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Tk* »N»I I4«k* MM* *fk**I •»» M*»M*M fW J«lr M t*UM.M.A »*f«M fc* «M* MMtf imU^Ttt •» tk* UakM MW tk* IU4 ruk M*a Tk* 4l»Mt*i» •» th* C«*TO« *Mi»t» Mr. »* h* k*M M 0*Jdw*U <Mak*r * M 11, k*r1*t*4 MM W W*pw« » W*Btr *«klkH lot tk* l/*«l*t** lUeU Pair.|i«l«r Oaatlaaa. aa ol4 thnar of Flon
mEai’uiiiionmWaathoToelHcrolBlA, M aloM, li eopabli of aO tlial,"*Tmmool7 niarfead br bonebM In■ * <y»*itly
on n inxT thikteu wua.
ft I* alw«7« rodleallj and ponnan
mJ^iHooifs SanapariUaWhlob aanla all hamora, cnraa all trap-OMtiMA *k Old ttaor of mo«- "• —
■ r‘~=!,r!r=.%K5:a total of about load.Y J. T aidloy and Imw CaiW barn1 fraatad a fraaeWa^ for t® yoarf <la upr rail a wmUrwor<a aad aloctric light ayutoBi tn Bt. Anthony.Pnrmoro ara busy on A«oncan,^i- Boar. Burnt Pi* and PoUabeh rldf on. aad ua alatoot arory farm a blndar
MP oM*4;4Miuch# rew^rratione—waa hrfUB h*re Mauday morquqj. So public evaat ia ymra to the •oJiJiatat haa at- traeted ao much atteutioo aa thia eoe- the toiliauon of a new method of dtapoe- tog of govemmeni landa. One hundred and atoty aevea thouaand perwna, eeeh aith I chame to II of wtoning a home- atead, watebtd the event here ia raUty at a diaunce, for the—–'•— ———-from everv aUU to the Uawa.The dmwiug took plaoe on a platform
a*oM>vrlt Will Attend.Denver. Cok>., July 29.—Vice Prealdent Rooeevelt enn not attend the reunion of the army of the Phillppinte to Salt Lake, Auguat 13-15. In a letter received by Ueneial Irving Itole he deettnea beeaum ol >ma of CBgagwnenta."
The man who keep# hlapunctually loaea a lot of valuable time waltlag for tho other fellow.■eitt*a aeUeel.ilae Ceanty. Cal., vtth .age, aerfaot ellmatn tbiMWOgh J^Mtruetloi |rank. w. eMsia. CmmwriinalaaL
■eitt*a aeU4at Menlo fark, Man MatoeHi beaiititel. rirmuadtaga, aareful«aat«Wlaberatortaa.aad fjrnni ^ ,Maintain* lu In the (rona ranks|ah^ly»efJ>cTs^^^ raclie Ceaac laa <h
The five Urgwt cltiea of EngUad. ex- eloaive of liondon, are aa follow a: Liv-
arpool. diatrict ia Stephen A. Helcomb of PauU Valley, I. T., and .o. 2 ia Leonard Lamb of AuguaU, 0. T. Phe LMt P10.000.Kaaaea CSty, July 30.—A apeeial t<‘ the hur from Oklahuma City, O. T., aeya
la ea laVerelew Be BelaCee BewBe An* •ampHeheU Whaa Mnnp Oihaea ■eve railed in On.Jnek Willtoma. of No. 401 Delh* wnreairoet, anyn tho Knnana City, Ifo., Journal, to well known aa na en*
terprtoing newt agent and a thorough­ly reliable man. He had been a auf- lerer from kidney trouble and endured
Mmervu McClinUn k, aged 25 jk (Ity, drew claim N Lawton diatrict at £1 Reno.OklalioBMi
huilt lor the purpose in the open air ' 9 blocks frum the center of El Kcu.-. A^.viintad at tha loot of aeverwl amall hilla, which formed a perteotjamphiUieater, the platlorm waa tha cynoaurc of theuaanda uf eyca. People occupied every inch almost of the epece around about aito every movement of the govermuent ol^U on the apace below was watched with
the moat intense totorert. ttonday waa spent quietly. But aa nigiu imc on and the hour for the actual
montha for the morrow’s event, or bad eomt Uouaanda of nuleo at the tost
“^^**keyil toT hifTlel^, ^t withal.
