

^*DurahUify is
Better Than Show.”
The we»!th of the multi- rtUUonaires is not eqasl to goodkedth. Riches without hedth ere * curse, and yet the rich, the ndddte classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as­sistant in getting and main­taining perfect health. B never disappoints.Scrofula • Thre«* year* *fo our ton.
r,:..r ofiw" k-"
id CO> but
MEDALS FOR HEROINE#.Two Wo«oa of tho B|»ooUA Wor to Bo Bowarded by Concrooo.Two heroloeo of our Jmte uoplMMOt* oeoo wltb Spain are tu be rewardod for their memoniMo work by Condreo*. Mina Margaret Llvlugaton Chanler and Mira Anna Boullgny wtU be preoentod with gold iDedaU by speeial act of Ooo- gixot In recofftritlou of their work for ill and wounded aoldlem In Porto Rico. If the reconiuM*odatlona of the war de­partment are carried out.The propriety of »ult.*ble recognltJon by Congreita of the valuable work of these young women wa« flrat atiggeot- ed by a let ter from CoL Sharpe, of the coiuuilasary department of Porto Rko. to Col. Black of ibe engineer'# corpa. Col. Black aeut Col. Sharpe * totter to the headlanon ^f ll^ow enjoy* thm inlque di*tim*tion of naviiig been one d the most aggresaire in, bringing on the with Spain, and one of the moat vio- i———–• ^j,fal reaulta.—Kan-
^lint arf ea Worth?It i>* a it>miiion thing for the Individ* ual who baa no cash, or other peraooal or real pro|»rty to tlgure that he has no rapital; ill other word* that he ia worth nothing. Thia i* a mistake. The man who has health and who haa a job ia wurtli rate
Pure Tea
lent in opposing ita luga ■aa City Journal.“lloa’a .vour wife thh mormngV “She'a very happy, indeed."**1 nmferaUnd alie waa auffering with
“She ha* it, hut she isn'f auffering. You aee, ahe bought a todtle of medicine for 48 cent* aome time ago and ahe was beginning to desj^^r of ever having a ctoinee to uae it."-f^aUtulie Siamlanl and Times.
» has health ana who naa a jon is 1h a g<MH| fair capital. The overage f of interest on money in thia eouii-
KnHre chanra of the nurs^ Cbaaav for tb* u.t U yasra brti.r. bhi lake cham-es atraraHRed Croaa. Kntire charge of the nurs­ing waa aoon lu their bands.
aireet, Vs*mMVti.i – We
^^Th^'lncwas^Pf^mT^^^^ ^ pHal. It was loo amall and ahe ^•am the hiother of nine children. Never j^rip'r one. to which ahe afterward add- lelt so well ed a»otber. MUaea Clwuler and Bou-
4»*ourTao-ycHr old s«-ii on ( I Unr and liinhs. N
— last U WMiw ■POTfactiy hoaorabl* in all bmlB ao4 taancUllr *bl« to omstp i ttooa Bis<to by th*lr tm.WETT n TRUAJC, tfha»ciema on I ■even helj»ed ^U. which
"’'I'Tvl,];;? S-Sisd ed aijotber. MUaea Clwuler and Bou- KSfrcatarTb cur* lajanra iat*TTi*iiy. ^ t> Ugny i^nialnetl until 8.*ptemher 7. car* ^. had b. tie Ui* Ibe banda ,ng for oflloeni and men with no aaalat. ne ^old son on aoeount of except that of untrained aokller* rmUy »*»**•nid iimhs o j I>rto Hlco aervaot*. T|,e pair on the atsA- wale sitting nextn'as ninrsea arrived on September 7. ami the ^ I ^hpapitala were turned over to them. , ^ huig tiina.>mt all in the^————————-~1~ ~ thanier were watehing with eager eye*
try ia alanit A per cent. A pieee ]>mperty that will ytold 6 per cent over and al»ve laxea and insurance is a rat­tling g»s»d piece of property. On the same basis the man wjio can earn $500 a year is worth $lU,U0U. Tlie man who can earn $1,000 ia worth $80,000. Tf.e iitdi vnlual who can earn $2,000 is worth $40,000 to his family. He is really «iuitc a vnlualde piece of property and hia wife sliould watch over him with a ten der ami solndtous care. As a financial ' pro|M»sition *lie can't afford to lose him. Many wive*, perhaps, do not realize the ini|s>rtanee of «-srio»r f«»e their hu»lMiiids until it ia too lute. Many tlioughilew* wives allow their husliands to exp*»*e up and building …e winter morning. I …. their huaband* to'
'sAd iwii^* biia take cliunces on strainuig tlieir Iraeks i i earrying in buckets of coal or pan* of • I water. Hiisbanda have no doubt been . I iiiirried into the sacrliarine subaequently ; ] on B«*etmnt of expoaure and neglect. Re* ' I iiieinlier, ludh*». that man who —
in packager ' groccri*
BI4 far the Bln fr'laht. ^New York, March W. H Gray, nutnager of the M'eateheater Ainletic club depfwitHl $500 with Dave Holland of this city in aupport of the club’* offer of $15,- OIKI for the Fitiaimmoos-JelTreys flght.
