also filed articles, capitaj 1100,000. Both companies have big hddings in the Potlatch country.While the Morning Mining c(Hnpany was trying to raise the locooioUve that moun- "^rokeand J, D. Scott, one of-the workmen employed, was instantly killed. The engine rolled down the mountain fur­ther than it was before.
Contracts for flax are now b^ig se­cured by both tbs KeUsnbach (Jrain company and the VoUmsr (Jlearwatsr company sev­eral days and it has leaked out that an Indian council was held recently at the camp meeUng grounds near Ka- miah, when a number of resolutions were passed condemning the effort of the councir recently held In Li^xwai, which urged the retentiem of C. T. Stranidian as Net Perce agent and superintendent of Lapwal Industrial school.
sewerr in t^ie Heptem part of the city,
Qraai county has paid 16000 into tfte
state trpaauiy to apply oa state taxes for 1901 Oraat Irthe second oounty to make a payment.J. H. PerUns, a resldei^ ot Ooktage OroTu for 86 years, died last week. He was bom in Misoonri in 1861, and crossed the plains with his permits in 1864 te Baker countj^., .The Oregon Agricultural Bsperlmsnt Station at Cqnrams has just Issued ah annotated. Ust ot UTe birds of Oregon. The list contains 'SJO names of spselsa found within the borders ot Oregon In comperison, it Is state* rtxat similar
lists prepared in “Colora*o contain 887 species, in Nebraska 416 spe^. Mich­igan 882 species., A panic was created at the Union depot nc Portland last Saturday when Frank Loiinger fired three shots at hle-wife aa she was about to take thd Southern Paclfle train for Sacra­mento. One shot took effect In the woman’s leg, but she la not seriously Injured, ^ringer was Jealous of bis wife, but after his arrest he said there was no cause for Jealou6y,.and that he fired the shota whil^ temporarily Insane.
Assaults on phlnamen are getting to e almost every day (xxcurrencea In
ORBOon noma.
beAnaconda.Commissions have ^een issued to Postmasters Charles 8. Bean of Qlen- dive and James B. Stevens of Hamil­ton.The farmers’ insUtute held at Chi­nook recently formed,, a permanent county oiganiaaU(H|,,-’to hold these meetings every year.The postoffice department’s order of February 6, discondnulng the Knerr- ville office, has, been revoked, having been issued undm* a misunderstanding.The preliminary su'rveying for the change of the Great Falla ft Ckuxada from narrow to Standard guage has .been begun near the mouth of the Dry Fork (Ml the Marias by a party (ff 26 surveyors.In order to recover from the ralF road for stock killed or Injured by its trains, owners ot this class ot pro^r-, ty should be careful to present tixeir claims within six months of the date of the accident.Bdward Fridley, one of the best known men In central Montana, died in Bozeman recently. Fridley was (»e ot the oldest residents of Rbzeman, having crossed the plains with John Bozeman, after whom this rtty was named.The state treasurer reports a bal­ance of some $11,000 in the wolf boun­ty fund, and claims to the amount pf 188,000 are on file with the state board

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