Every would provi Many Uy
thouaanda were cheerful and hopeful. Every one aaemed couddent that hi. rove the Incky number, ly dowi
Throw Phrale In Ihe Dnwslronatlpatlon Is iraalsd by an Intsntlnal sn1 llvTi stimulant. !*»•»»«•. ay«tl*. -yc.^ i*at—Oaacorass Cna<ty Cnthnrtic. All dm« lac. Be, ioc._______________In rire, not counting eolonieo. the Eu­ropean powera stand in thia order: Run. aia. Aualha, Germany, France. United Kingdom, luly. ___________
0»er 7000 men deserted imm the FVIdcIi army last year. Great BnUin'a nv^ for deiertion to under 300 to one year.Moihera wiB find Mra. Wtnalow’i ..if 8vrup the beat rainedv to umtor their obll^n during the Meihing period.
Alvin Richmond waa fatally ^ Taklma City rmmnUy by Mm. IL H. Brhffl-r Mr. Richmond waa an old dV laon. He waa drunk., Tho Blka of Tneoma have made prop- •mtlona to cam for 150 500 atrangora daring the great atreet fair and carnt- Tal they will give Auguat 14-24.Pullman to now ao eompletaly our rouBdod by grain aUttona that tho town will probably not rocoivo more shMM Valf na mueh grain na la former^*Fi^eoeor C. N. Sherman of Bnohomr tab waa elected aa a member of tho ex­ecutive commlUee of the National Ed­ucational aanoclatlon which recently cloaed Ita nnnnal eeeelon at Detroit.
Harveet to well under way la the wemem part of Whitman and the e^ «m part of Adama counilea. anS the grain to equal to the early expecUUona. both aa to quality and yield.Most all the aUte offlclaU harre tmaa- ferred their hendquartera from the former state balldlng In the McKenny block to the new aUte capitol building, formerly the Tbumton county (^rt-^^R^^tly Alfred Hughes of imvea- port received a poUU digger which to said to be the only one weto of Dakota. The machine to poltod by six horaea and will dig and sack 10 acres of pota­toes In a day. _ ^At Colfax the Eagle roller mllto have rioaed down because there to no wheat to triad. Tho mill will mmaln Idle until the new crop of ^**®**.®®“*“ Owing to the lack of wheat all tho tollU Id tho <Pnloimo country have cloaed
More wheat will be harveaUd thli MMon In the Harrington wheat belt than has ever been harveatad In one oeneon before, rarmem am confident I yield w» work and the actueJ drawing was delayed over two hours.Tha first envelope token from the w h«e contoinad the name of James of Wmtheriord. O. Tr who had fegtotered lor a homeatead to the Lawton diairKt.Mattie M. Bealt of Wichita, Kan., whose blrthplaee ia Miaaouri, drew No. 2, also to the Lawton diatrtot.The multitude went frantic over the an­nouncement, but became quiet toatonily,
engaged to making steel coatings is formed. The nucleus of the combination is the American Steel CJaating company of Uieater. Pa. The capitol is to bt up­wards of 815^.000, wiU the proapeet that the amount will ba increaasd consid­erably later on.Roherta SauwlV Uwwew BwakrapC.Minneapolis. July 28.—Chicago credi­tors of the T. M. Roberto supply house in voliintarv bankrupt pratw^tog before Judge Uehren to the United Stotc court secured the apototment of Charles _M. Way and Frank W. Shaw ns receivers.VO CtJRB A COLD TV OVB DAT .ake Laxwttve Bromo Qnlnine T^Meto AU tnuKlau ratund the money Itil Misl^e. n. W.Oiwv#*SJl«naiar«isoaenflhboa. Do.BalclUe at Hailey, lAaha.Salt Uke, July 29.-A special from Hailey, Idaho, says that John O’Brien, a butcher of that place, was arrested on a charge of buym atolcB cattle. At hia ekaminatiaa a strong c Rather thanto jail rmultii
mtoary examiimUoa a strong made agatoat him. Rather than go Jil he shot himeelf in the bead, death Ittog almost toeUntly.fOtf BROW 1 When von lakeWHAT TOV ABB TAKIJIB
Bfn:acreArInwM rmwwk LmAs.Washington. July 80.—According to bulletin issued by the census biirenu .., there are 58118 farms to Arixona, with ttl acreage of 1^85,327 acres of which 254A21 are improved. Of these larme 1708 owned by Indiana.
liable man. He had been n auf-____from kidney trouble andeodurud
much pain from it until ruountly, I twhenhe tried Dr. Willtoma’ Finka.w .ui. N*/.*** waa entirely and permnneiitly cured. To a reporter he said:’’For two years 1 had pains in tha back constantly, causing mu sarioaB inconvenience. But 1 did no8 at­tempt to do anything for my com- plaint until the latter part of las8 winter, when I saw an adverti Dr.