erl y.II v’ear is a valuable piece of prop* fare f«>r him temlerly.
Young .Mr. I*itt gazed at Miss IVnn deep admiration when she a|»peHred • |Mrlor, dressed for the theater.
o.Uy.^s«.lirUsting an4 j icto mb* wUb ll.ssi;^^**|wr‘'la**'E# wUb 1
Many of the trnata contimir to raiae prieea—bnt not wages.________
II the stsA- wait on a aofi ankaeemerl to take n long tiine.>mt all in the Well, Mina Penn," said the .voung man,, EXCELLENCEtheater were watehing with eager eye* “i nm*t say that you take the cake."to aee what we«U ceme »rxt. Suddenly Ihule cake?" refdied the maiden, aby* | .
*■*- s£=r^.;long timeTRY ALLBir A tsiwder to be At this sras4Mi yo« you* and uiieiim!
weie sitting next „.jth deep ad mi ratin the |Mrlor, dreascu lor me inemrr.Well, Miaa Penn," said the .voung man,, EXCELLWCE OF SYIUP OF FMSthe cake. . .—–^ -’-*o the originality nail» Mio combination, bat olno in nhoui ■ ^ ^ which It to
•No,- ..me "«wt w.n Inu. the shoes.. Ileve in legislating on ll»e drink nly, an- ——————–r–;—^ —
Carmawollen and sweating ^ him enotigh to be an employer, and the ^ avoiding the worthleoafeet, bfistem and 1 non drinking ein|doyer* won’t give him a imiutiona monufactored by other par-
—– —————————— ———————————— ' ro».TIA Fl«Uin cure for f hilbtoU)*. Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have «>ver thirty thou- Miid testinionia'* Try it today. Sold by ai I druiodsfa and ahnoatores for 25c. Trial package FKEK. Addraaa. Allen 8. Olm- atedTLe Riy. N. Y. _____
———————————— ’ roEXiA Fi« Stmup Co. with the medi-“No, air.•’ eaid the grerai', “I ran t chalk ^ proferakm, and the aafctofoetioa. Ibis up. IWl you aee that aign there, which tba genaine Syrup of Flga boa ‘So Tniat?'" ' glean to mlHiona of familieo, mokea
bi?**r***r*^ n»*aa*J*a ir*is***^• M* wMfeBM*** of lb* O^nUo-Drtnsrr,
ouria** tb* M**4. eursa ■rahllU *a«
Mrs* MAROAHEr I- rHAX^EW_____Ml*.t Cbanl^ providing iiteana for n- tlnnlog the rental and ruoalog ex-
acTTa Ri*t”N Y ~ TnirtT ' glean to mlliiona oi immuioa, ibmww^;——————– "Yes. ye*. ’ aanl Strapped, “but 1 | tke name of the Company a guarantyI)kl he threaten tol«amit stimide wlien * thil. It uke* no clumces and know* what it can do.
