
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


Bm* OB tko MlaslMlBBl UlTor witk a»^e»r«MB« HoodoB-MBolVBl BteteHoI Vm«.
wm. DAK1-:
General Merchant ^5?3CI|, : ■ ' '• ^ *v%
Advertising rates made known on application. Locals ten cents per line first insertion and five cents per line for each subsequent iiisorlion. Legal rates will be charged for legal notices.
“Fuss fungle” is the name of a
new drink, made of alchohol, burnt brown sugar, New Orleans molasses
and a dabble of water. It is said'
one drink of this new beverage wull start a fight in a church or make a
rabbit stand on its hind feet aad spit in a bull dog’s face. This W’ould be excellent stuff for an editor to take a half dozen drinks of, just before starting out to visit his delinquent subscribers.
Clothing for the naked
Glasses, for the blind
Woolen goods for dresses Ribbons for old maids
you needn’t snigger, for its true.' Every girl wants to marry. She is thoroughly satisfied that a
| man is necessary to the proper de- fi development cf a woman’s life. I Her ideal usually is tall with clas- L,S''| ical features, and the frame of an
Achilles. He must be brave, yet
h' gentle; a Chesterfield in manners,I la DeWey in penetration, a Winston :. I ; Churchill in ambition. In thought % tv|and speecll he must be as unsullied
' .J-; fts Schiller or Goethe; withal he ; < i must be strong and brave; a lion t 1 mong men; a knight among ladies. I lut for fear that she might die an Id maid she will take most any , th-framed youth with with mouse •lored hair and bat winged ears at comes along smoking a coffin il cigarette that smells worte.than »u^ing rubber boot, and thus ste her precious life trying to 3 one she never admired.—Ex. Taldnir the factory to iM raw material. Instaad of thematerial to the factor, is an in* novation just put in operation on the Mississippi river'by a button fac. tory, and it is a plan that has many practical advantages, says the New York Herald.This factory fa a boat 42 feet long and 12 feet wide, fitted with all of the necessary machinery for the manufacture of buttons, and provid-1 Shoes for the barefopted for l2! work!*"®* I Gloves that are lined' The principal material used by this Calicoes the finest factory is mussel shells, which are That never fade found at nearly all points along the river, and one of the great expenses in conducting the business • hereto­fore has be^n the cost of transport­ing the shells. Now the factory has reversed the operation and will go to the-mussels.When a bed of the shells is found the boat will drop its anchor and go to work. Mien the bed is exhaust­ed it will move on to a new location.In this fashion it will go from state to state, from Minnesota to Louis­iana, passing along With the seasons, and always enjoying the most desir­able weather of the Mississippi val­ley.On the boat the workmen have their home, with all its comforts, and with freedom from land rent and the visits of tax collectors. TROUBLES OF BUSINESS MEN. We are of the opinion that 1902 is going to be a very prosperous year for Pierce, and are preparing ourselves accordingl. We have just received our fiiat shipment of shoes, rubbers and artics to fit men women children. Water Proof Miner’s Shoes that can not be beat. ^ISelW ' ■ Tobacco for men folks Candies for the ladies Toys for the children '' Bibbs for the babies Medicines to make you sick Medicines to mike you well I sell everything the Best stores sell. i’ "A Lodging 25 and 50 cents.Hot and cold baths 25 cents. Wm. Dahl. PIONEER Omm mi Tli#m la Dole to PeopU Wlko W^wm^t to Sica TUmiM Lettonu M M,VidgeCowen has been, for the s week, seriously ill with the | i monia, but under the skilled tion of Drs. Frey and LePard p|| -lOw thought that he is out of M I V, although at one time his I es for recovery were one out 1 i The Judge had been ailing g,|liething like six weeks, but ^ consider himself in a serious on until last week. This is "time that the Judge has :der the physicians care fog iy years. “Many people write letters tihat they forg-et to said a postoffice clerk. “People come to us every day with such letters, in the hope that we may be able to trace the writers. Sometimes we can do »o, but not often. Of course, only a •mall percentage of such letters are brought to our attention, so the total number must be very large.“If the name of the writer is on the envelope or letter-head the lack of a signature is of less consequence. But it happens fr^uently that im­portant letters cannot be traced to the writers.“A certain business house in this city brought in a letter one day, minus the signature, and containing a ten-dollar bill to pay for certain goods ordered. It came from a vil­lage in the interior of the state, and it was sent to the postmaster of the place, with the request that he as­certain the name of the writer, if pos.sible. Ke failed to do so, and the matter rested for some time. One day we received a letter from the same town asking as to the reliabil­ity of the firm to which th.e letter had been written, saying that the writer bad sent the firm money for an order of goods and had received no reply. It turned out to be the person .we were in search of, and the mistake was explained, But this was an exceptional case.’* HOTEL A Glsantie Tobb*!.TTm Bubject of a tunnel connecting Ireland and Scotland ha« been brought before the Britfah govern­ment, and the project will be pushed if the requisite financial support can be obtained. The estimated cost is $s0,00b,000. The ropte provisionally selected is from Straurer in Scotland to Belfast in Ireland. The total dis­tance is 5iy, miles, of which 34y, miles would be under, the sea, along a line where the maximum depth is 480 feet. Electric motors would be used to drive the trains at an average speed of 60 to 70 miles per hour.— Youth’s Companion. Reasonable rates made for board and lodging bydayorweek. ‘Feed Stable in connection. John Lane, Proprietor. .. MINER’S RESORT. Robert Gaffney, Proprietor. The best llQubrs and clgare that the marketafTrds; always on hand. -..r .• ■ I ‘When in town.be sure and call at the “Resort.”-

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