

<4 ■
■fi-. . ■
Mrs. John Moetoe (continues ip |por health.
A fine Poland China sow for sale. /Dali at this oflBce. ^Honse, barn and two lots in peck for sale or trade, F. Dieterle.Jonins Dobson was in e stiiVti-d up on Oeutrul ridge.Mrs. J. ^Y.St^oaKeleft this week for an extended visit with friends in rtie vicinity, of Summit and Bee- aiau, being accoroiwiuied, by the children.Mr. Bryan BaysTie^ill not. enter into bond never to be a candidate for the presidency again. No bond is necessary—“his owu recogniz auce” will do nicely.This would lie a pretty good time for those directly interested to commeuce Hj^itatinglhe creation pf a new road district oat of parts of the districts lying east south and weiBt of Peck.The recent heated spell in Kan­sas prompted the Atchison Daily ! Globe to remark the other day: ♦‘When people go.toh—I they will Bay, ‘Why this is nothing compar­ed with the summer pf ItWl.’ ’’A family of screech-owls which inhabit the willows iTlong the cyeek is finding life anything but pleasant tjjese days. Rowdy is no good after cougar but he can • manage a screech-owl—if bs up a . |ree. j
1$ FiMi mum iiTii®'SENT IN BY ItrSTLING CO Ipointedlect a cemetery site ami reudef a report of t’leir operatioUH iu four we*‘ks. . Sev­eral have aunonneeti tiieir wjHinguega to douate laud for a cemetery, tliua ahow- iuK tbeir iuterei^t iii the matter.J. 13. Miller, Sylvan IVliller and W. 8. Pow ell- departed for the liarveat fields near I^iclaud early this vraek.The first piece of liax Ihrealied in Sao-
uyside i« said to’huve yieldtHi 22 biiBb- per acre. The crop belooired to Joe Fro*:t.S, iittH -18 tbreshinfr out tho goldeih
craiu at a lively rate this week. Rome fields of wheat are yielding as much as 45 bushels to the acre. ^ •Hoke Darrah made a buPiiicAi trip Moscow this week, retmiiiiig Jato Mon­day uight.Wm. Kight last J'ouday made a trip to Kendrick with garden truck.Judd King has lieeo on the repair list
during the past few days but the Ken­drick dentist has set him going again.E. M. Mnmford made a sale of a small
bill of sclumlhouse gooda to District 89
this week.
: Central Riige •S. Cnii* roturnea to LelanJ TImreday. committee to se- j jg improving vety
I ia?^'„aC beforea ^ j; oeiverat Lewiston,I S ben Touw.ut.nvibibgin J
'f ■'; —
slowly.Mrs. P.J. Laudon is recovering from her recent illness.Mrs. Wm. Toll has been very sick but is'improviiig.M.J. Steele is recovering from a re­
lapse taken a short time ago.Miss Daisy Reuter, baa returneil to Nezperce, after a short stay at home.Missee Minnie and Jessie C hapman have been visitiog on the ridge this week.Dr. Lyle and Len Magill, of Peek,pre guests at the home of R. D. Rogers
>unday. •Miss Mamie Picart has retnrnwl to Russell wliere she has been staying.Mns. A. .1. Rhortledge has returned homo from M(»bCow, where sbB has been visiting relatives.M. F. Miller, .ifter a short sojourn among us, Los now gone harvesting b> clothe himseif in purple and fine Jincu.J. L , Bowman iiitouds building a ne
house this fall. Very signiflc4int.The McBride brotln-ra started Uieir new Plano binder this week and iiig a land office Imsineas.V. Pnekett and T. A Holmes have just finished cementing their large *cis-‘ terns and are now ready for a rain.
