
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


-^rr^. ^IR,' y0;LF;E:>^i:Y8>^AWA^.T■■i, ^TAMINATIONSr^ t • AirKi>vi»rii>M
Bert Roby came in from Prench creek Tuesday. ;
llie broods ’ ttrt fall of timbef cruisers this week.' – 4^ >
Robert Gaffaey Wade a business to liWiston this wOek. ^-
V you are no| seelung for a good thing, keep away froin Pierbe.
. Prank Miles made final proof
£d Duffy ^nle oyer fropiPrOnch creek and ^nf' several days in town this week.
John Malloney feft,fOr;Lewietoh Sunday, to make ffiial proof on his 160 acres of timber.
C. P..; Smith, of thenew .dnigfi^ Smlib ;
Jacob Gisel'is. 'n the
' «‘bld Coper.” The chan|^ is very creditable and spealn o^^rogre^
4^^ ^n the part tnw back, he will' dire^y apply for the appointment 4 o^ a" guardian 7 so that nq mora
'i ’!V-^
OW««Mhl» 1Wa« Wmm• «*nHt*«a air « Wemtimimm
^ —••^at • brute!" 1 heard • lady i^y
as I ifose from the disner tabte in .^e hotSl, says the'Chlo^o Inter. Oceaa.I did not Iqiow fhat I waa the per­son to whom .she Teterccd..iUL’ftfter- ward. when a irteiM of,jg%rwh^ was sitting at a table near 'by spoke of the matter. -"TOe lady at your ihhfalaat night thoo^i you were a brate.^ he'”*#. marked, laughingly. – 7^*’7.: "I "I heard her uae the word, but It never occurred to me that 17WaS,;the p(erson she alluded to.V:Whs#^dld I dorM .asked. 'V "You carried -off youT4^roptt." "Well," I aakcd, *%hat.Of r{hai? ..Zt was mine.?* ■ ■“I gathered from .What she said to the waiter," continued my Mend, “that iA^e town>»here sherfatha tho Vhptol fundshes, itSl^e«* ^th :the
deify papSrs. Aey are, placed on the tables in ihe dining-room.end are free to all. She auppos^i'ali hoiels did the nme, and thai you were ear- JP^She .«brute, because she Was not accus­tomed to seeing hotel guesto buy
their papi*,.". 7‘■fl: -:>N.aam*srtaI BmmsO.At the beginning of the thirteenth ceiriury it occurred to some one to piaserve the likeiRss of his departed friend, as Well ee the symbois of his rank and station,, ssya the Gentle, man’s Magaxlne. So efBgles were in-trv^oeed up«u «i« surface of the
•labs, aod wens carved flat, but ere so years had pasiCd Wway the ari of the fonlptor ptOdnecd, magnificent
■l/^Ting'Pang.- ithe'ter,;was.. exploring the of‘;^iuce Ching and -14 . Hung Chang. 7The artist, withihe'-(|^oii)iat^ in tow, paused before ffx^'^nWltea"Who is that?" asked Mr.y^Wu, pointing toward the ‘ 7 picti^ of Ching. ■ ' ■ ;"That is Prince CJ^g.’r^fOpHed Vos."It don’t look like him." waa'his only comment, and tho party passed on to Earl Li. . , 7"Who’s thatr – :"That is LI Hung Chang."“It don’t look like;fam." Said ths minister again.
"Put it’s only a three-quariera view, you know,’^ said the artist,apologetically."It don’t look three-quarters like him," said Wu.And later, when Whe remark hit
the chorus of sweet girl art students who. had been forming an animated Imck^ound, they retired -Without and gigglaA , > –
47. ■ – 44
Oldeat'Ouatom Aaaay OffVodln O^ntrAl. ,ldaho44 '7
ASSAVeRI -V'-';'’’
Castle salobn
CHARLES PARKER, Pi^priefar Corner of Main and Third Sts. ^jEWISTON, . IDAHO.
Our specialties: Hanco and TNew 4 York Beer and Castie Whisky.
'• 4:'’ 774^:4*:
rying Off q. paper that ,woe cpmmdn property. She .considered you • a
hots blees the qpeatetory with their uplift^ right handiyjudgee lie in
their official .garb; Aid merebanis
vritirthe emblem OfT^to trade. Mtheir feet: he animals, i^lly having
.some herajdic connection with the de- 7 ceased, or symbolical of his work; e.
g., a driigon te. trodden dovrii beneath the feea of a= bishop, ^Ifying:^rtrai^ faillqdmat^a 7 ^ of fa*
:^y 1^ oh cnilfiMfy wkldi axe some-' t^s eupport^ by two angels.'
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' insha^mmeabovede«>ftb^'»rai)^;

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