■*/ IeV
Lawton aiMrics —nurried here Sunday, and by thia act ha* forieited her right to ntoke a homeatoad entry. Her chance, it U aeUnuted, would have been worth ilOJJOO. She might have choacB a claim near a county seat town. •To Baceeed Lor4 Kitekeuer.New York, Ju^y 21*.—A di*p-tch from London says;It ia freely rumored that General Lyt-
UcCoa wiU aucf^ed Lord Kitchener aa onmmander ia ciiief of the British foroaa to rieuth Africa. General Kitchener, it may be awumed, will not be recalled until the end of the war ia at last ia mght^ ao Lyttleton’a tpak will be paanve and adminiatrative more than belligerenLGeneral Lyttleton did good work under General BuUer to the eerly days of the • ar. but roreatier Walker and Methuan ire aenior to him. Neither of these men ia, howevvr, Ukely to be appointed, and it must be mid in Uvor of the choice of Lvttleton that he haa distinguished himsell in civiMifa____________Capture ef Iwswrueala.Manila. Aug. 1.—Thirty-four insurgents,
a majority of them armed with riflee, have been captured by the First cavalry in Ba- tongn province.The insular government haa saved 82f,.0U» by the passage of aa act virtuaUy decUring the atone quarries at Marivelen, in Ihe Batman provide, public domain, and authoriring the ntiluing of the aUme bor ii
of Dr. Williame’ Pink Pilla for Pale People and decided to ess wbaS they would do for me. I was rsliuvud within one week sftw I ksgsn toking them ; the pains disappeared and so •ompluts was the cure that 1 have not lojand it nsosessry to take furtbsv treatiMt nor have 1 been troublsi at all by the disease ainos.”Kidney complaint is an inskliio«B First come almost nnnoticuduieeaee. r irw» cvujv whiiom* uuuv**v«« Mins in the back and some slight in- don veoienoe. The paine grow gradu­ally wore# and the inoonventoooB
greater till finally, if not given medi­cal treatment^ tbs person auffsra awful
in the harbor improwmen company claimed t title to the quarries.Spanish
have established____________ I •R»nlMl«> Killed Two Men.Ukiah. Cal., .luly 29 —A threshing ma­chine exploded at .Anderson Valley, kill­ing two men, William Rose and D. I*, lirir. Much grain waa destroyed by the fire foUow ing the expkwtou.a ■toMokllas •« Tnmanwt W oqooiKaperimeiiis in France have proved oon-inciMn.aud the Kreiuh believe they are eertain to play a rule of mueh importence in modern warfare. It U odd lo note the different u*es mi which nature and ecieaoe •re out. On the baiileneld they hghi for the destruction of life, while inroughout the coniitrv. Hosteller's Htoroach Bitters tif hts !• preserve it. For liAy yeaw the Bitters has Seen curing dyapepsia, tndifes- tlon ci»n»ti|iaii«n and bilioMiiess. It will prevent nialana, fever Bid agna
F. Wellington Rnekatuhl. tke wall known Bt. Louis sculptor snd soera- ury of the National Sociniy of Sculp­tors, haa been appointed a director of
senlpturo of the LouIsIsba imrehass sxposlUoB.Tka BMt rtw—Hpaaar Sav Slataesa
Flattery Is k mi purpose.