The ]>arty at M. V. Pnekett’a last Friday evening was well attended. All fiCHihied to have a good time and lots to oat.TIjo hot wenUier has abated end crops are looking fine, the flax crop a little above the av^prage.Jus. Bowman wu.s ^siting old friends in Peek last Rnuday. Jim says its very bun
I Complete j
Stock I
Asse.s8or Boshofis going after delin- <picut taxes rtd-eyed. Peraonal property is Wing seized and sold in cases where
the di ljuqnent does nrit owu real estide.AssessiTik heretofore have never enforced
the law in nlafiou to Uie seizure of per- son.-d projierty for taxes. Asa result of
their negligence the books of the asses­sor’s offico show an ^ aceutnulaliou of about ST5.000 of ueliureev.u.m>.n-,pal effleera ut ! n. ..ra,,s„«..tly ‘‘ Tie .lec.,.ae,i .r.1^ years of „a-e ..nd
candidates wore jodjea and commiasiofi- ,i.„ jers of the elections.
this Hue renaember that I carry a fall aod.
I 0Evoi*y< liins [
– W.EOBGE W. JONES, of MclroM. Idaho* for the Lot* 1, a, 18,14.15,16 wc 10 twp "SSnrlwbm.• He names the following witoeases to 8 prove bis continuous reaidenoe upon, B and cultivation of, aaid land, viz: Seth WDowell, James M Burton, William Mas-, toe and Frank Reed, all of Melrose, Idaho. J. B. lyest, Regikter.
BY VIRTI EOFANORDER of the Probate Court of Nez Perae ('ronniy, Idaho, mado and entered on the 27th day of July. RKM. I will, in bbedience to the
said onler, receive bids and tenders np to and to include the 19tli day of August 1901, at roy place of ttosiness in |be town
i tJsnally found in a first class fur- ^ I iiitnre store. I, PRICES RIGHT. 8 8 —–<»—o—–
■RollieO.KirbylSal 0 a «ra ern Ufa ■ i a M ■
terest of the 1stR purchase :e Elleano
a IjotB 1. 2 & 3 in block 9; loU 1. 5 & 11 * in block 10; lot 4 A 7 in block 11; lots G 8 A 7 iu bliick 13; lots 2 A 10 in block 14; lots I A 2 in block 16; lots 4 A 7 in block 16; lota? A 10 in block 17;Idt4.block 18; lot 7. bhK^k 29; lots 4 A 7, block 30; lot 9, block 31; lot 4, block 32; lots 7, 9, 17 A 18 in Jilock 33; lots 8.9 A 16 in block 84;
lots 3 A P) in block 86; lota 2 A 6 iu blk 36; lot 1 in block 39; lot 1 in block 46; ■ lots 2 A 6 in block 47; lot 4 in block 48; 8 lot 8 iu block 50; lots 4 A 6 in block 61; 8 lots 9 A 10 in block .52; lots 3 A 4 in blk lots 2 A 10 i – – – -………………..______________ . »3A4in b5.5; lots 2 A 10 in block 56; lots 8 A 5 in block 69; lot 6 iu block 60 amj all of blk 61; lote 1.2 A 3 in block 62; lots 4 A 6 in 8 block 63; lot 7 in block the ap.
the weather since has not l)i?eu unideas- pgarance of his premises. Harry Spnug-
autlywarm. 1 gton is fast complgliug bis new buru.Opal Sperry ’s horse fell with her a§ We'are told by those by those Vbo she was riding through town Thursday, have been over the reservation latd^y Opal was cottsiderably bniised and shak- that the crops look finer on this ridge ken up but luckily was net otherwise hurt. fi,an the 8nrroundit.g ridges.
Wouder if Spmpson would have been j ' Ram Allen and wife made a trip – 80 eager * to shoulder the blame if the! American ridge fur cherries last week,
battle of Santiago had lieen lost, as he is ‘ They confirm the report that cherries •to rob Rchk-y of the glory of winning it? ' can be had.Trom there, for the picking.