-rtn^. fnrwardeil tlw letter to the “How^^^ “I'Secivury of >Var with a very appr^ta ahall never marry."§• replietl. live Indonwiiieut. ami Secretary Alger —aildcd his approval and sent U to Con-
In order to get ,——————————–nberWrite it down in a bk, *o you eaa I the CompanyWrlta It D«w
Hearts are stronger Memtcll l*hillip^
Enlarged PnM Cured
o*t Powerful *nd I ** y‘»0 a riti ling Remedy tor ^ it every Cmtmrrb, ! w ith it and
_________ will aura *sf sake or p*lB kBOT
•WAHaONRMlUMA————————-iai and IM tawaa a
Ume BaeJt or Lumbago write it down. It d.aa ito bast (toy. that St. Jaetdia Oil U to^aa behind a cure that
Detroit UMfl to Imve .* lawyer wu«A yming polk oner before th«
tTIC OURKOO. R.. CMaaoa.
had to take a pris* magistrate, and after then^ shrewd tmough-tu sliow niempt Elf comn without Incurring danger of.,«ir7««'!rn which «.yU tun.,vlalKnl upon an ofTcmler lean mpio ha.! nitv on
trial convey him to the eourt prison. He hod neier Iwen In the building Iwfofe, ami «t«s»d in the corridor with hi* char|R,
The enormous growth of the urapge cul­tivating indnatry in (’alifornia in recent ! years is demonstrated by the fa7 9R the shipments aiiHHinted to 47tlO car*.
T«*mmy-* Mamina, why have you got
aa It acts on too Kianeya, «ver aw bowels withoat IrriUUnir of weokan- iaf them, and It does not gripe nor oaoseate. In order to get Its bcnetciol effects, ptooae remember the name of le Company —CAUFORHU HG STROP CO.SAJI pnAsciaoii. oslOMnaTiixn. ocr. .nawTaRR,*.^
imSfMartc. s*d **s h.. *sk>*
M|Hi’* hair iu a UK-ket? Hisrootlicr- To remind me that he oner had some, Tommy.-Travelers Wckly _________________________________
t-m Buah 8t. A men- [OPEN LETTERS FROM
vlairinl uptm an idTcmlcr Iran dlpl^ offender hod pity rni him andmalic He waa at one time being heard you."-4’hiin an Imptirtant matter liefore the Hu . ^ *iweiue ftourt, and made an sa^rtlon «. u. i.«i ..koo
m lauui , matin' iwebtlia.
. Room and board j Jonni# & Orowk Bad IDb. HorTY rooms SO cents to I HOldj.,*.«« yer. »m,. meals 7* e-nt*. Frea 1coach. Chaa. Montgomery.
I |MI Upon a legal (iitestton ! nlBBt R
periods for aeven years, and tried nloanni everything I over heard i_______________________wlthont any benellL Was iroablod >aptece. They are in demand f«r de. orativo puipoio*. birttoiayany benellL
I Court declalou*.’’The moat cutllng thing he ever aald, A Ilerliner haa asked the permisskm of; ' ………………………………………r . J ; the l.**al authorities to ostoldish a publicto thl* same court was during the coo ] ^ anlmoU. He believe*i sldormtloo of a doaporte case In which ^he bod not a leg to aland on. He made , i tiold contention which was fallarioi.*
:>ul plausible from begluulug to endTo C arr a Cold •• 0«o Day.UI from U-kIuuIux i.. -nd. …………………am“Blanks" sold ibe court, B«*vcrely. “I druggist* r.fa»»<i mom) if it fsii* to cur*. »c.rould not try to extuvert the average j ——————-—; ;; ^with such au or-of the i»ea aa that."
Mb. H. L. TRrgnLo. «fe,M*hmao UI ni«ag«M*r*n i»r luumi in im- «•-Arkansas, In fnet, he look* a* youim s* n niun •if alily year*. For a«ore iiiau ttflern year* Mr. Trundle wa* • *l*vr to pro*o»t»r «lliien*e. Toa men who an- aflUirt««l know whsl It i:.ean— tha day* of unre*t, the nights of tortiav ami uaebaluea*. the iiain. the fn-quent rail* to pn*- walar and the Inahimv to do m, lie n.ulri scaeoaty getalsiiit the house, feeiilc. trembling
{Uiiieot“.Nor I." wa^lhe quick reapooae. “bat I had what 1 conahlered reliable In- ftynnatloD. ihat none of the Uonorable menibeni of thia lionorable ant of his age were agslnst him. Vet sixty days of conUnuou* use of the VfaaMNis Aoleeat-Allersn* method cured him.aaad Holeeut AHenms. a new.vnethod treatumat ItUdeserlhed In two nicely written U*.k* whichP'L'r.r.si^rir-.K s;^.7 s^SSs un »ho«lvertwo nolurip*or8ick*n T«c*tirise* you, v* will ivklllone ms
• j

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