torture aad bsoomes unfit to follow his ordinary ooeapation. Blood pois­oning seU in, the constitution to wrecked snd death often reeulte.Mr* William etook the one unfailing . jniedy and waa readUy cured within a few weeks. Hia statement was •worn to before Lionel Moiee, a no­tary puVilic, and thf facts sbovs will bear the most searching investigation. Dr. W illiame’ Pink Pille for Pato People will not only effect a cuiu in cases similar to the one above, but, acting directly upon the blood and erves, are an unfailing siiecifio for jchdiaeaaee aa locomotor^laxia, par­tial paralyaia, 8t. Vitue’ dance, eci- atieW, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous hemlache, after- effects of the grip, palpiution of the heart, pale and sal­low complexions and all forms of weakness either in male or female. At all druggiata or direct from Dr. Williama Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Price 60 cents per box; sixH'
Slew Hcalliig
W’iiU nch, pwu, ■frongbleofi one ia never trowbtod with eoren or ulcere. A eut or any injury ' the flesh heaU to a few daj_ ____________a few dave.
Bl« Strike la *rvlMa.Sen Francisco, Aug./l. — The labor
troubke to thia city reecled their culmina­tion wlfw 4he Citv Front Federation or­dered a gcMral etrike on the docks of Bm FYanci^. OakUnd. Mtaaion Hock lad Port Cdata, and to the city qf San Frnn- tuwo, to go into effect thia saoratog.
P«p« Waa KaockrS OwC.PeifiUeton. Ore.. July 2h.—The 15 round ‘ glove contest between Jack Pope and Toby Irwin waa held before a las^ audi­ence. and after fighting five foriqua rounds Irwin hooked Pope on the Je# sad tho latter went down and out.BBV XBB OK OITTHRMTS KOR CA­TARRH THAT COTTAinS
balm to the form of beahhy. »*rw ——– .ctTCulatioB 4a tainted with poisonous genna, h effete matter, a Alight scratch or abrasion
never can be w^nntil the system is relieved of tta terrible W tiea. With the blood ao contaminated, so deeply poiaon^, nlcerk beOe and eorea of every kii^ are apA to bccocne chronic end often devtoop tote Cancm.
Soree aad nloA are moot often canaed by poverty of the blood aad a weak aad alow circulation, brou|rkt on by kmg cootinacd aicknem. malariia poiaontog. tor^ liver, the use of merenry,^ whatever ia calculated to de­stroy the ritolity of the blood aad break down the coaatitn- tioD. These old chronic eores last sometimes for years, cat- tog into the flesh, muaclca, ttosues. aad even down into the booea. ———–*- ‘ ‘
MMsa Omv will So Is ta.^-*Msr-rS2S=.'’yr!:'xooBtalaa na mar——-
dans, a* tk* a to IW* food yos lUlI k CaUrrti
ChrtMT A Co. Tostnaoalala frot.Sold by dniaxisu. wr%em TSo pw bettla.Bair* >kmUy PtUa ara tea boW.Kathnn Church, a man of acholnrly ntUlnmenU aad the colleague ^ Blaine In the Maine legtolature. Is i —————— ———- Mlnnenp-_______-.a Blaine in the Maine legtolature. la now , V i ♦Ij,working aa atreet cleaner In Mlnnenp- 'SKk wnJ:Srn£L£? ' oil. te n .alary of 81-50 n day. – V Ton two trtse to Mot B»eln«w mad 1^ | ————————– iThe use of the mouqnito to to show J i–Ise to BoS Bn» m I – — — ^ I ————TM «** *f tn, mo*q>lt* to to M«* to.” 5? ' M Utot trooM*. «* Mt toWM* I. pro-toko yone modiolno, nnd In tho ekoeS anneo o4 portion to their elae. sevon montha It hoa oomnlately and thovomd^ ————————————–a^telit hoa’ oom^atel, nnd tho^;:^ ourodme. My lew la n wTtnaee todny ee to wkeS B. 8. B. wtU do whan token recwlnrly. The eetu hoa haniod enttrelx and my hoolth haelmpeo^ X M.J *0 p-to*… . Bon B46. VlnoAa, Mlea.aXre*^^h“. tax «« tbe eyijem that it i. hard for tba petkiR to
a a 8. It u an antidote for the aevefuR forme of Blood Pmson, te_v^
st'tT# vonlliWith boik. cmtmnclce. aoroeor ernptiona.of any
■toatoPi—COMPANY. ATl^WTA. O*.
Broocbltl* and CooaesiiiMtiuniaiui ••i.i.tinna. wfiit.i.T.P ' o. ■*• *»• •»**•
;7. ‘1
‘.r. ' ft
i • H:

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