

^'■f^^p^'^'i >f,!lPiOPr^i'f
ETverybody is Coming to the
FRONT I————–Wb«r« wt* bate joat opeomi «p »ilb a
mammoth new
SunnydleCentral Rilg*• pIcMaot •or4»l cattrrbiff
Of awthiii* in tfa wav of aaaMoabU wearing «4)paraJ that ii waally foviMl ia a fint etaM «p-lo^ate l>rj«ood* Btora.U
to wi>oH«d that Indiana violala tba j 'iusr« – k’»—~—————tom b, killiDC gaina oot of aaaaon j at M. d. Sbiato’. boma Saoday. Mr wd bat ia oar opiaiou tbar« are •oma pratty | Mm. RiDabart, Mr. aod Mrm. Uenoia Mo ^ ]i^t oolorad ••lodtooa" lading tUm-, Kay aod Mr. and Mra. ^>1 Fairtoy banigSTOOK “>»«• Babla for tba aaina oirao«a. praaootThaapaoial ootox4 etortiou t^atorday waa aaU altaadad and oooaidarabto baai- aaaa waa traaaaolfd A aeboollioaoa ait«
Wa oall apoetal attoatiou to uar linaa of
EM Schafter A Mark's esisbratsd maks. oods l*elUfr, cannot be bmton for fit su4QVirkAO T*'" DOUGLAS sboes for meoOnOoS gCEEN QCALITYfor women. Shoes for children. THOMI*SON S KID FirribO COBSEIS. Mascot Brand OLOVES, satisfaction guaranteed, fall and tee them.
ad aod tha deed aent off for
Them waa a haavy bail aad rain atom, usconpaatod by aooM wiod, swept thia ^tioaTnaaday night, bat no damegahaa been reported Theta wetaiaMgtooe terrtoea at the Steele aoboolbooee bnoday bebl by Bee. H<«kiae. A large – -. M»ia4w of our eitiseas are petitioo- for a aaw aebool diathot north of loyaide toward Oaveodtob. We hope they may be anooeMtal.Mt.aod Mm. Wm.Kigbt gave a tar- key dinner the 4tb. gaito a nomber of
relatiwea aad fneoda were preeent and the day paaaed off qgite ptoaaaaUy.' W|». Pbwell SMde a tlying ttip-to Teakaaaaod theaoa to Utood Satoiday.^ parobaaing a mowing maobine oa tbe trip.Mr. Oainer’4 •on. who waa oat wire vonie tinie ajp., to improriog and KID POOH be aruond again. orchard, iMmera Fergnaon. Darrah and See were ^ j <,i,„rtridge aad arils iuvs gone loelected OS budding oosaiuittee ^totardsy. ^WE GURANTEE PRICES HeybarreeUngiawell under way and Wea Tto.m.. to bsviag bia bouse new-yrc, I I-r% I the bam ot the tbrert^er wUI eooo be l ,„^^M,ebspiaan doing the work.Vi bsitaiij cTcr ofi^rred in this conntr3r before. ^^e invite tbs beswl in this part. ^ 8. Saodgraae toft Monday for Fairpoblic to oaU and ioTsstigais/
are ready to do business
Our new lines of Drvgoods, Fornisblng Oogds, Shoes. Hosierv, Toareling. Table Linens Etc. b*»^e srrired.
WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGEAll Goods marked'si Bottom Prises.
Vreaeni.T. A. llolama to getting ready to pst apsnewhoaas.('bertoy Jessup and tBmOj srs vtoitang with H. S.^Stanley's.Mr. Kerahsw bsa moeed bis store to Tree Rsgan'a ptoee.Mm. Johnem. eoo sad daughter, sad Mr.Jobna.ofNesperoe. wseein this vi- oinity Tnesdsy.Wea Tbomss bsa built s new cellar in ^tueb to store the product of hie gardene land
Asioe line of Casiaierea. OsUooee Ete.toeeleetfrom. Weiavitespe- aial atteotioa to thto lineSHOESM e carry tbs oelebralad Sago Lily Shoes for Bwo sod District 7S Shoes tor todies and cbddren.hosieryEearytbing in this Une to of aaperior quahty aad will give aatisfaetioo
Table LinenOur linm of Table Lmena. Napkins and Toweling ciintaiQ «ioly high gtadc goo to. Eiamine them.OVERALLSEverlantiijg brand, as atrong as4 durable ae are pat op anywhere.RIBBONSLacee. Itraida, Binding. Threads, Trimmiaga. Notioaa. Cotton Balling Gloves, blanketa Ftc.
