
August 6, 2017 0 Comments


ilWEROE i-CriF^ROfrlrr.' -. i tt>'Time worke wonders and mftn/ [ changes. Thw .tl^ierce City ' ^ passed from the 9ilent_ wild^rnC^, whose quietu4?:>w only ,h^d% by the cry ofto the'/!^pl»Htan h^rteeming .thqvfltond^ b^kto the scattqre^ ca^mis^ ^ 'miners who were' not '_lure.d ftWgy by the enchfuating repoirts of other fields,^d if the pre^nt indications* of the. hour hand are right e»d the I ■■•many prophets are-truly – ^piredj
Pierce Gttyrig-again on the eve of adorning herself with her golden
mantle, and again, assuming her
proper place apaong the cities of Idaho—at the head. Pierce is the oldest town in Idaho. Gold was
first discovered here in-* 1869, in I what is,known as Canal Gi^lch. The. dis^verors returned to Califw- ,nia to winter, andin‘the^ spring of I860 returned with a party of >Welve, having kept tor themselves the fact of the discovery. That year Pierce was founded. Again,[ as the fall and winter of 1860 began j to. approach, thoM.who . had; been 'working in the camp returned to
thquand dollars ip gold _ dust with them they were unable to l^p their,
rich find any longer a secret. The •result was that the news flashed
world. Hundreds of mm who onlyremained m the camp'y^ portionenable to carry duV wiih rich resources, ftight ^ M door
The minM»l we»lth.ol the';K«ii»
werethem from $^000 to: 180,DOO m the result of ^ their Ctiro years of labor.- ^ .; Ihere is lioig ques«^|t^what hear^ture what she was hr >81 and- m A
is to.be found the ei^nrive . trtiite ^ine beh over which'the syndicates fee bedn s^l^g for tW. two yearsa- This is re^sented .as
away. For several ' years pMsed valtm as it stands of frdm |20 « ,the .iiortkw*!. Stock raising comes in for xts riiare
of ^sideratm^ ranges afford­ing gfl^ grazing during the greater
portion of' the year. All .of ; th& cereals and fruits of – the middle states .ca^h be grown here in abund­
ance. ' It is only a questioh of a
r TO^jASpon. ..
The view represent- ha here is one thaken. : : last year of Pierce, the Queen City of the ’’Gemof the Moun-
tfinB.” we giveymi his view of Pierce now anetiV6r, A^rGold Dollar an^ tto^ a survey, made last fell, it is . 'shown that this >gro^ «Otw and uhbioketi.T^UiM^^ ridge from ^ Oroto creek‘ to RhOedes cre^k, Wlfefb fe loeafed the"alrea< Hau^, the o^f'bf the'^ 4- ; v aud Denver, hak been busy for: the ^ pafrtjfejrnum^hero^ in 09,. tbe^,As]^n. ^ve,:it in for a distant offS(Qr!fe6t,l'()0of whi6hAro^^#l^^^^^l80 4feet he has criyfeMV his I^',^sebnr-; " ‘ ing both walls Snd/toldifig «lreive feet of ledge..matt«. IJfr- face of the tunnel |^ |lm ore^;th^ shows up the miheraV in a; sariVaetb^, man^ fe the o^er arid the assay returns ♦aeiUo^te the fact that thelfee' is-bf’a -ybry high ^ade. ; TheAspfenralobgwkh v,the,otherprope^e§:ment jjthe .maldng of a very riqh and. de- want't6 di8'p6si>W; g6 at i« k^^ get ' in as go<^;condition as iwreflite for , ilMipectfonr if you, -have a good , prospect, there wUl,. be plenty^-of ^ opportunities to disp^ of it4his ■ summer to a gbbdi’kdvkritage, but ■ no toan vriimrO in > av iy i^propbsitibn, where everything is on the ."blind, ^ete, arsv plenty of 4 properties, on' which a few weeks a -ffltenc u. it« AMk of hti^dredfl, if not thouH-
.4 4 ;-r
. ..yn .'.v.ibi-r-, . . ■ '•
Idaho that cau q^er
a. If you have a; few
his the use bf leaving .
– H andmake a^ortune.^^^
tSMSgJ*terms. Thousands of • • acres,,. yet unknown- are opetitothe proa-

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