Flovd Wullier. the dm, man. .8 Doi | ‘ Mr. Sultca had the miafortnae to loae the poaaeasorot a Uaadaoine .new back, hur«« laat week,with which he'w ill hereafter convey pas. 1 5 C. L. htodghUl is hauling lumber from
sengers to and from the depot. | Ihe Warlick A Rtrouse sawmill to build
The Kendrick Echo vouchsafes the in- “ IJranary . formation that the Preea is ahont to etia- IT™- Tnmelson .a one of (be nnmber pend publication. This is news to us. »kat will Ik aheeut dnrine (ho Larieat
season. ^Thomas Kirby went to Lewiston yea-; ———,7"^—7' u *terdav fo consult the fair management R yo^i want good goods cheap call at alKiltthe Kez Peroe exhibit. ^ Siiclborns’.
PULLMAN Eleeping Cars, ELEGANT Dining Cak • TOURIST Slesping Cars ,—TO–St. Pnal, Minneapolis, •Duluth, Fargo,; Grand Forks, Croukslou,: ^ Wiunepeg, Helena,;^ and Butte.
fhe {anions Percheron Stallion.Mondays-end Toesdays at Black Jjawt barn, Peck. Wednesdays and Thursdays at J. W. Thomas’ place pn Central ridge.^ Ballaupe of the week at my place on Bussell ridge.ef-All who wish to leHve inares to be bred aee 01 Fairley aboi^ pasture.8,A.P^‘5TER,Peck,Idm
The proprietors of the Blackhawkbarn ; ‘ ^ niiuister io*«^e8t Virgin-have added a mighty fine bucklx'ard to „,,,med three times. Her
Uieir livery equipment. ' ! Partridge; lier firatThe enterprising firm of H. W. Fhel- husband was named Robin, ber second bnrn A Co. have just shipped in 'a car of Sparrow and the present one’s name is Kendrick ttour. j Quayle. TherearenowtwoyoungRob-, ■ ins. one Sparrow and thr-e little Cinnyles.Mrs, E. 11. hairley this week returned Oue grafcdfather is a Swan and aether from an extended vi.sit with relatives in ^ he edead and now jrbirdOregon, – of Paradise. Tl»ey live on Hawk avenue,Groin hauling will commence iu two wVotTtlm alw^^ a lyre birdr three weeks. , and an intereai^ relative of the family.
To Chicago, WftshingtoD,Philadel­phia, New York, Boston and all Fuibls B-kSt ami South………..
'nmmgli Tickets to
via the
LOCAL TIME CARD.Arr^rom Lewiston…………8:45 a mArr from, Stuart………. y.. .2:05 p mDaily.except Sunday.J. M. MITCHELL. Agt., Peck, Idaho. A. 1), CHARLTON, As’t G. P. A.,Portland. Oregon
Harpf ss apd Saddle?
0^Gall and investigate.
Walker ft Son,
Ice For Sale.
Any quantity of Pound or ait. Will sell yon Wagon Load at
1 ct. per PoundFine Clearwater Ice.OL FAIRLEY . – – • – Feck. Ida
Da-Iiartnifut i.f th*» ioterior.
S.pU-mterl4.1901.viE.LULA WAIO). of Lerore. Waho, .
rt m pror*
Manga. Gr..„«K.. aU -J j
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ;Office in Shelbnro Building ^ PECK – – – – – IDAHO
Tlio«. lvii*l>y,PECK, IDAHO.Moat/ ToLoMt-if-
i- ;
'■iq ■f': ••I iitislieeo{|theX*eaceLegal papers drawn, all work given careful atteiitinii.' Office • with Peck Pi ess. , j
My Clvdesdale stallion .will make the season at Peck on Fri. days and Saturdays, beginning May 31. This hoise will give satisfaction. All his colts de-< velop into strong, well boilt ^i- mals. Come iu on the ahtfira date and let ns talk bnsinees.
Terms, $7. R. H. STEELP;..
EXPRESSFLOXD WALKER, Proprietor !AU work promptly attended to.Charges reeeonable………………… ;TOUR PATRONAGE IS 80LICITBP •
Hood’s SmapariUa wU. becanM l(
-ALL rrOUK G0ARAX TIBrU'M00Oiplbd»e.^lfEATCUeif,

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