Bl&cHmiiao Br©f.® C©
|diell)3 to fis |id |mi,
the bam of tbe tbreeber willthe bMKl io tbto part- J, g j;„odg^ left Monday for FairMr. Greene Norris has been aerionely j** Uaa: a crop of grain toill for some days.W. H. Puwell baa cootractod to W. A. Buck's engine tbto barveet.I barveat.
Every article in this stock was eelectod with a view to meeting tbe iMMediati dcBande of tbe trade. Tbe lieee are ooaplete aod every- ahiof eold at pricea that ei^aot be dieeowBted anywhere in
AngDl RidgePweent iadieations point t» a pbe- Domenal yield of ttoi in tbto vicioity. Tbe ttoa to thick upon the ground aod tbe atalka are supporliag an anasaally large onoiber of bowls, which are filUng nicely.
Fred Kay lor arrived at the home of bto brother. Jamee Kaylor. M'adoaaday,! baring left off wCrk on tbe Greet North era long enough to spend tbe Konrtli with old fnenda.I Mr. and Mra. Frank Lucas, formerly ! ef tbto vicioity but now of Oregon, are rehiioiof over the arrival of a pair oftwins.{ The following birtlia on Aogel ridge are recorded for thia week: To Mr. and
Mrs. Tube Tboruton, a Bon; to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dykes, a son.Miaa Mood StodgbiU came home from Abaabka tost week and mSBainedA
COMPLETE GROCERY STOCKOn band at all Umea SPECIAL BLEND COr FEE to exesOsot and sbonld be ueed in every booaehold.GOODS EXCHANGED for produce, higbeet market price alJowad.
Russell RidgeThe road ovemaer for this diatriot. Mr.Buebm. bsa about completed his work on the Oroffuo bill and to aapeoted soon to warb tbe road woikem of thia seotioo out to mend the highways. Tba Peck grade neede working bedly. • The Porter ruad to also to be bailt. There are up­ward of twenty men in thto neighbor- hood eligible to roed duty, being neither too old nor too yooug. A number .r. -.ill prob.blj- interested io the weather. Out day IGene Pair ben and Charley Plank re- hired a cab and the driver thrust m)e.of turned heme Wednesday from a several these bulletins in my lap. I have seen u«>’ hnoinM trio to Lewsstoo weatherfojinetins tied to tbe wire pn»-days buainesB trip to Leteieloo. | teetions which are around all U.esree.from John Mootoe stataa that at leant half Washington. They hang over the until I of bsa beans were killed by the front bo* office windows of the tbrai.r*. in
Mr. Miwtoe waa more mifortnoate in Une the A>or. of the store* simI. ' ……….-
INTEREST Of WEATHER.A roaellarttr wf tha Uattwaal ('weital Whloh Imeeasaad e W smbVUItas."There are some peculiarities In Waahiagton I never observed in any other city." said a woman on her flrst stay in tbe national capital, accord- the New York 8un. "Nearly
''l"lioey,PECK, IDAHO. ^
after the Fourth. mr. —— ——————————————————-…………………~ :Hwmnal Alton and wife made a trip to rospecAtban bia neigbbom. to tbe corridor, of i he hotels^ ou find
Hamnei Allen ana wire maoe a inp lo them in every elevator and I have ternColfax. Wa.b . this week. , Tbe Riobardaon sawmill la ranoing ri ,he7treet cars. In most eiliesI Moatof our petiptocetobrakevl tbe 4lb j Hrildilaat and to turning polite society UImkw weather a* a topic.^ ' article of lomlier. A planer will ahdrtly Washington it is kept before yenk-. insrhinarT heiaw tiow on
Harry Springaton to erecting bnro.
Ice For Sale.
_ n quantity of it. WUl sell y<n U ftinad or a Wagon I l-house (bwcrjiied sa follows, towit; Sixe24fl. bv 3».ft.. lift. big»i. studding arch oailiog. to be ceiled inside, sheeted ai^ ctivered with rustic on ..iilaiJe, ehinglc nwf. double li.Hjr. S larg.. *doors, stage and au»enx»n», chimuey, well lower, and painted inai.le and onC Tbe
Hoard rmeiTca the right to any
Dafrd this 2Hrd day of June. 1901.I N THE PRO HATH ColDtT OK N KZ Henry SuBimera,. who oea»e over from | perce Count), UoJio Io the matter M.WO.U-. Foartb. M.U. lh.1 B…, ..f tb.cbri«-«. cb.-b. 11^,. 5;;,2r.s53a series of meetings at klclroae. begin- i , _ w. E. Ratciiffe. tbe adminietrator
TWsragh Tieketa to FAPAH ami china . via tbs
northern pacific steamship CO.
* local TlMffCASD.Art bam Lswtolon…,………….»ri6amA*V ftoiS •ssrt. …^…………..MyascuflBwifiwJ.M MnCHELL,^.^.ld^ p. CHAULTtiN. AaT O. P- A.,FortUod,Orefoa
4 by c ItyllfotasI with Hsedq ttaraasartiA
FABIERS, ATTEHTIORI.. .fter July 1st 1 will have . .. PFRE33
Grey EagleAll who want to leave mares to he bred wUI be fnrntobed pasture by 01 Fairley at raemnabtonitcs. After July 1 Grey 'fEagle will stand on Moodsya aad Tn«s-
day* at Peck. ednmdays and Tbnrsdsy* at J. W. Thomaa' place on Central nJge and ballance of week at my place. Kuasel ndge. Poatera later. Grey Eagle's oolU are all gray and all same buUd, which
. series of meetings at Melrose, begin uingTburaday.Joly 11, and ooaMnaiug over Snnday. There will be a basket dianar Sunday.H. R. Crawford arrived in Peak fr. m Colfax Tburaday to apead tbe Foartb with old friends. While here lie received the gratifying intrihgMioe from Colfax tbatbia iosaiaiioe policieo ware being paid up, which wUI enable him to get into busineee again. We did not learn Mr. CJrawford'a plana for the fntuso, as be left yeflerday tor a trip over the rsa- enrabou.
deceased, baring filed in tbto ooart bis
netitiuD duly verified, praying f*Iwbed in said village of Pack and aoaaty of Ne* I'erae, being neareet tbe iosabiy aa aitoated. lathofJnne, 1901.. b. haxa*, ProlMite Judge.
leiitty did Mcft .fwt type
SoWribe (or Tbt ?pf«i.* figoafk iM to fill oat
Departmaotof tbe Interior
L«nd M. Nwl-4«#l-4. Nal-*Nwl-4 It tp 30 n r I » btiua nf. *aid land. vi» i Sartos A llesg^ Jann^ K..g-n aud Ir* S Sparry. aU of Peek,
Idebu. and JobsFp Jana S Ip July IS.
notic e to cdntract …
l»2iiraateas lasarva the right to rriatA Shy
'Sli'RlirAN PABST. o» n.iMoa. Idiko.
for tbe ne'asel^ ase 6 aod nw>iew'« sec 5 twp % n r 1 w b m.He oamee tbe following wiineeeee to prove bis cootinaona rsaide«»oe upon, aod oultivatioo of. said land, vis: Georg*‘ ?p=j’.^‘i!r3Beensan, Idaho.
NOTIIB FOR PKBLICATIOR Dapartmont ol tbs IsUrtor.s.ldsho. JuseS.lSOl. „ thattbahllloaiBC SaSi- .oiirn of kis intrntioB to ort of btortoini. sad taar ooio uruui -I.. ». .aada hofura tha Bog- totoraso Roroimr at l>a«iatun, Idaho, eobenjamin r BASBOB. of Btorta. Idaho. M>th*NalABwX 4. Npl-dfial4 ssc SB tp SB" Ha as»*i tba lollowieg aitnassa* to prov* <os roai-toaer apoa. aad ewltiva- laad.via (TialaiarF. Bloahsrt. .MvhaK. John. W ThMuas aaa
Hood’s harsaparilla eelto because MCHEAT CURM*
bto eoatisooastion of. oa'd laNaaato B rifUala E Th
C4%va*a Tear Itawala With t aorari£5i’ i;rs^-.”'3rs:.r.:iz.':

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